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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Hello, MW has a custom section for toys, how about a reference section for custom Macross models? It seems only fair and fitting, and it will be an easy way to keep track of what's been done rather than searching through threads and the web. Anyway, here are some of my customs, built for me, not by me. (2) pictures of each. I'll post more pictures as soon as possible. The customs have become quite an investment, but I prefer 1/72 scale because of the display size, and the level of detail featured by Hasegawa. For example, all kits feature as applicable: Kit price Standard Photo-Etch Set VF-1D Photo-Etch Set (special HLJ order) Display Stand Weapons Set Custom Anasazi Decals (Engima/Blue Roses Versions/Etc.) Starting with the VE-1 Digital Camouflage "Green Roses": Enjoy, and please feel free to post your comments. Sincerely, Christopher
  2. Hello, I was very fortunate to have been able to obtain some awesome items from Winter WF 2005. The people who play with "toys" were of course disappointed by the lack of "generic Macross just-remove-from-box and display items", but for model fans, this WF had a good deal of cool items available. Obtaining these items did not happen overnight, and was not due to luck. I started working on WF Winter 2005 over (6) months ago by staying in contact with MW's designated agents. It took dozens of e-mails/PMs, but the hardwork paid off in the end, and I really appreciate the (3) people who made it happen. I consider all of them to friends, and I'm looking forward to getting more goodies from the next WF event. By the way, although voluntary, I decided to limit myself to (2) of each item, so as to share the wealth with my fellow fans. As before, I've already contracted with the agents for the next event, because the early bird gets the worm. Without further rambling by me: Winter Wonder Festival 2005 Items Obtained by Howard: 1.) Kantogakuindaigaku-Mokeidourakukai 1/72 YF-19 Battroid Valkyrie 2.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-22S conversion kit 3.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-0A metal head laser 4.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-0D metal head laser 5.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-0S metal head laser 6.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1J metal head laser 7.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 YF-19 micromissile pod 8.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VT-1 metal antenna 9.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1S aluminum strike beam cannons Winter Wonder Festival 2005 Items Obtained by Noel: 1.) Kantogakuindaigaku-Mokeidourakukai 1/72 YF-19 Battroid Valkyrie 2.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-22S conversion kit 3.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 YF-19F Wing Conversion Kit 4.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 YF-19 micromissile pod 5.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1S aluminum strike beam cannons 6.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VE-1 Antennae Set 7.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VT-1 metal antenna 8.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1J metal head laser 9.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1D metal head laser 10.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1A metal head laser 11.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-1S metal head laser 12.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-0A metal head laser 13.) Gokigen-Seimetsu 1/72 VF-0D metal head laser 14.) Gokigen-Seimetsu VF-0S metal head laser 15.) UN Balance 1/72 YF-19 Fold Booster Winter Wonder Festival 2005 Items Obtained by Andy: 1.) UN-Balance 1/72 YF-19 Fastpacks With regard to the YF-19 battroid kit, I'm glad that I did not purchase the previous version, because in the interim period between Wonder Festivals, the creator greatly improved the articulation. Sincerely, Christopher
  3. Here you go, Giga Sound Booster:
  4. Hi Chad, I can't really do any painting where I currently live, plus I don't have an airbrush with me, so I won't have an opportunity to try for a while. Christopher
  5. I'm not saying this color scheme is cannon, but these are the wings we have installed on a Hasegawa YF-19:
  6. Good idea Chad, I've been wondering the same thing. I would hate to waste such a cool set of wings by not making sure the color scheme is worthy of their use. On second thought, I'll let you stick with cannon, and I'll go for custom.
  7. The Hasegawa 2002 Macross Calendar has features the box art, well at least (12) of them. My calendar is in storage, so I'm not sure exactly which pictures are featured. Yes, gerwalk kits would be nice, as well as a GBP-1 and VF-11. Where are the PE parts for the Macross Plus and Macross Zero kits as well?
  8. Nice box art, but yet again, this combination kit does not include all of the decals from the kits it is supposed to combine from. The previous Super/Strike combination kit did not include the VF-1J head.
  9. They are still making kits actively (fold booster/armor kit), so the last thing we want to do is discourage them by cutting into their sales. In hindsight, now that I know Liquid Stone actually released a new Macross kit at the recent WF, it makes me ponder a previous recast I arranged. Who's to say that they will release another, but the possibility remains... Here is the UN-Balance Website: UN-Balance
  10. Andy, Wow! Thanks for posting the pictures. Sincerely, Christopher
  11. You're right, math was never my strong point!
  12. Yes, It looks like (11) more to go now. When you add in the number of people that want (2), that makes (39). We don't need (50) people, just (50) orders.
  13. Jesse, No, I didn't mean "thanks for keeping me in mind" regarding the 1/144 kit, I've known about Betch since MW Con 2003. I meant thanks for keeping me in mind regarding the 1/72 list you sent me. Take it easy, Christopher
  14. Here it is, same company, but this is the Super version: "Betch" VF-1A Super Variable 1/144 Scale
  15. Wow, amazing detail for 1/144 scale. Noel was selling variable 1/144 valkyrie kits. By the way, thanks for keeping me in mind Jesse.
  16. 1/72 scale is perfect Possibility for add-on parts to create other versions is awesome. Price sounds right based upon the level of detail mentioned. Sign me up for (2). One to save, and one to have someone build for me.
  17. Excellent job! It's the nicest "battle damaged" valkyrie that I've ever seen, regardless of the fact that I've only seen a couple.
  18. Looking good! Thank you for posting the update.
  19. ChristopherB


    Hi Mike, Go for it! If the price is right, I'll buy one to keep and one to have built for me. 1/72 is the only scale for me, and I would love to have a Monster to display. Christopher
  20. Fulcy, Thank God, I was wondering why you hadn't contacted me for several months... Later, Christopher
  21. Here it is, and sadly yet another disappointment. "Should" is the key word: "And finally, for those of you who are still interested in getting one of the recast kits, they should finally be finished sometime this month. I'm still working on getting the final molds finished, but I just don't have enough free time to get them nearly as quickly as I would like to " Posted: Feb 3 2005, 12:28 AM I know this project isn't an easy one, and I know that patience is a virtue, but you shouldn't take on a project unless you plan to finish it, and you can devote yourself to it at least 100%. My best wishes to Ken, and I sincerely hope that he is able to finally finish soon. His previous goal to beat the Yamato release has come and gone, and that was with a very big headstart. Heck, we didn't even know that Yamato was going to release a VB-6 when this project started. My pet projects: 1.) The 1/72 Catseye recast project I helped with is completed. 2.) The 1/72 variable VF-4G recast project I coordinated is almost complete. 3.) The 1/48 VF-1AG is alive, but going slowly.
  22. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I remember reading in the Yamato Koenig Monster thread that Valkyrie would be finished with the IHP VB-6 within less than a month...I'll have to do a search.
  23. Vitja made a really nice 1/72 Hasegawa Gerwalk Conversion. Slight correction to the following: "I have looked through Jesse's complete list of 1/72 scale kits and found no mention of one." "Myersjessee" is working along with others to update the MW Model Section. "ChristopherB" researched and developed the complete 1/72 Model List.
  24. Please proceed with the project. Count me in for (1).
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