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Everything posted by wrylac

  1. I never really left. I just wanted to help you with that blood pressure problem you were having. You did stop taking the pills, didn't you?
  2. Could be that Robotech Pool Cleaners was registered during the period between 1992 and 2001. I would imagine they would be grandfathered into having the ability to use the name. I suppose the pool cleaner company could have challenged the Robotech Trademark, but obviously it went through so they probably didn't care or they did and that's why it took 2 years for the trademark to register, in any case it belongs to HG now.
  3. I see it putting pressure on BW to finally let Yamato deal with HG to release their DYRL? merchandise internationally. Edit: shoulda' read the next post.
  4. I was looking around that site and i found this "One of Harmony Gold's flagship titles is Robotech, the Japanese anime franchise that includes a groundbreaking TV series originated in 1985; two feature films, novels, comic books and toy" What exactly are the 'two feature films'? I hope they dont cound DYRL? as one of them Hybridchild That's just their domestic cataloge, they're more of an international distributor. Doesn't answer the question at all. Sorry, I was actually only commenting on what Southcross said. But, I think the answers to your question are The Sentinels and Robotech: The Movie.
  5. I was looking around that site and i found this "One of Harmony Gold's flagship titles is Robotech, the Japanese anime franchise that includes a groundbreaking TV series originated in 1985; two feature films, novels, comic books and toy" What exactly are the 'two feature films'? I hope they dont cound DYRL? as one of them Hybridchild That's just their domestic cataloge, they're more of an international distributor.
  6. No, Harmony Gold does indeed hold the rights outside of Japan to the original SDF Macross. They can't create a new series using the characters, but they can develop merchandise based upon the series. I go away for a day and look what happens. Just a slight but important correction to this post. The rulings stated that HG couldn't use the original designs to create a new animation, nothing was said about using the characters. It is important to keep in mind what this actually means. HG can make and distribute toys for DYRL? for the international market. The other shows are still in question as well as video distribution for DYRL? as was brought out by Animeigo. This also means that when BW sold Yamato international distribution rights, Yamato got the shaft from BW as evidenced by Graham's earlier comments that Yamato no longer believes they have international distribution rights. Now if Yamato would only work their deal to include HG we can get some Yamato Valks internationally, but that's not likely as BW would likely attmept to remove the domestic license from them. BW is really making Yamato decide, do they have a better domestic or international market? Of course, BW could back off of Yamato and honor thier deal, but they've proven that they won't.
  7. Let's see, global warming is based on junk science, the ban on DDT cost millions of lives to malaria and logging restricitons made SoCal and other places go up like tinderboxes. Yea, environmentalism. I'll likely skip this one.
  8. Don't forget the part that says TP paid for the whole thing. Incorrect. TP didn't pay for the preproduction work on the lineart, either before or after the fact. (This is why they lost the first case). TP also didn't pay for the preproduction work on the story. (The legal significance of that fact has not yet been tested.) TP did directly pay the production costs, although I'm not aware of any publicly-available accounting of what they were. Edit: Even saying that TP "managed the overall production of the TV show" is a bit of an overstatement on my part. They footed the bills and handled some of the production. According to the court findings, Noboru Ishiguro oversaw the entire production of the TV show. Pre-production story work on a series usually only consists of a couple of pages outlining the direction of the first few episodes. Much different from how movies are done, which have a script before hand. For a TV series writers are hired as part of the production as they are a major expense. But, just to reiterate what you said we don't know the legal significance of all of that yet. Noboru Ishiguro, was employed by Tatsunoko Prod. through Anime Friend.
  9. Don't forget the part that says TP paid for the whole thing.
  10. All this car talk a few pages back and no one wants the RX-7 I have for sale? Check my sig. *shameless plug*
  11. The January 2003 ruling says that Mainichi paid "5,500,000 yen per episode as an expense of a production in the animation movie," which gave Mainichi the exclusive right to broadcast SDF Macross in Japan for 2 years. This was based on their agreement with Tatsunoko Productions (TP) made in September 1982. That was because TP were the copyright owners of the material since they had been paying all production expenses out of pocket since May of that same year.
