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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Without realizing what was bothering me aesthetically regarding the VB-6, and now that you have mentioned it, I completely agree with your observation. The level of detail definitely seems lacking. Of course I'm happy as hell to get a VB-6, but I would love to see more attention to panel lines, hatches and so forth.
  2. Damn, that was one of the funniest things I've read in a long time next to the "Hurin" versus "Haterist" debacle. I'm cool with Agent One, but all I've got to say is: Mayor Gavin Newsom I'm not sure how this thread turned to gays and politics, but it is off topic, and I anticipate that their designated "MW Defense Champion" might show up at any time and post this: "Section III: Never Allowed #1. No religious or political debates. If you want to talk politics go to the proper outside forum. Not everyone shares your beliefs. Nothing starts more arguments then these kinds of debates. They have value but they have no value here."
  3. no crap, apparently she didn't last long. I remember calling her out for posting comments like, "that picture made my panties get moist" or something similar. Now I know where the "hizzoe" portion came from.
  4. Mike, Damn! Great job. I hope you are doing well. I just got my sprue snipper/cutters from HLJ, and I'm going to use them on some Hasegawa VF-1S Strike kits. Sincerely, Christopher
  5. Definitely at the very top of my "must have" list. Yamato is looking to sell hundreds if not thousands of the VB-6, and I doubt their pricing will have anything to do with the amount that this redneck from Texas is willing/able to pay. The drama that occurs over assumptions is amazing, and we all know what happens when we assume. Until Yamato posts that they base their prices on what "Minmay on Crack" posts, I won't worry about it. All of the modes look good to me, and I'll be looking forward to comparing the Yamato version to the upcoming Valkyrie IHP VB-6 recast. I would imagine that they will be quite similar.
  6. ChristopherB

    clear jets?

    It's moot, but a model kit is a toy. No use in discussing semantics, but millions of people take their model airplanes/valkyries and fly them around the room, have battles with their Tiger 1 and Sherman, and see if their Tamiya BB-62 really floats by putting it in the bathtub, so lets not be so haughty as to call someone out, because they called them "toys." So the thread is not derailed, please PM me if you want to debate something so trivial as this. This thread should be in the model section of this "toy" forum anyway. Anyway, I own one of each of these toys, but I only opened one box, and I do not have a digital camera. Each kit is basically made in translucent plastic, which is either blue, pink or green. I only purchased them for the cool decals they come with. I don't own the clear version, but would really like to. Edit: By the way, welcome to MW, Synch. Hopefully, you'll be around for a while. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  7. Nice pictures, thank you for posting them. The cannon length looks good to me. The last thing I want is a weak joint where each one attaches, droopy cannon barrel due to the length, and the length of the barrels directly influences the length in shuttle mode. They have to compromise, or people will complain that shuttle mode is too long. Looking at the second picture from the top, you can see what appears to be the 30mm cannon Graham mentioned, but I'm not sure. Edit: Damn, just noticed that the cannon barrels looked like they are rifled. Rifling is used to put spin on ballistic rounds to increase accuracy/range, but I was never sure what type of ammo the VB-6 uses, because rifling would be moot with regard to non-ballistic ammo.
  8. Graham, Best wishes to you, your wife and son! I'm very happy for you. Sincerely, Christopher
  9. Just curious, but who are we talking about here? Initially, I suspected "Mechafreak," but all his title says is "banned." So, what's the story?
  10. Ditto It's a fun game, which is not necessarily indicative of intelligence. I'll admit that I definitely over analyzed the puzzle, which is characteristic of geniuses such as myself and Bill Gates.
