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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Mechamaniac, Good guestion, but if you look at the picture above, you can see that the RX-78-2 is in several different poses, and I'm sure that more are possible. Unless they built and painted a separate 1/48 for every picture, they are definitely poseable. From what I've seen, you can either build them in one pose, allow some joints to move, or modify them to be fully poseable. Obviously some kits are intended when designed to be a certain way, but using available after market parts/joint, these awesome resin kits can be made to assume various poses. We are talking resin here, but you can definitely build a resin Gundam kit so that you can pose it at will. It's all you up to you and what you want. A friend of mine told me before he died (Tony of Xerogravity), that he had been commissioned to convert a customer's 1/48 G-System Gundam so that all of the joints were poseable. Who knows what happened to the project though. Sincerely, Christopher
  2. Hello, If any of you guys/girls want to buy Gundam and/or Five Star Stories resin kits, I highly recommend my good friend Roy. He is very prompt, courteous, honest, and he is knowledgeable about the items he is selling. Here is the link: Resin Kits Sincerely, Christopher
  3. Graham, Well in all fairness, Mike has (11) valkyries displayed, because that is how many it will take to at least give the 1/48 GP04 Gerbera a small workout, and maybe break a sweat. It's amazing that a 1/48 Yamato is only at crotch height to the GP04, but then again that is rather fitting. Mike promises more pictures to come, and this baby is our next project. I got a good deal on it, considering the price of these damn resin kits: 1/48 RX-78-2 GUNDAM (EIYUU-TAN VERSION) No, I'm definitely not rich or anything like that. Just a normal working stiff, who gets up before the sun comes up, and works to put food on the table for me, my wife and (2) kids. I'm just lucky that I have an understanding wife who lets me indulge in the fact that I never want to grow up. Collecting Macross, Gundam and etc. is a lot of fun and then we get to share it with each other. I love the resin kits because of the detail, size and rarity. Sincerely, Christopher
  4. >EXO<, Yeah, I've been to Alabama, and funny thing is, they consider common grass snakes to be big in that part of the country. I come from Texas, and like I tell all the women, things in Texas, and from Texas are bigger and better. And if you wondering, I've got horns on my head. (courtesy of Full Metal Jacket.) Some of you will understand my reference, and if you don't, check out the movie, because it rocks. Sincerely, Christopher
  5. Jasonc, From what I understand, if you've got the money honey, Valkyrie's got the time. He has not indicated that only a certain amount of people can sign-up or asked me to end the list, so you've been added. Just be patient, and I'm sure he'll get to everyone. Sincerely, Christopher
  6. Hello, Hobby Link Japan shipped out my VA-3 yesterday, so I should have it fairly soon. I'm not sure if I will build it or commission someone else to, but either way a review and progress photographs will be posted so people can follow along. I would love to get my hands on the 1/100 VF-4G and 1/100 VF-5000B and armor set. Thank you to everyone that posted the great links. I'm not sure who made the transformable VF-1's pictured. They look like 1/100 scale. Sincerely, Christopher
  7. Mike, I'm glad you started the thread, thank you! I also appreciate you building this awesome kit for me. I'm a huge Gundam fan. Macross is my first love, but Gundam offers so many different designs, and there are quite a few awesome resin kits available. All I can say is, "Wow!!!" You are doing a great job on this kit. You just got to love that great big rifle. You are my hero! fulcy, Thank you for pointing me to this thread. I'll be looking forward to seeing Mike post updates. I just love to follow along. Yeah, I've had few people mention that I need to post pictures and I will. Life has been hectic due to our moves because of my job, but hopefully things have settled down, and I can unpack all of my stuff without fear of having to repack it again anytime soon. Sincerely, Christopher
  8. Fulcy, Down boy, it's my supreme delight to be the on that gets to confirm EXO. You can have sloppy seconds. EXO, We are not trying to be redundant, just thorough. Quite a few people posted their interest before all the details were known, such as price, recaster, etc. Not to say it was the case when you initially posted, but you get my point. Plus this thread keeps everything in one nice tidy place. If we were to assume, and make an ass out of you and me, that every single person who posted in the original thread was 100% confirmed to buying the kit, well that mean something which has not proven to be true. I've added, deleted, and have not yet confirmed quite a few people, and so it is a pretty good idea this thread was started. If you were right, I would have a lot more time on my hands not having to maintain the list, but has been done for the greater good. I'm sorry you to had to waste a few minutes of your precious time to post a few words, and I hope you did not develop carpal tunnel syndrome or something. (Don't mind me, just messing with you a little.) Take it easy, Christopher