  12. Depends on who you think of as a troll.
  13. 22+% geek. I had no idea.
  14. nearly 6 years
  15. Exactly.... This just really shows how badly you can milk a product to the point where the cow is all bones. With my boot...up HG's ass. Looks like neither of you have experience with video/film archives. It is very plausable and likely true that this stuff was buried some where, where no one knew where it was. WB and MGM might have meticulous logs from decades ago but I've never seen a small production company keep anything straight for more than a few years.
  16. The press release states that this remaster is done from a brand new digital transfer of the original film stock. RT was orginally edited from a video transfer.
  17. Since when did you start believing HG?
  18. Looks like they took a page out of just about every other DVD release done over the last couple of years. This is nothing new and doesn't surprise at all. No one's going to force you to take the money out of your wallet.
  19. I did have to change one other defendant-plaintiff/plaintiff-defendant issue with Naoko's translation before I posted it. I'll look these two up and correct them accordingly. Thanks. In Naoko's defense the timeframe she was working with to get this translation done was very limited. She hand wrote the translation in a few days' time all while trying to move from her dorm. She didn't have much of a chance to finish it up the way she would have liked before we would lose easy contact with eachother. However, I cannot speak to the Feb02 translation. I was not the one who had it translated, someone else had it posted on the old boards. I just re-posted it here for easy reference.
  20. Do we know for sure that Earth was attacked before/as SDF-1 left? I thought I remembered a comment in DYRL? about them losing contact with Earth, is it that SDF-1 was in space before Earth was attacked?
  21. To answer your question, no, the entire memorandum is not publicly available. The only thing we know of the memorandum is what we find in the Feb02 ruling and the Jan03 ruling, both of which state the same thing about the memorandum. Here it is from the Feb02 ruling. I see your reasoning regarding the broadcasting rights given in Article 29 Section 2,3. But, TP was granted copyright based on Article 29 Section 1. Which doesn't only involve broadcast rights but simply states this. You see although SN/BW were confirmed to be the ones who have authorship through Article 15 Section 1, TP was granted the copyright through 29-1. Your right the judges ruling doesn't over ride the memorandum but the memorandum doesn't give BW the right to create derivatives.
  22. I posted a pic 650 pixels wide and it didn't stretch the forum window.
  23. Actually, it does matter if it's repetitious. Any thread on this board that keeps reiterating the same thing over and over eventually gets locked. I'm telling you guys.....try to bring a new perspective to you arguements at the very least. As it stands right now, this thread is serving no purpose than massaging egos inflated by "debate" skills. MacrossWorld is not a debate forum. That's not to say debating isn't accepted. I'm just saying that members here with the sole intention of debating (read: argue) and nothing else add NOTHING to this forum. Bottom line, if you're here to argue, at least bring new information/perspective to the table. This thread has become useless. This might not be a "debate" forum. But, this is a debate thread, started by none other than one of the forum Moderators. Wether you like it or not, this discussion is part of the Macross fandom. The members posting in this thread are mearly operating with in the guidelines Shawn has set up. I'm sure it would be a lot better for a newbie to come around and start a new thread every time one of them has a question.
  24. Ok the edit function is screwing up on me right now. Just to be clear the translation you just posted, doesn't seperate out the Moral Right from TP's copyright.
  25. Not dodgin' nuthin'. I have yet to see an translation that says Tatsunoko was granted copyright without "Moral Rights." I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with your detective work. I see, you think that the judge inadvertently referenced a legal term in his ruling, that would change the entire meaning of what he said. What an idiot. It's not Jennifer really, it's more how kick-ass "Sydney" is. It's up to the judge to come up with what is just not to worry about what such a ruling would mean. I doubt it'd hold up in court. TV and movies are all rip-offs of things already done. But, you could be right. Although, Macross was a rip-off of the whole space-opera started by several shows before it, maybe those companies can claim copyright infringment on SDF Macross too.
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