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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Great job, I really like the decals and paint scheme!
  2. @Convectuoso: Very nice B-Club 1/100 VF-2JA. Your Metal Siren is sweet, and B-Club made the kit look good in battroid mode. Definitely reminds me of a Gundam. (The pictures mentioned in your 10/20 post aren't showing up for me.) @Anasazi37: Hobby Japan Vintage Volumn 4, something I procrastinated ordering and now it's out of stock...congrats Devin! If anyone comes across one for sale, please let me know. @peter: Impressive model kit collection, you have good taste in cars. I would love to have the Mustang Cobra R, General Lee, Porsche and quite a few others. The WWII Yamato and New Jersey are two of my favorites, and I think you need a few more Acura NSX kits. haha @Chas: Three cool kits! @Photogirl: One of my favorite Hasegawa kits, what a memorable scene and the box art captures it well. Some new arrivals from Japan, these will be projects in November and December hopefully. Full paint, bit of weathering and going to use the decals rather than the stickers. The Bandai 1/72 VF-1J Max and Milia are limited edition and usually go for $100 each. They're variable, but considering going with GERWALK for display mode. It's always been my favorite mode since it's what is unique to Macross for the most part: Newly arrived Macross 1/72 Hasegawa VF-31 Siegfried (5) Set Walküre Launch Valkyrie Limited Edition Collection: Some recently completed Macross Frontier Bandai 1/72 variable kits:
  3. 1.) @TheLoneWolf no problem, I'm happy to post the pictures, thank you for the compliment and please let me know if you want to see any other kits. 2.) @Shawn very nice 1/144 kits, the white decal on each one is from JafCon if I remember correctly. Eating chocolate plus getting a custom model boxset with those awesome inserts is a good deal! Your VF-X-4 is amazing, something I didn't know existed. Thank you for taking pictures of your Regult upgrade kits. 3.) @Anasazi37 wow your 1/72 Monster Mk II is impressive, and I know you spent a lot of money for your Plamax VF-1/weapon collection, not to mention the shipping. I appreciate you assisting me even though you're busy with work and 1/55 custom project. 4.) @Convectuoso your N-Ger with the addition of pose able joints was a good idea, and the paint work looks great. I'm also happy to see your VF-0S Reactive Armor and VF-0D conversion, both of which I hope to add to my collection. It will be interesting to compare the appearance of your SHE 1/100 YF-21 to my recently completely IHP 1/100 VF-22. 5.) @PhotogirlWelcome to the thread, and thanks for your inquiry. The pictures are from the Macross Mechanics 30th Anniversary Special Edition released by Hobby Japan MOOK. I highly recommend it if you're able to find one for sale, and have included a picture of the cover. I also appreciate everyone else who has posted, and taken the time to get our your collection and share it with us. Here are some recent arrivals from Japan, Virginia as well as completed projects:
  4. Great pictures thank you posting them. I'm very tempted to buy one, although I've been doing my best to focus on Macross model kits. I've known Noel for more than 20 years, and was happy to meet him in person at a MW Convention. He helped me obtain many rare items, I consider him a friend and support him in his endeavors to bring us more Macross valkyries.
  5. Please give detailed input, anyone interested to volunteer to review the MCML Project prior to posting the typed version please contact me. Here are my priorities for the MCML Project: 1.) Dissemination: Reaching as many Macross fans as possible (I don't think that's going to happen solely here on MW. Visits, posts, interactions are drastically down from where it used to be..) 2.) Appreciation: (All explained, labor of love, 500+ hours, emails, money spent. How do I reach people with this information, fans who will use it and actually acknowledge just how much work it was?) 3.) Out of pocket expenses and additional expenses for websites/publishing/etc: (I'm disabled, it's very hard to type now, take pictures, and I suffer from depression/headaches/nerve damage/etc after military service. This has been a constant struggle for me to not give up.) 4.) Make it look great: (I want to do more than just copy/paste some list here on MW/FB. My dream for a deluxe interactive MCML has links, attachments, and we're working on adding pictures to more than 1,500 entries. What's the best way to present it so all the hard work looks awesome and presentable?) Options: A.) Do I pay someone to design a website, and then the fees to host it? So that the MCML can be found via Google searches, has links, full HD pictures, etc. This will be a large investment in time/money. B.) Find a book publishing company and pay the upfront fees, work on the layout, design, etc? C.) Approach an existing website(s) with my list and see if they're willing to host it in a dedicated section? This would require someone to invest time/money setting up the pages to display the information, pictures, links and so forth. Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
  6. Thank you to everyone who posted after Chad for your support and comments (Bolt/007-vf1/valkyriepilot). Shawn. I really appreciate the pictures of your rare kits. Devin I've always loved your decals, being one of your biggest fans/customer. You have an impressive/expensive collection, glad you shared it with us. Likewise Convectuoso's MCML message was great, and you truly have an inspiring collection of 1/100 kits. The build and quality of the details is spot on, they are to be treasured! Was just watching Macross 7, and it made me sad to see the VF-11D "Jamming Bird" valkyries destroyed by the possessed Gamlin. I'm glad you like the VF-22.
