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Everything posted by F360

  1. wait, did something happen to your Amazon order? IIRC, you placed a dx VF-1J order with them.
  2. There's 1 at Amazon,jp for 27280 yen, But will drop to 25257 at checkout for international. Shipping to the USA would be 1200 yen. Not sure if they will ship to Mexico. https://www.amazon.co.jp/METAL-クロスボーン・ガンダムX1-約170mm-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07HQRPSQB/ref=sr_1_5?s=hobby&ie=UTF8&qid=1550262149&sr=1-5&keywords=metal+build
  3. The previous stands have some nice weight inside the base. But with the new open compartment , maybe they are not as heavy and decided to use some extra support?
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I placed a valk preorder with play-asia before and they were not able to fullfill it. So I think you guys should treat it as a back up.
  5. most likely the seller pasted the tracking number of another order to your order instead. but you should let the seller know.
  6. Glad no one got hurt dont play with valks near fire
  7. Can you cancel my order/part of my order? We generally do not accept cancellations. However, please notify us as soon as possible if you are absolutely in need of a cancellation. Depending on the items/orders/your purchase status we might be able to assist; however, please be advised that the cancellations will remain in your account history and will affect your account/purchase status. Please only place an order if you are sure that you will complete the purchase.
  8. I see the web exclusive missile as a vf-1J first release thing only. The VF-1S will most likely come with missiles along with higher MSRP. Probably looking at a 22000 msrp
  9. 99% Roy.
  10. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think they will just fill them by already preordering from other local stores, In a way you are using them like a proxy service, they just don't tell you that. Which is why these later preorders require upfront payment.
  11. Kai pretty much means new/upgraded Dx vf-31j kai was a event limited ver that have some black stripes along with missiles .
  12. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It was late this time because hlj didn’t cross post their preorder link like the previous preorders.
  13. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    you are over thinking it, with how slow and all the extra loading /processing that the new HLJ is. The bots will be wasted on them.
  14. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    that was for their discount preorder. I'm sure they don't care how many you preorder for the ones with upfront payment since it's pretty much a proxy service at that point.
  15. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Something to consider for using N-Y. They also work as a proxy store . So it’s highly possible that those vf-31a preorders at 24000 yen that required upfront payment are proxy purchases. If they can source p-Bandai items then they can source standard release from other local site and stores that have it on preorder. It will have similar earning for them if not more , even if N-y price it at msrp ,since those stores would most likely offer some kind of preorder discount too.
  16. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I feel the same way , also it’s not like the people that’s getting cancelled ordered late in the preorder stage or a system error reopening. This is Hlj’s fault ,one way or another.
  17. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah. that was messed up. I still can't believed they did that.
  18. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    but 14000 is a good price. . win some , lose some?
  19. oops.. i totally missed that. but I think this one has a higher bit rate.
  20. Earning just enough to stay in business means you have no extra money for growth. Bandai is much bigger than Arcadia, so much that they have more power to demand a lower price per unit from manufacturer plans. You can not just look at Macross item , Bandai have many other products , just Gundam products alone is enough to tempt any factory to lower the per unit price of Macross item if they get some Gundam contract too. Also they are one of the few companies that took their copyright claims in China with results of closing down and arresting to big name KO Gundam companies . I’m sure they need money and power for that . The msrp of the Vf-31a is under $250. The current market price doesn’t mean much and is not a good judging price for any future Valks from Bandai . You don’t use flowers price on valentine days to judge how much they will increase next week.
  21. Looks like you want what happened to Yamato to happen to Arcadia too .
  22. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm someone’s light is dimming .
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