  11. David Hingtgen, One on hand, it would be cool to have the F-14 kit from a collector's point of view, but I would rather take the decals out and use them on an accurate F-14 kit. So the question becomes, which 1/72 F-14 kit do you recommend as being accurate to the anime? The same applies to the Mig-29. Is it accurate, or do I also need to obtain a better representation? If so, what is your recommendation? If anyone else has any advice, please let me know. Sincerely, Christopher
  12. Hello, I agree that the prices I was quoted correspond with what has now been posted, and are completely fair. Keeping in mind the salient points Hurin made, I know from experience that there are some people who like to haggle, regardless of how reasonable the price might seem to everyone else. Sure $10 times (14) equals $140, but one has to take into account time, and that is a valuable commodity. The person selling the parts has to take the time to carefully disassemble an entire valkyrie, package it and make multiple trips to the post office. That in turn saves the buyer time, and it's hard to put a price tag on that. Fulcy, Still waiting for my PM response from you... Sincerely, Christopher
  13. True, the box and decals are very nice, but that does not excuse the exclusion of the PE parts in my opinion. One does not justify the other. Ken, Interesting observation. Are you referring to the two pieces identified as "Part #5" from the picture above? Sincerely, Christopher
  14. Rob, Thank you for the update! Did you make him a nice pair of cement boots? He's taking a swim with the fishes now. Sincerely, Christopher
  15. Yes, thank you for the picture. Do you want to sell them? Without getting out a set of the standard photo-etched parts, I don't really see too much of a difference, besides the lack of parts for the armor.
  16. Definitely, one of my favorites as well.
  17. My best wishes to everyone who has gone through this ordeal, I myself did not order anything, but I've followed the developments. I wouldn't mind having a Dragon either, if one were to become available.
  18. Hello Haterist, First of all, thank you very much for what you are doing. Secondly, in keeping with the "fairness" you alluded to, I clearly precede "GreenGuy42" on the list. I'm on Part List #2, and he's on Part List #3, according to what has been posted since the beginning. Now, for some unknown reason, I'm "pending," and his parts are ready to go? I have been patiently waiting, and ready to pay at a moments notice, and was surprised to see the sudden change based upon the fact that I have not been contacted at all. Secondly, I contacted "Neova" quite a while back and told him I would also like to get "L-L2," in addition to my already pending "R-L2." I also added a post on May 8, advising of the same, and yet no update was made. Once again, based upon my place on the list, and longstanding request, I would like to purchase: R-L2 L-L2 The parts can come from any DYRL 1/48 valkyrie. Please feel free to PM me, and hopefully update your post. Sincerely, Christopher
  19. Gene, Yeah, you got a deal my friend. Just do me a favor and cut back on the Viagra. Actually, the Rogaine thing is funny, because I still have a full head of hair at age (29), and hopefully I'll keep it, God willing. Sincerely, Christopher
  20. I personally can think of a lot worse things that I could "scrub," like someones gunpod.
  21. Thanks for the information! I'm still glad I bought it from a collector's standpoint, but I'm disappointed by Hasegawa's strange decision.
  22. Hello, I remember reading that the Hasegawa VF-1D comes with a special set of photo-etched parts, if so, how do they differ from the separately available photo-etched parts set? The reason I ask, is because I recently purchased the Max VF-1D "Virgin Road," and my kit did not come with any photo-etched parts at all. Which is really weird and makes no sense at all, because besides the color of the parts and decals, the kits are identical. So unless my kit is missing them, I find this oversight to be pretty freaking stupid on Hasegawa's part. Not only that, but both kits are supposed to be limited editions. If the photo-etched parts included with the standard VF-1D are that unique, I guess I won't have any choice but to buy (2) VF-1D's, and remove the photo-etched parts from one kit for use with the Max VF-1D. That is of course unless the standard set is the same or similar, or if I can find someone willing to sell me their VF-1D photo-etched set. Any info. will be appreciated. Sincerely, Christopher
  23. True, seems to be a matter of housekeeping. The road to hell is littered with good intentions. I'm not sure what happened, but I haven't heard anything in a while.
  24. The "VF-1Riders" are pretty amazing. Never seen a (2) seater Y-21. Very nice modification. The YF-21 with the hawk/golden eagle on it is unbelievable. I can't imagine that they used a decal, so it must be handpainted on there. If so, the artist is highly skilled. If you look at the legs, you can see the feet and talons, and so I would imagine that the bottom of the valkyrie is painted as well. The orange and white VF-0 looks sweet. A pilot in cockpit would make it all the better. The VT-1 Super Ostrich is my least favorite. The black overspray on the top of the boosters is odd, as well as the dark blue tinted canopy. If you look closely, the legs look like they also have black overspray as well, and it may or may not be intentional, or the valkyrie has not been completed, based upon the lack of decals/detailing.
  25. Bartagama, I clinked on your links, and received the following message: "This file is not yet public." So I logged into my account and did a search by your MW user name, because I thought you might have used the same for both sites, but nothing came up. Any information will be appreciated. Sincerely, Christopher
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