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Everything posted by F360

  1. nice group shot. I think you're missing the Exia repair and the OO Raiser to complete the family.
  2. 3rd party gundam and transformers along with model kits can get good on price with the coupon. Then theres always electronics, phones, computer parts , clothes , shoes?
  3. Coupon is a GO! This 20% off does not come offen.
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    eBay 20% Off Everything (starts on 03-09-18 8:00am PST) https://pages.ebay.com/promo/2018/0309/7020.html Use the code PSPRING20 (one-time use) • Open to eBay accounts registered in US and CA • Excludes Gift Cards & Coupons, Coins & Paper Money, Real Estate • $100 maximum discount / $25 minimum purchase For some Valk deals on ebay? ................... or other stuff..
  5. eBay 20% Off Everything (starts on 03-09-18 8:00am PST) https://pages.ebay.com/promo/2018/0309/7020.html Use the code PSPRING20 (one-time use) • Open to eBay accounts registered in US and CA • Excludes Gift Cards & Coupons, Coins & Paper Money, Real Estate • $100 maximum discount / $25 minimum purchase For those that want a 2nd Metal Composite Wing gundam from ebay................... or other stuff..
  6. Mote zplus c-1 at cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-272382
  7. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    More preorders of vf-31s at cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-272384
  8. Yeah, Bandai still make AGP to accompany their Robot Spirits releases and vise versa. I wasn't able to get that 10th anniversary Exia because it's a lottery sale and the aftermarket price is just too expensive
  9. The release dates for March. GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE ウイングガンダムゼロ(EW版)【2次:2018年3月発送】 (2nd batch) 03-15-18 http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000117650/?_ga=2.255628104.1372087503.1519798639-1265780870.1469593393 METAL BUILD ガンダムエクシア (10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION) 03-23-18 http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000118227/?_ga=2.255628104.1372087503.1519798639-1265780870.1469593393 AGP Ms girl FAzz 03-23-18 http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000118009/?_ga=2.201240814.1372087503.1519798639-1265780870.1469593393 And of course the dx chogokin VF-31a is also set on 03-15-18 http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000118008/?_ga=2.255628104.1372087503.1519798639-1265780870.1469593393 OOOPs,, I only posted tamashii web exclusives and forgot the regular releases Metal Robot Strike Freedom 03-24-18 http://tamashii.jp/item/12325/?wovn=en
  10. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The release date for the VF-31a is 03-15-18 http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000118008/?_ga=2.255628104.1372087503.1519798639-1265780870.1469593393
  11. I heard bad things with nin-nin too, but from my own experiences they delivered what I preordered. My vf-31a is with them too since I had some points with them. For the MB Laevatein, you can probably get it from HLJ , cdjapan, N-Y closer to release date for a better price. You can always preorder it from eknightmedia as a backup since you can cancel anytime and they wont charge until they get it. But you will need to pay tax since you are from CA.
  12. http://www.eknightmedia.com/full-metal-panic-laevatein-ver-iv-metal-build-action-figure-by-bandai-tamashii-nations.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAieTUBRCaARIsAHeLDCQwl-r3b2AxJ18zAASZLO2EUREOhZ9ncawf0XRfp4z4GfpDU5dikc4aApz2EALw_wcB http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/68564 https://www.lunartoystore.com/4549660177784 https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/figures-goodies/25963-full-metal-panic-invisible-victory-arbalest-veriv-metal-build--4549660177784.html
  13. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah, now that I'm no longer on preorder rush, your reasoning makes perfect sense.
  14. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They generate the order number when you first start the checkout process. Not when you finish. So someone can have a later order number and still get their pre order in if they can get pass all the "wheels of Death" earlier/faster. pretty much whoever Finish the whole process first.
  15. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's not call the "wheel of Death" for nothing.... yeah. I got those too from time to time.
  16. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/24267-metal-robot-damashii-ka-signature-side-ms-zeta-plus-c1.html 11400 yen almost ready
  17. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah, you can feel your heart pumping louder when that stupid wheel spins.
  18. it's pretty high right now because only the 1st batch is out, you can probably get a better price when the 2nd batch gets release. which is in May I think
  19. yeah, getting it from their email was the fastest route. I'm still thinking about it.
  20. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/26187-gundam-sentinel-zeta-plus-c1-metal-robot-spirits-side-ms-ka-signature--4549660239369.html
  21. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

  22. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    try using another browser or from your phone.
  23. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-272382 https://hlj.com/product/BANN23936/Gun
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