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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. ffffffffffff vf-4 words cannot express how long i have been waiting for this day to come i can't even punctuate correctly
  2. NOTHING IS POINTLESS! AND THE REASON IS BECAUSE I'M THE PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! YYYEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! This game needs to be released in the US. If not because of its kickass dialogue, than because of the superkeen backpack system the Metal Wolf uses.
  3. R.E.M. saw it coming. Forget war in the middle east, these are truly the signs of impending armageddon.
  4. In Bizarro world.
  5. Who cares if battroid mode looks slightly ridiculous? The VF-4's sexy-as-hell fighter mode more than makes up for that!
  6. More concept pics, including robot mode and facial details. I really have nothing more to say to that. Words cannot describe.
  7. For once, a -good- repaint! Makes up for the piss-poor paintjob on the first Cybertron VP.
  8. Anyone hear about that movie about Flight 93? Total ripoff. They should've just called it Suicidal Terrorists on a Plane and got it over with.
  9. Ed.Coli

    Gta:sa Mods

    I'm not really sure what the first one's supposed to be... some kind of early, gerwalk-only VF-4? Neat nonetheless.
  10. I am glad that I live in a country where I can pay money to see Samuel L. Jackson taser a snake in the face.
  11. The GBP armor that Roy's 0S was equipped with wasn't really strong plate armor, it was reactive armor. The rounds weren't bouncing off, the armor plates were detonating to cancel the impact energy of DD's cannon. Once reactive armor is used up, it's essentially dead weight, so building an entire VF out of reactive armor is somewhat ridiculous.
  12. Let me vent for a minute on what I believe to be the main problem with Transformers in Japan. There just is an overall sloppiness in the G1 Transformers storyline that just doesn't resonate well with the average Japanese person. Even the really kiddy shows in Japan (think sentai) pay meticulous attention to technical detail. There is a somewhat complex storyline dealing with somewhat serious issues. If a robot shows up in a Japanese show, rest assured that it has been spec'ed out in detail. Height, weight, power source, designer, maximum speed, blah blah blah. Transformers, on the other hand, came into being for one main purpose, to sell robot toys. Sure, Gundam is a merchandising powerhouse as well, but you have to admit the story came before the toys. So you have a transforming toy gun and a transforming toy truck, how do you make a show out of this? Well the gun is the leader of the bad guys and the truck is the leader of the good guys. Unfortunately in robot form they are the same size, yet when Megatron is a gun he magically shrinks. American kids can usually let this stuff go, but a Japanese kid will be baffled. Where does the mass go? There are fundamental laws of physics being broken here! Think of how Power Rangers was initially brought to America. Rather than protecting the world from domination, the backstory was that these kids had to save a little town called Angel Grove. Instead of going into technical detail of why someone (or some organization) designed these robots for the rangers, they were just awesome Zords that spontaneously appeared out of nowhere. Techincal details be damned, they're just so mighty morphin that no one cares. American kids shows tend to just really dumb things down, and I find it really condescending. So things like Soundwave having the awesome ability to transform into a fantastic piece of architecture on his native cybertron. Or the convenient fact that the robot forms on cybertron had parts like grills and headlights on their chests that just happened to match the modern day cars of present day Earth. That certain transformers can change size on demand, and it's not even clear what size they are supposed to be (all the decepticons can fit inside Astrotrain?!). That you can kill Prime with a few gunshots, yet you can also completely disassemble him and stick his arm on the top of the Empire State building just to piss people off, and then put him back together again with no ill effects. These little details just gnaw at the Japanese and their technically trained minds. Don't get me wrong, I grew up on Transformers, and still love them to this day. While lacking in technical details, the Transformers had some really memorable characters and plenty of pretty decent storylines. But I really think it's the overall sloppiness of technical details that kept The Transformers from the success it deserved in Japan. 371739[/snapback]
  13. THS-02 in color The Robot mode looks nice, but the truck mode looks no less out of place painted than it was unpainted. The upper cab just juts out too much, and there's that unkeen gap between the upper and lower cab.
  14. Pics! Is it action fleet scale? If it is, I might buy it just because I want an AF scale Jedi Starfighter. The transforming thing is just kind of a bonus.
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