  7. I would like to share with you my ongoing or recently completed projects. I'm lucky to have friends all over the world who are Macross fans and experienced model builders. Here they are please let me know your thoughts: 1.) Chicago, USA Studio Half Eye 1/100 VF-4G variable (just finished) & Tanmen SD YF-19 (in progress): 2.) Ontario, Canada IHP 1/100 VF-2SS Blue Gazers variable (just finished) & Experten VF-171 Nightmare variable (in progress): 3.) Paris, France 1/60 Drone (finished) & 1/60 Vajra Heavy Soldier (in progress): 4.) Santiago, Chile 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1D (in progress) & B-Club 1/100 Gigamesh (in progress): 5.) Philippines 1/100 Bandai/Arii VF-1's, Bandai 1/100 VF-2SS, and 1/72 Bandai VF-1's, VF-25's all variable (in progress): Unfortunately some Club M 1/72 kits arrived with paint damage due to the storage that occurred as a result of COVID-19, so they have to be touched up. We'll be doing a DYRL Skull Squadron build similar to this one, so I'll need another 1/72 VF-1A/S:
  8. Greetings to all, We come to the MW forums as a respite from life, so I've refrained from posting for a while. When I first realized Chad took my personal message and posted it directly to the forums, I was rightly indignant due to his betrayal of my trust. My first inclination was to post immediately, but I thought it better to allow other people to share their feelings. I'm glad that I did, as they have been well reasoned. While brainstorming some ideas, I thought who better to ask for feedback than Chad. He's someone I've known close to twenty years, and always seemed like an intelligent, rational person. Unfortunately he failed to even have the courtesy of addressing me directly by answering my questions or making a single suggestion. Sadly this gives the impression that he has absolutely nothing of value to add to the conversation. Plus we learned in grade school that sharing personal messages is bad manners. He failed to understand that I always planned to provide the basic typed version of the MCML Project for completely free. As many of you know, I did just that in the past when I completed the following: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/10945-macross-172-scale-complete-list/ Also Chad gives the impression he only helped, because he expected something in return. I've posted a thousand pictures, answered a thousand questions, and been involved in more projects than most. Since I officially joined in 2001, I've never expected or asked for anything in return. I paid full price for every single kit despite doing a ton of work. We've both had our say Chad, so I would ask that you send me any personal reply via MW messenger. Which is precisely what should have happened in the first place. To be clear I appreciate your recent assistance with pictures after I initiated contact. What's been on my mind is a way to make my MCML Project even better, interactive, and full of pictures. A means to share it with as many people as possible by partnering with a website such as Macross World by having the Model Section updated. Another idea was to publish it, or via a dedicated website. Furthermore, I would like to clear up some confusion about this thread. There is an actual Macross Complete Model List Project post where I will be sharing updates, etc. I'll provide the link at the end. The Model Kit Collection Show It Off!!! thread was created as a mirror of the Toy Section version. After all, why should those toy guys get to have all the fun? haha Posting here was a means to show off what we own and build camaraderie. Not a single picture in this thread has been used for the MCML Project. Let's continue to enjoy by sharing our kits and collection here, irrespective of the MCML. I appreciate and respect everyone who has posted here, and I'm excited to share some awesome kits with you very soon. I would invite everyone who has comments, suggestions and feedback about the MCML to post here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/46147-macross-model-complete-list-all-scales/ I remain your humble friend, feel free to contact me anytime!
