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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Nice work so far, I like how you've integrated your system inside such as small space. Not sure if there is any way to reduce the noise, whether it's the motor or the gears. Although the final assembly and enclosure will help alleviate it somewhat. The method used with the 1/48 is interesting in that the movement is more fluid/advanced, but just look at the size of the unit barely visible underneath. While it's high tech, it seems quite large and impossible to place inside the 1/48. He found a method, whereas your project seems much more feasible. Good luck and looking forward to updates. At the current rate of technological advancement, I bet we'll see actual transformable valkyrie toys in our lifetime should there be an interest in the future. We already have large scale cars and a valkyrie that have limited transformation.
  2. Amazing project, so realistic, reminds me of when I was in the US Navy. Green is my favorite color, and I love the appearance of your valkyrie. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next. Everyday I look at my stack of Macross model kits and want to start building again, if I can just get over this initial trepidation. Thanks for the inspiration!
  3. Hello, Happy New Year to everyone and thanks for viewing my thread. The VF-1AG (Armored GERWALK) always appealed to me, most likely because I love military tanks. The initial project was around (15) years ago when we tried to create a removable armor set for a the Yamato 1/48 VF-1. Unfortunately the MW member (Fulcy) who was working on the scratch build wasn't able to finish his work. I was of course disappointed and lost interest over the years, but never forgot about it. In 2017 I decided to give it another try, and contacted my long time friend Carl (wwwmwww) since he has the only known 1/100 VF-1AG resin kit in existence. He has quite an amazing collection and this particular kit is one of rarest of the rare. Just finding pictures is a challenge, and Carl was nice enough to allow me to borrow his kit. Lastly, I appreciate the coordination and assistance of Shawn who was informed of the project from the beginning. Another longtime MW member and trusted friend (Tom) agreed to receive the kit and make a copy so Carl's original could be returned. Unfortunately the very small garage kit company has been out of business for a long time, and their resin recasts weren't well done. I doubt they made very many, but there was a lot of pin holes, a few blobs of resin, thin/missing sections and so forth. We were able to make color pictures of the kit's photographs and inserts as well. So, the next issue became fixing everything and I came up with a list of upgrades so our VF-1AG would be unique/improved. Most of them were able to implemented, and we're happy with the results. Here is the list: 1.) Hollow metal gun barrels 2.) Grind out just the cockpit (pilot, chair, instrument panel, clear canopy from Bandai 1/100 VF-1J kit) 3.) Drill out any resin gun barrels (main cannons, hand cannons) 4.) Metal antenna both sides top turret 5.) Brass rods/pins so the cannons can elevate 6.) Gun pod and hands (Bandai 1/100 VF-1J kit or Bandai Gundam style hands) 7.) Replace stubby/damaged VF-1AG wings if needed (Bandai 1/100 VF-1J kit) 8.) Shoulder missile launcher doors opened and missiles inside 9.) Decals (Bandai 1/100 VF-1J kit) 10.) Main turret able to rotate We ended up with a VF-1AG based upon the original, but with new parts plus many hours of repairs. The updated version was then recast with a high pressure pot to create a new molds free of defects. Please keep in mind that the VF-1AG was loosely put together for pictures, the positioning of the arms/legs can be better. Our next goal is to improve the stance to achieve a downward tilt of the nose as well as placing the legs into the preferred "A Stance". Personally, GERWALK mode has always been my favorite since it's what defines Macross to stand apart from other anime with either airplanes or robots. I enjoy collecting Macross resin kits, but all along my goal was to make available a removable armor version that could be attached like the GBP-1 sets. Before the armor can be created, we needed to have a 3D representation of what a VF-1AG is. There is only one known line art and only one super rare resin kit, but I overcame that obstacle. We've now proceeded further than the initial attempt and have spoken to parties interested in working with me to have the armor set created. At this point I'm considering to make it for the Bandai 1/100 VF-1 Hi-Metal line first, just because they have a nice sculpt, good price, easily obtained, and it's cheaper/easier to start with a smaller scale. If viable, we could then move on to the Yamato 1/60 Version 2. Of course all of this will require a pretty big investment, so hopefully there is some interest in owning a new and improved resin kit of the VF-1AG in 1/100. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts and suggestions. After more than (15) years of waiting, I can now proudly display an extremely rare design. My feeling was to make a Max & Milia VF-1JAG set to compliment the Bandai VF-1J M & M Hi-metal valkyries. I owe my thanks to Carl, Tom and Shawn for making it possible. Sincerely, Christopher
  4. Amazing job, the pilot looks great and thank you for the information about resin casting!
  5. Great article, I was so excited when the VF-9 Cutlass was mentioned. It's funny, but I was just thinking about it today, which is a nice coincidence.
