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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Official Pre Order for the 31A is still open. I don't remember CDJ setting a deadline. The Deadline posted on the P-Bandai website is November 20, 2017 at 23:00 JST http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000118008/ After 11-20-23 JST, preorders will be closed at P-Bandai.
  2. These are presale for the preorder. We should be able to find them for cheaper when preorder officials launchs.
  3. Anime-export 26760 yen http://www.anime-export.com/product/37947
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    for web exclusives there's no set time from proxy stores. some earlier, some couple of days later. The only one with the set time is from P-bandai themselves. MyKombini normally post web exclusives later than N-Y
  5. MyKombini , bandaionline , loopaza will probably have it too.
  6. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Biginjapan is pretty good at shipping out fast.
  7. That Darker red looks much better than the hi-metal R one.
  8. if it's "dispatched" , then you should definitely see some update this week. let's hope they just missed the arrival at inward office of exchange scan and your next update will be at your sorting center. My package was most likely on the bottom of the containers..... they would probably want to sit on a bigger box anyways.
  9. "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment" doesn't mean much, its a general blah blah blah... it's best to check the tracking from the japanpost site first , what you want to see this "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" (if you see that then you should be good, give it 2 weeks or so from that date) it means it left japan. When it get to the USA, it could just sit somewhere or even waiting to get to customs for days to weeks. they are not going to scan it until they have time to process it. So you can have days to week without updates. There's also scans that they do internally that does not show to customers. My Register sal small packet (vf-1j) from nippon-yasan came in pretty quick , but was a bit beat up. (usps should be processing everything asap right now to make room for the upcoming holiday season which should start about 2 weeks from now)
  10. I received this Sal small packet today. crushed on one side and definitely had contact with water and dried up. I just used my keys to open the shipping box. and here's what's inside. The packaging box took the main hits and bubble wrap finished up the protection. the crushing and water stopped at the bubble wrap layer. Both did it's job. protected my VF-1J only some minor damage to the box. (forgot to take pics but everything inside is all good)
  11. look around your room, you see this empty wall? before you know it, i'll have a layer of gundam boxes over it.
  12. METAL BUILD ARBALEST back up at Cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-254393
  13. they haven't made any more of the Strike gundam ever since they got into some trouble with copyright issues. Moshow is gone (in name) But they changed name to Warrior toys for their 1/100 Qanï¼»T] release which was delayed for a long time due to the above issue. They change some marking and even packaged the gundam seperately. They are using the name Poison toys for these new 1/72 release (it's possible that they will reissue the 1/72 Aile Strike under this company name) They are also Vientiane Toys and is making a Robot that looks like Destiny gundam So I think they will be using different names for different releases from now. https://m.weibo.cn/u/6345245341?uid=6345245341&luicode=10000011&lfid=1076036091067406
  14. Moshow (Poison toys) 1/72 Sword and Launcher packs. (does not include 1/72 Gundam) Releasing around November price around $60 Price of the Original Moshow 1/72 Strike Gundam has gone up over $200 now.
  15. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They ship out on release date for normal release items. But since this is P bandai perhaps they didnt get their shipment yet?
  16. Just notice Otakumode is doing a 10x tom points promo on all their stuff. So you can get the Metal Build Arbalest for even cheaper now. Pre Order price $213.75 (get $43.87 in TOM points for future order) Free Shipping for USA and Canada upfront payment required https://otakumode.com/shop/59efcfe998f130d722699060?ivc=5f4bff
  17. Just notice Otakumode is doing a 10x tom points promo on all their stuff. So you can get the Metal Build Arbalest for even cheaper now. Pre Order price $213.75 (get $43.87 in TOM points for future order) Free Shipping for USA and Canada upfront payment required https://otakumode.com/shop/59efcfe998f130d722699060?ivc=5f4bff
  18. Its about 2-3 weeks for me in the westcost too. Theres also times when it only took 1 week. Crossing the ocean only takes about 12 hours . The rest of the time is just sitting around waiting.
  19. Yeah , the ones that come with red frame kai. This is the 2nd batch
  20. METAL BUILD - TACTICAL ARMS IIL & TIGER PIERCE OPTION SET - LIMITED EDITION Nippon-yasan has it for 5850 yen now https://www.nippon-yasan.com/20376-metal-build-tactical-arms-iil-tiger-pierce-option-set-limited-edition.html
  21. probably 21000 yen as long as it's not an event exclusive
  22. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Unfortunately the combine shipping discount from Nippon-yasan isnt much .
  23. Yup, up front payment. bigbadtoystore also have it but its for $224.99 and also required 22.50 non refundable deposit. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/63583
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