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Everything posted by F360

  1. Unless the current season of FMP IV became hella popular.
  2. wow, just go my shipping notice from N-Y. I thought he were already on their break.
  3. well for international orders, there's still Loopaza... https://www.loopaza.com/metal-build-mobile-suit-gundam-seed-aile-strike-gundam.html at $259.99 is a little bit more expensive Shipping is about $55.
  4. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    www.loopaza.com/dx-chogokin-yf-19-macross-plus-excalibur-full-set-pack.html at $269.99 is a little bit more expensive Shipping is about $55.
  5. The new preorder time mess you up too huh.? yeah i notice the usa msrp is seems higher , i was expecting it at $259. But $275 seems to be the price and bbts is saying that its limited so onle 1 per customer.
  6. Thanks for the excellent news ,
  7. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    In business and anything else , result is what matters . They are getting the result they wanted , all is good at the house of Bandai. Period. besides they’re obviously doing something right or else you wont care if you were able to get in a preorder or not. The fact that you are here talking about it already made them the winner. also you only seem to be fucus on 1 product instead of the multiple other products that they also make in the same mecha category that will fight for the same customer money. Customer A have only so much money and space . Having a item getting sold out will give more opportunities to other product that the same customer might want or is indecisive on which. Just like many people here buys valks and metal build Gundam, both by the same company , if they are short on cash they will only get 1 ( at macrossworld its 1 of each). Lol. dont think too much into this, at the end you can only buy what’s available anyways.
  8. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Glad to help , lucky you stayed around after missing the first one
  9. Maybe they will release this without all the missiles so the price will not scare people away.
  10. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-281659 up again 1 left
  11. from proxy?
  12. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    i hope so, but since it was limited to 1 per customer, only the people that wasn't able to get it from cdjapan on preorder night can go for it. I was checking my order, saw 2, posted right away and it' already went to 1 left.
  13. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-281659 have 2 left go go go
  14. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    They are just recoloring of Tamashii stage Act 5 stands. (they come in a set of 3) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-IPN-1688&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Finc_txt2%3D3%24s_cate3%3D9729%24pagemax%3D50%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10114336 https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Mechanics-Action/dp/B003F256QI here's a link for all of the different Tamashii stage act stands. http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=tamashii+Stage+ACT&submit=Search&pagemax=40
  15. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    here is Flash Back. But in anywhere else it's FaceBook. lol
  16. for those that missed out the MB strike and is in the USA or Canada for free shiping. The US MSRP is probably $275 Try refreshing this otakumode page , they started posting it up for preorder today, but was sold out fast. I saw 1 left or 2 left here and there. https://otakumode.com/shop/5ae48fa65c9ea3075a2fd092?ivc=5f4bff
  17. By the way if anyone is still looking for a MB qan(t)? $212 with free shipping for usa and Canada at Otakumode https://otakumode.com/shop/5a73ece3b9cc5a4520bda32d?ivc=5f4bff
  18. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    it's either 1.5 % off or 1.6% off. yeah it's not much
  19. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    n-y just crashed ...
  20. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  21. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    2 is always a good number for Macross items.
  22. at cdjapan, the Strike gundam is sold out, but the yf-19 is still available. normally it's the other way around.
  23. got HLJ order confirmation too. wasn't able to get anything from N-Y this time. did not even get the wheel of death. only the anime girl pic of " it's not you it's me"
  24. yeah. but had some issues with my computer, my vpn crashed on me. lol. missed the HS. was able to get the HLJ one. CDJ is taking forever to load.
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