  9. Looking good, I'm happy you're building again. It's nice seeing your progress and pictures. I'm excited to see how it turns out, glad the hands were changed.
  10. Beautiful, they look amazing! I had a similar idea using the Club M 1/72 VF-1 resin kits. Great job, this set will look awesome in your display cabinet.
  11. haha I love that comforter and your cat Shawn! Thank you for posting the picture. If you could post your two Regult upgrade kits here as well Shawn, that will be appreciated. We need the manufacturer name as well for the MCML Project. Great eyes TheLoneWolf spotting that kit at the bottom, it's one of my favorites. Yes, to my knowledge Experten is the only company to release the VF-1AR/JR/SR. I'm so happy that they did, because I love the design. Fortunately, I was able to get (2) kits as well as some others. Here's some additional pictures of the parts, plus the Experten VF-1S FAST Pack set. The Experten 1/100 VF-1(A/J/S) valkyrie is sold separately, but I'll be showing the parts that came with the GBP-1 package. The Experten 1/100 VF-1J & GBP-1 set was quite expensive, almost $500 not including shipping/customs if I recall correctly. I'm also including pictures from Experten showing a VF-1JR. Lastly, I was able to obtain the complete set of (8) Tanmen UNCM resin valkyries to include the very cute SD versions. They're MISB and perfect condition. Thank you! PS: Inspired by Shawn, and in honor of my mom's 75th birthday next month, I took a couple of pictures on top of a floral quilt handmade by her. She lives in Texas, and has been sewing them for around (20) years.
  12. Here is the recently completed Musasiya 1/72 VF-2SS with SAP and Mardook Battle Pods. There are (3) pods, but an additional rod is needed to mount it. As well as the very rare and difficult to build full variable 1/100 VF-4G released by Studio Hafl Eye. To be honest, I don't recall seeing another build of this kit or any other by SHE outside of Japan. Much thanks to Tom for making these a reality!
  13. Great posts and pictures, thanks to everyone who has kept the thread going. You guys have some amazing Nichimo and Hasegawa collections. Wow, I didn't even know about the paint sets Shawn, I hope you find #12. Really nice collection of Delta valkyries Focslain! Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't posted for a while, just been busy. I was also waiting for all of my packages to arrive, thanks to the lockdown delays. This is a couple thousand dollars worth of kits, quite an investment. Some pretty rare kits here, I was especially lucky to find the (7) I.H.P. 1/100 resin kits. By the way, if anyone knows what their acronym name stands for, please let me know. I need that information for my Macross Complete Model List (MCML) Project. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/46147-macross-model-complete-list-all-scales/ The MCML Project has more than 1,500 entries and has been prepared using Google Doc as a spreadsheet. It's very thorough, and has (9) columns of information for each entry. We've added links and are currently working on sample pictures so you can see what each entry is. Plus a picture of how the kit will look when completed. Here is a sample entry: 1.) BRAND 2.) SERIES 3.) SCALE 4.) MODEL NAME/ARMOR TYPE 5.) CHARACTER/LIVERY 6.) MODE/TYPE 7.) MATERIAL 8.) RELEASE TYPE 9.) NOTES 1.) Ahnitol 2.) SDFM 3.) 1/72 4.) VF-1J 5.) Hikaru Ichijo 6.) B-mode 7.) Resin 8.) Event 9.) WonFes 2010 The Model Graphix magazine has a section on scratch builds to include the awesome Orange Collection kits, which I hope to post more about soon. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will post more information/pictures of the individual kits. Thanks and hope you enjoy!
  14. Greetings, I hope all is well with everyone. I was recently able to obtain a couple of rare 3D printed and/or resin kits. The VB-6 parts are pretty rough and will need some work, and I don't see any cannons. It seems you need to use the decals provided or use styrene/acrylic tubes. I'll know more when it arrives, but there doesn't look to be enough parts to make all (3) modes at the same time. I plan to address that by reproducing the sections needed to permit that.