  9. All Right Dr. Evil, I can't throw you much of a freakin bone, but here is my input. Do you actually own the kit, or are you planning to buy one? I recently ordered one for myself. Wasn't cheap at over $200.00 with shipping, but I'm a resin kit fanatic. All I know is that SHE makes awesome kits, that are engineering wonders to some extent, as far as resin goes. Exposed attachment devices tend to be the drawback as well as being resin, but no one else that I know of has released a VA-3 Invader or the VF-5000B and armor kit, which I really want also. I'm not sure if I will build the kit or ask someone else to, but I will try to post pictures of the parts and so forth. If someone else builds it for me, I'll ask them to post pictures for others to see. Like you I would love to see a review and pictures of a completed VA-3. Sincerely, Christopher
  10. VF22Red, Both designs look great, besides the standard tweaking, I wouldn't change a thing. Just curious, but can you post the large set of text you have on the boxart? I was just wondering what it says. Sincerely, Christopher
  11. Eternal_D, Yes, we do have an idea as to how the ordering of the list will be done, and it will be as fair as possible; however, as I'm sure you know, you can't please everyone. Bearing in mind that we are human, the powers that be will do our best to figure out a method that works as well as it can. I've already comprised a list of solutions, and it has been forwarded to Ken (Valkyrie) for review. Obviously, some people want their kit ASAP, others want to make payments, and other people are just happy to get a kit regardless of how long it takes. Please be patient, and have faith that everything will work out in the end. Take a look at the list and you'll see that you have already been confirmed. Sincerely, Christopher
  12. Carl, Great to hear from you, and I'm glad you made it there safely! Good luck with everything, and best wishes to you and your family! Eternal_D, If you posted somewhere else, or in the original thread, it technically was not considered an official "confirmation." However, all of that is moot, as you have been added to the list. If you read my first post in this thread, it explains that the order you are on the "confirmation" list is not necessarily the order in which people will receive their kits. That wil be figured out as we go along. Fulcy, If you can get going full steam ahead on the VF-1AG project and finish it within a reasonable amount of time, I'll pay for your VB-6 Konieg Monster. Vostok 7, Yes, you can get a finished one...if you want to pay me or someone else to build it for you and paint it of course. Let me know if you are interested in buying one of the kits, and make arrangements with someone to complete if for you. Sincerely, Christopher
  13. VF22Red, Great job! Your second design looks awesome. Sincerely, Christopher
  14. mechaninac, How dare you! Not only do I resemble your remarks, but I also represent them. Yeah, I know what you mean, some things are so weird looking, you can't help but like them despite their looks. Sincerely, Christopher
  15. Hello, Hasegawa did a great job bringing SV-51 to life, and as far as the model goes, I'm definitely impressed as usual with their attention to detail. I've got to be honest here, and go against the consensus, but I find the valkyrie itself to be as ugly as sin. The whole design is just too "busy" for my tastes. It reminds me of something you would see at a custom car show in Southern California, the only thing it's missing is a set of plush dice hanging from the rear view mirror. The paint scheme is tacky and overdone, and the whole thing screams hot rod airplane on nitrous. All of the fins, the weird shaped nosecone, and so forth just compound the problem. Yes, the designer deserves credit for coming up with such an "interesting" design, and yes, it's nice to see something different. And yes, I know that it was intentionally designed to appear the way it does to further the storyline, but all that is moot. Explaining why something looks the way it does, won't influence someone to change their aesthetic tastes. I've never been a "Yes Man," because I want to be cool and make friends. If you don't like my opinion, well, who gives a damn, I'm entitled to it, just as you are to yours. I have no desire to discuss it further, either you like the SV-51r or you don't, no need for anyone to crusade and waste time trying to change someone else's mind. I'd like to see more respect for other's opinions, and less focus on debating them. Just my two cents. Sincerely, Christopher
