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Everything posted by wrylac

  1. If you look further the back jackets of the individual discs have a TP copyright and say that the discs are presented by MBS, TP and Anime Friend. Looks to me like a legit release by TP done outside the jurisdiction they've given HG. Hmmm. Makes me wonder why BW never did anything about it since this release was done just before the ruling on the designs' copyright. Maybe they knew they really didn't have a leg to stand on.
  2. Well those rights must exclude Korea as well http://koreandvds.com/dvddetail.html?id=12114 http://koreandvds.com/dvddetail.html?id=12116 these were released on 10/13/03 These are legal region 3 DVDs. Japanese/Korean with Korean subs The single disc version have been released throug out the last year. And those are Region 2 Bandai Visual covers. http://koreandvds.com/search_result.html?s...&stitle=macross edit added link Just because some one does something doesn't mean it's not an infringment. Perhaps too, HG is unaware of these releases. HG could be working right now to get those releases shut down. There's too much we don't know about this to draw any inferences.
  3. No matter how you look at it, you cannot deny that this is a statement which, at the very least, is calculated to imply that all of Macross is HG's (once again, outside of Japan). There have been other examples which were posted on the old boards, but since they are down at the time, I cannot access them. For that I do apologize. This statement was made right after the confirmation of the design copyright to BW. HG never claimed to have those rights in the first place so no, that ruling didn't affect their "worldwide rights to Macross." Meaning a their rights weren't affected. Calculations and implications not withstanding, this statement is true. The lawsuit filed in Japan regarding the design copyright did only affect the copyright of the designs and a Japanese ruling in that case doesn't affect HG.
  4. Then North America would be one of those regions, wouldn't it? I'm talking about specific products and the regions they have been released in. Well, considering that I take much of what HG says concerning with a grain of salt, I'm still waiting for something more concrete. But that's just me. So, besides the fact that TP executives are listed in the credits and besides the fact that people who would know speak about it that way, I guess you're allowed to feel the way you feel. Without finding the specific interview, although it has been quoted either here or on the old forums, around 1996 Carl Macek stated in an interview that Sentinels looked different because neither Tatsunoko, nor HG, had the rights to use any of the designs from Macross. From 2000 on, HG starts claiming that it owns all things Macross. That's contradictory right there. And don't try to say that HG was just "making a general statement". They were trying to convince everyone that everything Macross (outside of Japan*) was theirs to do with as they wish. *do I really need to keep saying "outside of Japan", or do we kind of assume that's part of the statement? HG has never claimed the designs, I don't see how that's inconsistent. BW are the ones who went to court to confirm their rights to it, true. However, I've never seen an instance where HG or TP did anything to infringe on BW's design copyright. In fact, they both specifically avoided those designs in the Sentinels. I'd like to see a contextual quote of this "own all things Macross," because as you just brought out in your own post it can be confusing if you don't add the tag "outside Japan." Despite the fact that you don't make the distinction doesn't mean a distinction can't be made that HG was speaking in a general sense to a group of fans not a group of lawyers or even wanna be lawyers like us. Trust me, whenever HG starts talking about legal issues at conventions most of the fans get restless and are uninterested.
  5. Subaru enthusiasts are also into this toy. I doubt they counted on that.
  6. Probably much the same way Manga got by HG in the U.S. But, we don't know how long it's been since HG was aware of those releases. Tommy did speak of those releases at ComicCon this year. All that would mean is that HG could not claim exclusive license in the regions that BW granted to those distributors. All other regions could still be enforced by HG. Could you clarify your statement here? It seems to me like your saying that HG cannot claim exclusivity if BigWest has granted a license to these distributors. But they can claim exclusivity in regions where BigWest has not granted a license. In other words: Once BigWest does grant a license in a previously untapped region, HG can no longer claim exclusivity. Or: Only regions where licenses were granted before HG claims that they "wised up" are allowed to keep those licenses? It's most likely that HG can't lay claim to regions and products that they have let slip by. When I speak with HG people at conventions other places we always talk about DYRL? like TP being involved is a given. I lean towards B, I mean this is Macross we're talking about. It seems to be plagued as an "also ran" to Gundam. Everyone keeps underestimating it's appeal to the int'l markets. That is something that I hold HG responsible for. Just because they may be varying doesn't mean that they're contradictory. I'd like to see some examples.
  7. The success of DYRL? has too much to do with the success of SDF Macross to not be considered a derivative. The fact that they named the movie after the show and the fact that TP did have involvement in DYRL? (however small) indellibly links the two.