  15. Shawn: Thank you very much for your help obtaining these kits, and I also love the Orange Collection valkyries! Convectuoso: Awesome Studio Half Eye YF-21, I'm glad it finally arrived, and I'm excited to see it become a VF-22S. Hopefully the IHP/Experten 1/100 VF-22S that Hobby Hanger has been working on for me will be an inspiration. Delta-One-One: Wow, an original Nichimo display box, I would love to find one for sale. Good luck with your search to locate the missing kits you listed. Thank you for sharing your Macross/Mospeada collection, the Cat's Eye is neat. The modifications you made to the valkyries are inspired. If you ever get time to open the boxes and photograph those 300 model kits, it would be exciting to see them. Grayson72: I hope you're doing well, you mentioned wishing you had a shelf full of built kits. But I thought you've completed quite a few Macross projects. Are they boxed up and not displayed or you haven't had time to finish many of them? I know that you have an amazing collection of unbuilt Macross models. Salamander: Oh man, 600+ kits, plus 200 built! That is impressive, how many of the 600 would you estimate to be Macross related? I read that you've never posted pictures, in that case we would love to see some of the built ones when you have time. I love your Macross resin kit collection, I'm missing quite a few of those. The boxes look to be in very good condition too. Here is an ongoing commission for me using the Musasiya 1/72 VF-2SS with Super Armored Pack (SAP) and (3) Mardook Battle Pods:
  16. Thank you very much, and yes I'm pretty sure it's the DYRL version.
  17. Thank you very much Bolt, anyone else have completed models or newly added kits to share? First is the 1/72 VF-1A Max Super completed. Plus here's my Experten 1/100 variable kits that recently arrived, as well as some Bandai, Studio Half Eye, Club M and others. I was lucky to get the Max & Milia set for the VF-4, VF-9, VF-14 and VF-3000. They were made in the appropriate resin color (blue/red). In case anyone spotted it, that's a one of a kind IHP/Liquid Stone 1/100 VB-6 König Monster transformable resin kit. My thanks to my friend Carl Hoff. We're looking forward to building it soon. https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/VB-6_König_Monster
  18. Hello Grayson, I hope you're doing well, wow that's a nice 3D printer! Here's my 3D printed 1/200 Macross II Giant Monster: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/destroid-giantmonster.htm Macross II 1/100 AG-IJF (GERWALKroid): http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross2/gerwalkroid.htm I'll post some updates once they get painted and assembled.
  19. Thanks Bolt, here is the latest ongoing commission from my longtime friend Tom. Will update with more pictures once it's completed, but it's looking good so far. I have plans for the Skull Squadron escorted by a resin 1/72 VE-1 and resin 1/72 VT-1. My idea was to add recessed magnets allowing the missile ordinance to be changed out, and we used the Hasegawa 1/72 weapon set as well for added variety. Club M 1/72 VF-1A Super Max:
  20. Kicker773: Your Mike Salzo Monster II is amazing, Jason is very skilled and made your kit look realistic. razgriz: You've been a member a long time, but this was only your 6th post, but I'm glad you did. Thank you for taking the time to photograph your collection. You have a very good taste in models, to include the non-Macross ones. The ME-262 is one of my favorite planes, I was lucky to see one in person. In December, I added the following kits to my collection: 1.) Club-M Ultimate Detail VF-1 Strike Valkyrie 1/48 Resin 2.) Club-M (HobbyFan) Ultimate Detail VF-1 Strike Valkyrie 1/48 Resin 3.) Hasegawa VF-1 Weapon Set 1/72 Plastic x 2 4.) Hasegawa VF-1A 1/72 Plastic 5.) Hasegawa VF-1A Super Valkyrie 1/72 Plastic x 2 6.) Hasegawa VF-1D 1/72 Plastic 7.) Hasegawa VF-1J 1/72 Plastic 8.) Hasegawa VF-1S 1/72 Plastic 9.) Hasegawa VF-1S Strike Valkyrie 1/72 Plastic 10.) Hasegawa YF-19 1/72 Plastic 11.) Hasegawa YF-21 1/72 Plastic 13.) Moscato Hobby Commanchero 1/72 Resin 14.) Moscato Hobby Destroid Defender 1/72 Resin 15.) Moscato Hobby Destroid Tomahawk 1/72 Resin 16.) Moscato Hobby Tactical Pod Regult Clear 1/72 Resin 17.) Moscato Hobby VF-1 Booster Launch Rail 1/72 Resin 18.) Moscato Hobby VF-1 Booster Launch Vehicle 1/72 Resin 19.) Hobby World Depot 1/1 Minmay Doll Resin
  21. Awesome, thank you very much! Now I just need to find someone who offers 3D printing services for those files you mentioned.