  16. VF22Red, The revised side panels look great since you moved the Destroid over! With regard to the large image of the VB-6 on the main panel, is it possible to move it slightly to the left so that more, if not all of the arm shows up? It looks like you can slide it over until the main cannons reach the edge. If you were to also shift the image up, it looks like most, if not all of the foot will become visible. Once that is done, you can adjust the text as needed. I don't mean to seem like I'm critiquing the work you are doing, I'm just trying to help. What you have done looks awesome, and I definitely do not have the talent that you apparently do, to come up with such a cool looking design. Good luck to all contestants! Sincerely, Christopher
  17. VF22Red, Looks great so far, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest. The way you have the various modes displayed, along with the thin black vertical line marking the separation between them, it almost looks like some of the lines flow onto the adjacent panel, as opposed to a clear delineation of each picture. Perhaps you could position each mode so they do not share lines with an adjacent panel, or thicken the black separating line to prevent the appearance. Just some suggestions. Sincerely, Christopher
  18. Jesse (Mr. Schizophrenic), Should I take your post as confirmation of your order? As of right now, you're on the tentative list. Please let me know my friend. Yeah, you can get one for yourself, and another for your alternate personality. Just let me know how many both of you are committing too, and break the news to your alter identity that he/she might have to wait to get their kit, until after everyone else gets at least (1) kit first. Sincerely, Christopher PS: If someone has a multiple personality disorder, and one of their other identities is a woman, and another is a male, is it still considered masturbation if they have sex together?
  19. Ken, Sounds great, I know a lot of us will be looking forward to your review and analysis. Best wishes and good luck! Sincerely, Christopher
  20. Melissa, Thanks, didn't mean to leave out Carl, but as you and I said, the decision is up to the owner of the kit. Has anyone contacted Noel regarding the source he used for his Club M 1/48 Ultimate Strike? As many of us know, he was able to provide white metal landing gear, the clear canopy, decals and photo-etched parts. Carl mentioned he would be away during his move, and he has a lot of confidence in the recaster he mentioned, but if that falls through, Rhoby has my vote as well. The JM recasts I purchased from him are very, very nice. Sincerely, Christopher
  21. irishman and Angel's Fury, I wanted to let both of you know that I received your PM's, and I appreciate your interest. Honestly, I want to see the VF-4G project completed just as badly as the VB-6, but as of right now, only the VB-6 has a confirmed recaster, and so only the VB-6 is actually moving forward right now. Why you ask? Well because the owner of the 1/72 IHP VF-4G has not indicated who he will trust to recast the kit, unlike the fact that he has selected Valkyrie to handle the VB-6. For all of our talk and input, it really comes down to what he wants, and that is fair; however, I'm sure he/she takes into account several factors, such as trustworthiness, experience, reputation and so forth. If the person/company "irishman" has suggested is approved by the owner, then we can move forward. As far as I know, only Melissa and possibly Ken (Valkyrie) have direct access to the owner of the VF-4G, so they would have to relay the information. Another possibility is Carl, who owns both a 1/100 VF-4G and 1/72 VF-4G transformable kits, and I believe he offered to let them be recasted as well. Just a few things to keep in mind about who can select the recaster for the VF-4G, Ken is working on the VB-6. Sincerely, Christopher
  22. Hello, I'll gladly include a nice prize for the winner. A brand new Master Grade Gundam kit, Hasegawa Macross model, or something similar. Whoever wins can let me know what they would prefer, within reason of course. With my luck, someone will be like, "I would really like a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Mint in Box with 1/48 Strike/Super Armor!" Well, let's be realistic, I'm not rich. Good luck! Sincerely, Christopher
  23. Hello Jesse, Thank you for taking this project up again. I'm definitely interested in the Macross Zero Destroid, those dual gatlin guns are sweet! The valkyrie booster sounds cool too, but mainly the Destroid for me. You can put me down for both though. Sincerely, Christopher
  24. Ghadrack, Welcome to the thread. The very first post in the thread states that all you need to do is either post or send me a PM. I'll take your post as positive confirmation. Sincerely, Christopher
  25. Devin, I understand what you mean about getting a kit as quickly as possible so the project can move forward. We'll get it figured out. I really like the noseart you posted above. If you could include those, as well as any others you find that are fitting, that will be cool. Everyone else, Please make sure you contact me so I can add your name to the list of people who have confirmed their interest in the VB-6 Koenig Monster, if you haven't already. Sincerely, Christopher
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