  6. Very nice paint job, thank you for the update! Best wishes from all of us for a speedy recovery of you mother, and hope she's feeling better.
  7. ChristopherB

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm really excited about the VE-1, it looks great. Hopefully we'll see the line expand to include more non-VF-1 valkyries, similar to the upcoming VF-2SS. Perhaps they'll even revisit the VF-25 since the initial releases were not well received due to all of the part swapping involved.
  8. I'm definitely interested in the 1/72 completed/painted version. Thanks.
  9. Thanks to everyone who has posted so far, I will make some specific comments shortly. If you see any duplicates on my list that you are missing, and you have something I'm lacking, please feel to contact me. It will help me to complete the Macross model compendium that will benefit everyone who appreciates Macross kits. Tekering: Nice looking Imai kits, I don't own those yet but I hope to one day. Yes, my Retppu 1/72 VF-11 are the super fighter mode versions. I updated my list to be more clear, but I have been looking for a super battroid version like yours. Yes, speaking for myself I'm excited to see any/all built, unbuilt or partially built Macross kits you have. Please post more, and this thread is for resin, plastic, licensed and unlicensed.
  10. Hello, Do you have an awesome collection of Macross kits waiting to be built? How about a nice display of valkyries you personally built, or purchased completed? Is there a closet or long forgotten box full of dusty model kits waiting to see the light of day? Are you tired of those toy fanboys having all the fun showing off pictures of their Arcadia and Yamato valkryies? Well, get out your cameras/phones, dust off those boxes and display cabinets and let's show everyone what you've got! (Don't be shy if you only have a few, this isn't a competition.) Some guidelines to follow please: Macross model kits only if feasible Best quality pictures you can take Group shots of kits and/or valkyries whenever possible PS: I'll be using your pictures to update my 1/72 list, and for my pending 1/100 list as well. My long term goal is a complete Macross model compedium showing the box art, inserts, parts and pictures of them completed. Hopefully the one here on MW can be updated and expanded. I know it might not be easy to get some of your kits out, but it's for a good cause and will be greatly appreciated. If you find out you have too many kits you will never build, you have duplicates, you need extra money, you want to be altruistic, or you're interested in a trade, please contact me directly via messenger and let me know what you have. Sincerely, Christopher MACROSS RESIN COLLECTION LIST: ⦁ MACROSS RESIN COLLECTION LIST ⦁ ⦁ Macross World 1/60 VF-1 Thunder Hummer Armor Kit ⦁ Club M 1/48 YF-19 Macross Plus (JAF-CON V Exclusive) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Normal Fighter ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Super Valkyrie Fighter (Blue Box) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Super Valkyrie Fighter (Blue Box) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Strike Valkyrie Fighter (Blue Box) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Strike Valkyrie Fighter (Red Box, MISB) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-1 Strike Valkyrie Fighter (Red Box, MISB) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VT-1 Super Ostrich ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VT-1 Super Ostrich (MISB) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VT-1 Super Ostrich (MISB) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VE-1 Elintseeker ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VE-1 Elintseeker (MISB) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-11B (WF 1997 Exclusive) ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 VF-4G Lightning III ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 YF-21 ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 YF-21 ⦁ Club M/Yellow Submarine 1/72 YF-19 ⦁ Hobby Base Retppu 1/72 VF-11 Thunderbolt ⦁ Hobby Base Retppu 1/72 VF-11 Thunderbolt ⦁ Hobby Base Retppu 1/72 VF-4 ⦁ Musasiya 1/72 VF-2SS with SAP ⦁ Musasiya 1/72 VF-2SS with SAP ⦁ Experten 1/72 VF-5000G Star Mirage Perfect Variable ⦁ Experten 1/72 VF-5000G Star Mirage FAST Pack ⦁ Tayland 1/72 VF-171 Nightmare Plus ⦁ Hobby World Depot 