  8. Any idea how Macross 7 Trash managed to get released internationally (in French, German, and Italian translation) then? Probably much the same way Manga got by HG in the U.S. But, we don't know how long it's been since HG was aware of those releases. Tommy did speak of those releases at ComicCon this year. All that would mean is that HG could not claim exclusive license in the regions that BW granted to those distributors. All other regions could still be enforced by HG.
  9. This thing is sweeter than my 1/48 and I'm not even a TransFan...I got a better impression of it right out of the box. Hey, but that's just me.
  10. At the same time Tommy was making that "understaffed" remark he was pretty much acknowleding that those animes have passed them by, I very much got the feeling that they're not going to do anything about those releases. He said something about not letting any futher infringments occur. Maybe, but you're still making that huge leap that I mentioned earlier. Except that Manga's copyright extends only to the elements involved to release videos here in the States. They by no means can copyright the animation it self and neither could TP, as far as I can understand. BW created M+ and therefore own the copyright. The questions are: should they hve been allowed to create M+ with out TP involvement? And, does the memorandum affect int'l distribution of M+?
  11. Funny how misleading this statement is...I hadn't looked at it in a while. BW did not bring up a lawsuit regarding 'to confirm our copyright ownership of TV anime "The Super Dimension Fortress-1 Macross."' Their lawsuit only involved the design elements. It was TP that brought the lawsuit regarding SDF Macross it's self, and BW lost that case.
  12. Hey, I wasn't the one who made the insinuation. Besides it was nothing Yamato Lover said that merited any bannings.
  13. HG probably won't do anything about them.
  14. Even Agent One would look bad with lighting like that.
  15. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. Yeah, I thought the two of you were buddies. Does no one read what I actually write? Actually to tell you the truth... no. I really don't, I skip all of your posts. I don't care much to discuss the legal issues. I like Macross just the way it is, and fortunately because of bad blood, bad business practice, and bad management it won't be changin for a long time... I thought you and bok were buddies a long time ago because you were both pissing everyone else off in the same way, however bok was less tactfull than you. The two of you stand on MW because the both of you are both obviously adults, but you are still clinging on to a hack job 80's show that was full of mistakes, and dumbed down for a kiddie US audience. Then you've missed that my only objection to Macross at all is in this legal sense. I enjoy Macross on its own; I own the Animeigo 9-disc set, as well as the derivatives, DYRL? is the best anime movie ever as far as I'm concerned. I would love to have Macross related merchandise readily available. I also enjoy the multi-generational struggle in RT, however my appreciation really developed with the novels. I believe that Macross and RT can co-exist on the int'l market as much as they do in my own heart. But, I can also separate a business' legal maneuvering from my emotional attachment to the shows.
  16. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. Yeah, I thought the two of you were buddies. Does no one read what I actually write?
  17. If it is him, why should he be banned when you are not? It's not like this guy has done any flaming. As of now anyways. The Yamato Lover account. There's no reason people should have two accounts.
  18. I remember another poster, who long ago vowed to give us all a "Cold Hard Dose of Reality." I sense something. A presence I've not felt since.... If it's BoK, the mods should delete this Yamato Lover account.
  19. To simply believe Tommy Yune/HG's version of events, in the face of proven facts (see Effect's post above) is extremely credulous, not to mention in no way "severely" speculative. I'm not arguing Tommy's remarks. I've said before that Tommy's remarks were probably an over simplification, and true only in a broad sense. And still its a large assumption on your part. Once again, publicly available facts give credibility to speculation that HG, in fact, has never owned those rights. If HG was a dormant company during the time of their supposed "understaffing", that would be one thing. But the record shows (see Effect's post above) that HG was not only releasing products, but they were releasing products into the very Anime market that, supposedly, they were too understaffed to pay attention to at the time. I'm going to have to cite you for being completely obtuse. You don't address my point and again saddle me with an argument I've never made. What I stated is simply a fact cwbrown has brought out a couple of times. True. You redeem yourself. HG has been successful in blocking Int'l releases of Macross-related merchandise, but only if you look at it a certain way. In 2000 Toycom announced it would be releasing toys based on Macross Plus. At this time, HG announces, for the first time ever, that they own everything Macross. As of yet, no company who has licensed a Macross product has actually taken HG to court to challenge this. And for good reason, because the mothership (BigWest) was busy preparing to take, and then challenging, Tatsunoko to court to determine the status of Macross ownership. True, Bandai tried to release VF-X2, but HG said they would block it. So Bandai after some effort backed down to see what would happen in the Japanese courts. So yes, that was a success. Then HG also attempts to block Macross toys imported from Japan. A retailer whom they had threatened with a Cease and Desist letter fires back with a lawyer. When that lawyer asks HG to prove their claims, they refuse to do so. Not a success. This act also works to cast doubts on HG's claims. In layperson's terms, they tried to start a fight, and then chickened out when someone accepted the thrown gauntlet. This also can lead to speculation that HG was saying things that, essentially, aren't true. You mean sort of like Sunwards. I think your being somewhat biased here. You don't fault BW/Bandai for not challenging HG/TP because there is current litigation which will affect the out come of such a challenge. And then you turn around and claim that HG doesn't challenge these small "retailers" (are they really retailers of Macross merchandise if they're not buy these products at retail prices?) becuse they'd have no case, even though there's on going litigation that would affect the outcome of the challenge. Remember, the merchandise we're talking about is from the derivative shows not SDF Macross. Also, for HG to present it's case to each and every little store would be costly and time consuming. Opening the door to one would mean opening the door to all the rest and that's simply not reasonable, for either side.