  22. "It’s only now that I’ve gotten it almost done that I realize what a lackluster job Club M did with their 1/72 Q-Rau kit all those years ago." Captain America Yes, your kit is a massive improvement, amazing detail I'm very excited to see one of these built and displayed. It always made me wonder where the torso armament got it's ammo supply, and how it's fed into the barrels from the side. Since the pilot is directly in front of where they would normally be loaded from. I suppose somewhere in the chest area, plus anime magic. The bore is quite large, but then I see three smaller holes inside of the cannons. I wonder if the cannons are also meant to rotate like a Gatling gun. 2 x medium-bore fire-linked impact cannons (mounted front torso)
  23. Amazing job your valkyrie looks better than a store bought Yamato! This is definitely a model kit and not a toy, which should be obvious. Your weathering is spot on, not too much or too little.
  24. NightmareB4Macross "Hi Chris, Will this list separate the official licensed products, GK licensed from BW, GK unlicensed (bootlegs or 3P) and straight out recast bootlegs of official kits and unofficial kits, and finally 3D printed unofficial products from many individuals in production. It just gets so confusing nowadays that many of us would like to know what is “official” and how we can better support true Macross/BW products. I know I am guilty of buying recasts sometimes without even knowing until it’s too late. For example, I bought a 1/48 UD Kit years ago from a seller who stayed the product was official, but late came to discover it was an e2046 release. All the parts are well done, but I was really hoping for the original." Excellent questions, I appreciate your interest and please let me know if you any free time to assist. There is a Google Doc that can be shared with you so any contributions made will be added. I've been contacting known collectors to get their inventory list and/or pictures so I don't miss anything. Quite a few members have been really helpful, and for the first time we have a picture of every Macross kit Carl Hoff owns, and that's around 200. I've also gotten some very nice lists from Shawn and great pictures of his massive collection. Another goal was to get a list of releases from Macross Members such as Captain America, MSLZ22, etc. I contacted EXO (Plastic Cretins) via his FaceBook Page and Messenger, but never heard back. He and I were friends here on MW, but he hasn't visited since 2017 it looks like. Does anyone have any contact with him to get a list of what he made? Next has been deciding upon the categories, this is what I came up with: 1.) Brand: (Alphabetical) 2.) Series: (TV/DYRL/Frontier/Etc.) 3.) Scale: (Small to Largest) 3.) Model Name/Armor Type: (VF-1/VF-171/Strike/Super/Armored/GBP-1/Etc) 4.) Character/Livery: (Roy, Hikaru, Cannon Fodder/Etc) 6.) Mode: (Valkyrie/Battroid/Variable/2 Type) 7.) Material: (Plastic/Resin/Vinyl/3D Printed/Metal Coated/Etc) 8.) Notes: (15th Anniversary/Clear Version/Deculture/Event Only/Wonder Festival/Etc) 9.) Release Year(s): I understand and agree with your concerns about buying original kits. First priority will be to documenting official plastic/resin/vinyl kits, as well as 3D kits from known manufacturers since they are technically model kits. That's why I contacted Plastic Cretins without any success. Lastly I'll do my best to include recasts with them clearly marked as not being originals. In addition to the list, we'll also need files saved showing the kits box art, contents and hopefully how it looks built. All saved to folders under the manufactures name, then sub folders by scale, type, etc. That will allow the MW Model Section to be modernized and updated. Please let me know if you have anymore questions/comments. Sincerely, Christopher
  25. Greetings NB4M, I'm sorry, but what is your name again please? Just so I don't have to keep using NB4M. You and I were messaging, last discussion was in September about your personal Macross kit collection list. If you've made any progress, please let me know. Please reply to this message at the new thread I created, because this one was only for 1/72 kits. You've asked some great questions, which I'll do my best to answer here: Thank you, Christopher
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