1/72 VF-11 Thunderbolt ⦁ Hobby World Depot 1/72 VF-11 Full Armor Kit ⦁ B-Club 1/100 VF-2JA Valkyrie ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 VF-11 Thunderbolt Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 VF-11 Thunderbolt FAST Pack ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 VF-5000B Star Mirage Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 YF-21 Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 YF-19/21 FAST Pack Set ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 YF-19 Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 YF-19 Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 VF-19 Kai Fire Valkyrie Perfect Variable ⦁ Studio HalfEye 1/100 VF-4G Lightning III Valkyrie Perfect Variable ⦁ Experten 1/100 VF-4G Lightning III Perfect Variable ⦁ Experten 1/100 VF-17D/S Perfect Variable ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/100 VF-1S/A Strike Transformable ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/100 VF-1S/A Strike Transformable ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/100 VF-1S/A Strike Transformable ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/100 VF-4 ⦁ Hobby World Depot 1/100 VF-11C Thunderbolt Perfect Variable ⦁ Project AG 1/100 VF-1J Armored Gerwalk ⦁ I.H.P. 1/100 VF-11C VF-11C Thunderbolt Perfect Variable ⦁ I.H.P. 1/100 YF-19-2 "Alpha-One" Perfect Variable ⦁ I.H.P. 1/100 VF-19 "Sound Force" Perfect Variable ⦁ I.H.P. 1/100 YF-21-1 "Omega-One" Perfect Variable ⦁ I.H.P. 1/100 VF-22S "Blue Gazer" Upgrade Kit ⦁ Experten VF-25S Messiah With Super Pack High-Comical Transformable ⦁ Experten YF-21 Omega One With Fold Booster High-Comical Transformable ⦁ Sculptor78 VF-1J Fixed Pose ⦁ BETCH 1/144 VF-1A Perfect Variable ⦁ BETCH 1/144 VF-1A Super Pack ⦁ CoryDoras Works 1/144 VF-3000 Crusader Valkyrie ⦁ TECT 1/144 YF-19 Valkyrie ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-11B Booster System #3 ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-11B Booster System #3 ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-19 Grade Up #6 ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-19 High Grade Up Parts #11 ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-11 MAXL #12 ⦁ TECT 1/144 VF-19 Sound Booster #14 ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/144 VF-1S/J/A Gerwalk ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/144 VF-1S/J/A Fighter ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/144 VF-1S/A Strike Fighter ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/144 VF-1S/A Strike Fighter ⦁ Yellow Submarine 1/144 VF-1S/A Strike Fighter MACROSS PLASTIC COLLECTION LIST: 1.) Pending
  11. First update added, more to come soon! Additions will be in red until the list is completed or perhaps indefinitely. Captain America, added your kits at the top. They deserve to be there since you've been a member here for so long and did some amazing work. Please let me know if I missed any. I'll have to update myself about the RTKF re-releases, will send you a message. VF-1A Grunt, thanks for posting and I hope you're doing well. I agree with you about the box saying "Strike", but page 2 of the instructions shows "Y x 2" and the FAST Pack Parts picture in that link shows (2) sets of HMMP-02 micro-missile launcher pod on the sprues. However, the model comment section says only (1) set is included. All of mine are built, so I don't have a new one in the box to check at this time. Regardless, I'm going to make the edit. It would be almost impossible to check/research the contents of each kit to see what variations could be made. I'll be consistent where possible and use the name on the box. There is some faint bell going off when I think about the battroid valkyrie upgrade parts, I distinctly recall wondering about it previously. Yes, it seems like there was some small kit that had improved parts as you mentioned. I'm going to try and find confirmation again exactly what it was, and if not remove it. Edit: Could these upgrade parts have been a photo-etched set specifically made for use on the battroid kits like they had for the fighter versions? PS: Credit to Viceland for his assistance with the update.
  12. Thanks for the update, looking good!
  13. Very cool project, it's great that you thought of doing this! I've decided to focus primarily on 1/100 scale, and I would love to order some of these once they become available.