  20. The way I see it, all this discussion about what happened to in the past is moot. For several reasons. (1) HG never challenged those releases. To jump to the conclusion that they didn't challenge those releases because they 'must have known they didn't have those rights,' is severely speculative. (2) Even if HG/TP completely ignored those releases does not mean HG has given up all subsequent rights to future releases. (3) The most recent ruling on the show's copyright happened only a few weeks ago. We've yet to see the full consequence of that ruling. (4) The current situation is that HG is able to block int'l releases of Macross related merchandise that they've seen fit to block. BW has never challenged HG ability to block such releases.
  21. Err... I don't really see how you came up with that. No one knows who owns the story. And as far as we know.... BW owns the derivatives because they have been pumping out Macross derivatives without TP saying anything about them. If BW was to release Macross Zero here.... I doubt HG could do anything to try and stop it. Untill BW is done with Macross Zero.... things will remain as is. Maybe then... BW will make a move and dispute the whole deal in court with HG.... untill then.... any argument will be a simple guess. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=153&st=320 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=153&st=440 I though this stated whats happening now and likelyhood for the future? We all know whats happening now.... we don't know whats happening in the future. Because no one here knows who owns the derivatives. Though.... its kind of obvious its BW because they have been making Macross derivatives since 1984, without TP complaining about it (either because they were too busy or because they simply didn't care... it doesn't matter). If you want to know whats going to happen in the future, wait till Macross Zero is finished so BW can put their plans in order. Of course BW owns those derivatives, as you said, they made them. The question we really care about is, "who has the right to distribute those derivatives internationally?" Even if BW is found to "own" them without having to compensate TP for making them (this itself is still not settled), we still don't know for certain how the memorandum affects how derivatives are handled int'ly.
  22. What do you expect, Macek wrote the Masters.
  23. Ordered mine from deepdiscountdvd.com they've got the best prices around + free shipping. They've shipped mine but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm really looking forward to it.
  24. Honestly.... I don't see how this could be a reasonable explanation. I just fail to see how something like that would cause viewer confusion. Seriously.... ppl can't be that stupid to be confused with different credits in an intro sequences. Were IQs really that low back then? It was HGs choice on how to handle the crediting and the intro. I'm simply saying that certain "jobs" should have been credited.... main character design. You're right, that's not what I meant exactly, note my edit. But, it does bring up another point. Back then, creating titles meant a heafty expense in the editing room, now it's easy, but you had to rent a seperate piece of equipment to do titles. Creating one set of credits limits the cost during post-production. In other words, they were too lazy and cheap to do it the right way. The expense is only hefty compared to doing nothing at all. There's no way doing 3 variations of the opening and closing credits would be considered a hefty expense when calculated into the overall cost of the entire production. Sure, if you want to focus only on one of the several reasons I gave you. But, you're forgetting one thing. HG was using a new technology called VIDEO. This was new and very expensive technology.
  25. Honestly.... I don't see how this could be a reasonable explanation. I just fail to see how something like that would cause viewer confusion. Seriously.... ppl can't be that stupid to be confused with different credits in an intro sequences. Were IQs really that low back then? It was HGs choice on how to handle the crediting and the intro. I'm simply saying that certain "jobs" should have been credited.... main character design. You're right, that's not what I meant exactly, note my edit. But, it does bring up another point. Back then, creating titles meant a heafty expense in the editing room, now it's easy, but you had to rent a seperate piece of equipment to do titles. Creating one set of credits limits the cost during post-production.
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