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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. MC420, Done. Thank you for your interest! Sincerely, Christopher
  2. Mechamaniac, Hey, that's a sweet looking PG RX-78-2 on the left. Did you paint it, or commission someone to do it for you? Either way, it's looks great. Sincerely, Christopher
  3. Wow, at least I know now that I'm not the only one who has trouble with these type of decals. I found out the hard way that you have to cut the one you want to use off the main sheet, otherwise, you'll end up with other decals stuck to the model in a place they were never intended too. Not to mention the fact that once you cut the one off you need, often it is very, very small because they place them so close together on the sheet, and you have to try to hold it in place while rubbing a blunt object across the surface. That makes it want to move around, and you end up with half the decal in one spot and the rest still on the sheet or somewhere you never intended. I want to go on record and say that, "I officially hate, detest, and abhor dry rub decals!" I just received my MG Wing Gundam Ver.Ka, and it has quite a few of them. I'm not looking forward to that portion of the project. I'm going to try Jesse's suggestion, and further embarass myself by trying to "tape" the tiny decal in place over what is often a curved surface, and see if the entire thing will stick for once.
  4. Hello, I checked and it looks like the air intake/upper leg is one assembly/part number. So it seems I need part: R-L2 Sincerely, Christopher
  5. Yeah, it is a sweet kit, and one of my favorite designs. Just some some good news from my friend Roy, at Mechadream. I especially like his comment, which I put in blue font: I'll post more information once it arrives. Right now the G-System 1/48 RX-78-2 is the next project since the 1/48 GP04G was completed, so I'm not sure when the Xeku-Zwei will come up. Sincerely, Christopher
  6. Neova, I appreciate you helping people out. If at all possible, I need a part as well. I do not have a parts listing available with me right now, so I will try to describe briefly what I need. The joint directly below the hip ball joint/intake has the gray/black plastic and over that fits two white plastic halves which fit together over the round metal peg. One side of the gray/black plastic piece has a small "nub/protrusion/bump" which prevents the leg from from extending too far. Well, I'm not sure if I used to much force, or if the little piece of plastic on mine was not attached to well, but it broke off on one side, and now the leg can overextend so that the white plastic halves and the gray/black portion have a gap between them at the back until the leg is closed again. I only need one side, and I know that each side is specific, so I'll update tonight with the information and part number. Sincerely, Christopher PS: I do not know how to circle the little gray plastic nub/stop on the part in the picture below, but if you look closely you can see it on the top, right hand side. If need be, I do not mind purchasing the entire upper intake assembly, since I believe the grey plastic piece is glued/molded into the white upper portion. I'll be happy to disassemble it myself if it will save time.
  7. Definitely cool! I wish I could have attended.
  8. Yeah, definitely not cheap! I saw it, and knew I couldn't live without it. The question became whether to get (4) Yamato 1/48 valkyries with armor, or (1) Gundam kit. I guess I'm a little bored with VF-1 repaints, so I went for the limited edition Gundam kit. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone else that has one, so that makes it worth something to me. Plus it will definitely make one hell of a conversation piece.
  9. Hello, For all of the Gundam fans out there, here are some pictures of G-Systems latest release, and future project for me. It's is a limited edition release, and the detail is amazing. My kit should be on it's way by the end of this week. Looks like it's going to be a pretty large kit, and it has over (300) parts. Definitely one of my favorite designs. More pictures here: 1/100 Xeku-Zwei Sincerely, Christopher
  10. Thank you for putting into words the thoughts that I'm sure many of us have been thinking. And you did it so eloquently.
  11. I just purchased (10) Hasegawa valkyries (VF-1S Strike, VF-1A Super, Clear Blue/Red/Green), plus ( Hasegawa Weapon sets. I placed (2) separate orders, because I decided to buy more than I originally planned, and they even refunded $7.50 to my Paypal account without me even asking them, because they did the right thing and combined shipping. I received my order on Wednesday, and I placed it on Saturday. Everything arrived in perfect condition with invoices enclosed. I give them a (10) Star rating.
  12. Word! I'm glad you agree, and I hope that other people stick around for the IHP recast as well. I would hate to see a mass exodus.
  13. isamu_dyson, I'll add you to the list, but please make sure you are aware of the 1/100 Yamato VB-6 that is pending, rather than contact me later and cancel. Personally, I am really excited about the IHP recast, and would never cancel because of Yamato's plans, although I am happy that they are also releasing a VB-6. The IHP will be for display, and the Yamato for play. Sincerely, Christopher
  14. Damn, that is sweet looking! Awesome paint job on both.
  15. Hello, I like this name better, "Black Monkey Nuggets Productions" That's all we need, another monkey "producing" nuggets. Seriously though, I would hate to see the all of the work Noel did so far, not come to fruition. Sincerely, Christopher
  16. Boobs, what boobs?! They could have at least "hooked" her up a little bit. Oh well, thank you for the pictures Anthony. Damn, I really, really want one now.
  17. Hello, Great news, thank you Yamato! I'm still going to get the IHP 1/100 VB-6 recast from Valkyrie. It will be cool to have both, but now I won't feel so pressured to commission someone to build it for me. If anyone is considering cancelling, please let me know via PM once you've thought about it a little bit and decided for sure. Sincerely, Christopher
  18. Mervin, Great job! I like the large booster nozzles. Are you planning to make a booster antennae for one side? Check out this picture: Sincerely, Christopher
  19. Will you adopt me? Damn, I wish I had (7) Max valkyries! Congratulations! You lucky bastard.
  20. Devin, Wow! Wonderful job! You have mad skills dog. Sincerely, Christopher
  21. Hello, Thank you to everyone that posted and provided assistance. I went ahead and ordered (1) of each color, but I only want them for the decal sheets. I think that the color is officially considered "red," because "pink" is technically too effeminate for a Macross valkyrie. Still, it looks pink to me, but then perhaps I spent too much time in Southern California, where I was exposed to all of their damn rainbow flags. Sincerely, Christopher
  22. Hello, Does anyone have a scan, link or a picture of the decal sheet included with these (3) valkyries from Hasegawa. Did all (3) come with the same decal sheet? I would like to buy them for the decal sheet only, but I have not been able to locate a picture of the decal sheet. The advertisement mentions different squadrons, and I know the Enigma is one of them, but... HLJ has nothing listed, I called several stores that had them in stock, but the boxes come shrinkwrapped, and a MW search and review of the main "Model" page yielded no information, so I'm posting as a last resort. Thank you in advance for any assistance provided, Christopher
  23. Ken, Allright, I guess I learned something new today. Thanks, Christopher
  24. Ken, Looks great! I always thought the correct term was "countersunk" holes. They are used a lot on the external surfaces of airplanes so that aerodynamics are not impeded by additional resistance created due to raised attachement devices. Regardless, it's all semantics, and I'm glad you figured out a way to do it. Sincerely, Christopher
  25. Felix, It's great to see you're still around, even if it's only every now and then! I'm glad that I got to meet you that one time and hang out, even if it was only for a short amount of time. If you have time, please respond to the PM and e-mail I sent you a while back. Due credit to the first MW member to make a hexagon pattern camouflage custom, and I still regret giving you the 1/55 you made for me. Sincerely, Christopher
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