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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

  2. METAL Robot Spirits (Ka signature) -SIDE MS- Zeta Plus C1 "GUNDAM SENTINEL" http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10522540 13,500yen http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-037573&page=top 13,750 JPY
  3. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    alright people, nap time, see you all in a bit.
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    it will be sold out in secs from 1 store, and minutes from another. They are not made to order.
  5. Or look at it this way. metal builds/ composite are like dx chogokin valks , Arcadia, yamato. metal robot/ spirits are like hi-metal rs.
  6. Delivered, now just have to wait til i get off work .......
  7. You should probably check the sellers feedback , you know the old saying
  8. http://tamashii.jp/special/metal_robot/zetaplus/ Preorder starts 03-01-18 (16:00 JST)
  9. Looks like i wont be able to get it today.
  10. photo review from "hacchaka" is up. http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52021221.html
  11. you can use "CC" to auto translate.
  12. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Since they were web exclusive items, you will not find it at HLJ. You can find them at proxy stores like nippon-yasan , MyKombini , anime-export . and preowned item stores like Mandarake, amiami preowned section. expect to pay more
  13. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    When i first saw the armor , i thought it looks a bit overkill . Then i look at the red and white deep striker................. Now the armor looks way less overkill and is about right at full armor level.
  14. Yup , its already on its way , eta Tuesday but will probably be sooner.
  15. Nin nin game have it but at $303 https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/figures-goodies/25363-gundam-00f-gny-001f-gundam-astraea-type-f-gn-heavy-weapon-limited-set-metal-build-.html
  16. here's a section of them combining , in case you missed anything.
  17. F360

    Macross figures

    same 1/20 scale vf-1 in the background.
  18. wf2018 http://hobby.dengeki.com/event/527535/
  19. this will more likely be an webshop exclusive.
  20. also on the bottom they hinted if things go well they will do Avalanche Astraea too and new original gimmick of METAL BUILD so please look forward to the next report 最後に……新情報! ご好評を受け、このアストレア用の「アヴァランチユニット」が商品化決定しました! MSVのストーリー上でも登場している赤いアヴァランチユニットですが、当然ながらMETAL BUILDの新たなオリジナルギミックも検討中ですので、続報にご期待ください!! So i'll be something like this, examples I hope it's not a whole new Metal Build. Would prefet for it to be a nice complete option parts set. ( I would prefer a nice option parts set so I don't have to rebuy) hoping for something similar to the RG 1/144 conversion kit
  21. looks like US-P bandai is showing the same prepping update too when you look in your order history. Man , the 2nd batch is gonna feel like forever.. but then there's all these other releases coming out before it that was announced after. guess I can wait.
  22. kinda slow on news with too many other news to filter. but the first batch is coming out soon, unfortunately my preorder is from the later batches. "METAL BUILD Gundam Asturea TYPE-F (GN HEAVY WEAPON SET)" Release date May 2-18 (first batch) http://blog.livedoor.jp/tamashii_robot/22199071201818 update : I mess up on the release date, that 02-20-18 is just the sample date:
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