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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I wonder if they will make it pop up randomly like what they did with the 5 extra Strike Freedom they had last time.
  2. N-Y used the Arcadia box to ship out my 2x SDF-1 PF. But they removed the individual brown box and bubble wrapped the 2 for better protection (still pretty thin) The shipping box was in great shape but one of my box received a soft dent due to the double folding part of the bubble wrapped and sliding them back in the tight fit Arcadia shipper box. Since someone had a missing Bridge , I had to open it asap for a quick inspection before dinner. ALL in good.
  3. Well , if hlj has it , you can use the 10% off coupon, but then you might want to confirm the order asap.
  4. I guess we will find out when it happens. If its Bandai then Hlj, amiami will have the 2nd wave too . But it could very well be cdjapan and their hook ups. They have these kinda or hard to get item promos here and there.
  5. You styrfoam looks different than the pic on anymoon.
  6. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    don't forget about the tons of missiles
  7. you can probably just get some M.S.G Modeling Support Goods Their size should fit the 1/12 scale (frame arms girls) just pick some somewhat futuristic weapons. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4172&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dm.s.g%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D2 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4499&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dm.s.g%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4500&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dm.s.g%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-3596&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dm.s.g%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D3 Then there's the little armory 1/12 weapons that are more realistic. http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=little+armory&submit=Search&pagemax=40
  8. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    same here, my leg back armor was packed in reverse too. , I swapped them to correct the issue. for people that have 2 left or 2 right, maybe you can find someone that have 2 left or right and do a swap? that is if the store can't help you.
  9. Received some items from my proxy yesterday. They shrink wrapped it so well, and with slots for handle on the cardboard that I don't even want to cut it open. 2x TWE Metal Build F91 Harrison Martin ed. 1x TWE Dx Chogokin VF-31a (from yahoo auction) All have the TWE brown shippers box.
  10. Been so busy lately, finally get the chance to open my HLJ PW. EMS shipping seems to be slower than usual from Japan . Received some items from my proxy yesterday too They shrink wrapped it so well, and with slots for handle on the cardboard that I don't even want to cut it open. 2x TWE Metal Build F91 Harrison Martin ed. 1x TWE Dx Chogokin VF-31a (from yahoo auction)
  11. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    for those that are looking for more display stand for your Hi-metal R, Cdjapan outlet have the Tamashii STAGE ACT.5 for Mechanics Clear for 650 yen http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-275683
  12. The 3rd batch is listed for release on 05-16-18 from the tamashii website.
  13. I hope they do a Metal Build Ver of this, TWE maybe
  14. you and me both, with the VF-31a mess and all the stuff that came out , my toy spend budget is way up there. It doesn't help that I'm also a impulse buyer and buy bunch of other stuff like Figma(mostly fate series), Polynian, Megami device, Cu-Poche, etc (those frame-arm girls, and fate series) But one thing good about the proxy is that my pre orders are already paid for, just the fee and shipping when it comes out. Bandai is on a roll, big pocket hitters left and right.
  15. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the date it gets shipped out will depend on what store or proxy you used to place the preorder.
  16. The first batch sold out too fast for me, I'm on the 3rd batch too. JULY!!!!
  17. those pics are looking better and better
  18. it possible HLJ is getting their shipment in more than 1 batch. But there was not limit per customer when they first started the pre order. I order a couple in 1 order. I can't confirm if they changed it later on or not. My set is charged and in PW.
  19. F360

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Welcome,,..so you finally took the red pill. let me be the first to give you a glimpse of the future.
  20. Looks like the Metal build strike at Eknightmedia is sold out . When you click the search link it directs you to something else.
  21. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    VF-31J super pack buyers VF-31J ( most preordered) VF-31Kai (too late to preorder, will need to buy from market) VF-31Kai lottery (less supply, 3 times the demand, $$$) VF-31F super pack buyers VF-31F (most preordered) VF-31A (too late to preorder, closes match in color to this valk) VF-31C super packs buyers VF-31C (most preordered) Super pack comes with clip and missiles that you can attach to the other VF-31. Pre Order already closed, Release date is set on 05-16-18
  22. It was $259 when they started the preorder. They seem to lower the discount when a certain amount of preorder is reached. I still have the page on my phone... here's a screen cap of it. But Tax kills any normal discount for me since I live in the the same State as Eknightmedia.
  23. nice, so if the MB strike pops back up , you'll get it for even cheaper..
  24. Mb strike at eknighmedia $259 https://www.eknightmedia.com/ms-gundam-seed-aile-strike-gundam-metal-build-action-figure-by-bandai-tamashii-nations.html
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