  14. Awesome collection, you could make some sweet 1/55 customs with those.
  15. haha I predicted that Arcadia would do this, which is why I didn't want to place an order until the premium versions were announced. We should expect this to be their procedure for future releases and decide now which version you prefer to collect, if not both.
  16. Hello, I went through and updated the colors, not sure if anyone else noticed but the red/blue I used previously seem to have changed for the worse. It was hurting my eyes looking through the list, although my eyes have aged a bit as well. I used to be 20/10 and now I'm only 20/20. haha I'll be making updates, and working on lists for the other scales as well. Please message me if you have any information, questions or feedback. Thank you, Christopher
  17. Hello, I've also taken an interest in the Imai and Arii 1/100 and 1/72 variable valkyries. I previously made a list of 1/72 Macross model releases, although it does need to be updated. I took a particular interest in the silver boxed Arii 1/100 variables of which I have (6) so far. They released them with and without super armor. I don't have any of the black box variety yet. I'll post some pictures as soon as I have time, please post pictures of your silver and/or black box Arii 1/100 as well. Thanks, Christopher
  18. Looking good Mike, it's awesome to see 1/55 custom valkyries again. They were always my favorite to collect. No one has done that particular modification to my knowledge, it's an interesting idea. I did add some magnets to the leg armor so the inner clip would no longer be needed. I recall that Jung would cut off the front of the swing bar making the nosecone look more sleek, but that also prevented them from transforming.
  19. Howdy, If anyone ordered an extra or have a pre-order they no longer wish to pursue, please contact me and we can make some arrangements. Thanks in advance, Christopher
  20. It's great to see your collection David, very impressive! You've also made some very good suggestions with regard to storage. I didn't realize how easily the boxes can bend, I'll need to be more careful in the future. I really like the way you've displayed the boxes inside of the bookcase, nicely done.
  21. Arcadia has introduced a new trend this year for them, something that was primarily an issue with Bandai. Where they release one version, and then later an improvement like what happened with the VF-25 renewal. Not to mention the HMR line where we have two VF-1S Roy, two VF-1J Max, three VF-1J Hikaru (1st, 2nd, GBP) in a relatively short amount of time. Not sure if Arcadia has decided that is a good business model and have started to imitate Bandai. For example, they released the 1/60 VF-1S Roy and I think in July 2017, the VF-1S Roy Premium Version will be released. Fortunately, with regard to the VF-1S Hikaru we learned of both at the same time, so people were able to make a choice. At least in Arcadia's case, the difference between versions is purely aesthetic, as opposed to some of the Bandai VF-25 that had design flaws. Some people will be happy with the regular version, other people will want the top of the line, and a few will want to buy both versions. For my part, the premium version is the only one I want or need. So, my concern for the future VF-1J Max & Milia and beyond will be when we don't know if Arcadia will also release the premium version. I would hate to keep buying the regular version, just to find out a few months later the upgraded version is being released. Hopefully Arcadia is going to give us notice of both versions at the same time so we can make an informed choice.
  22. My humble collection, I hope you enjoy! Selling some items in the For Sale section for a home purchase. So I wanted to post while it's still complete, although I will rebuild it in due time.
  23. Ha, ha seeing this really made my day, looking forward to this release. I keep meaning to buy another display case, so many valkryies are sitting in their boxes, but this one will be proudly shown to all my friends who visit. Looks like I'll be buying that case this week, and finally get around to posting some pictures of my collection. Sadly, all of my customs from years of collecting are in storage.
  24. Hello, I haven't posted for a while, but Macross is always on my mind and in my heart. I pre-ordered the YF-29 when it first became available and I'm excited about it. September of this year will be the (10) year anniversary of when I joined MW, although I was a visitor for (10) months prior. Regards to all, and hope to make it another (10) years after that. Best wishes, Christopher
  25. Hello, I haven't posted for a while, but have been keeping an eye on things. After reading Graham's review and reading this thread, I've decided to buy my first SDF-1, and I'm happy that it will be this version as opposed to the smaller one from Wave. Thanks to Graham and for everyone that's given their advice/input regarding this toy. Sincerely, Christopher
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