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Everything posted by F360

  1. HLJ charged, 1 VF-1S in my private warehouse
  2. November 22, 2019 postscript: Since the number of reservations has reached the number of preparations, the application for “May 2020 shipping” has been terminated. Thank you very much for your application. The reception for “Secondary: June 2020” will begin at 14:00 on Friday, November 22, 2019. https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097/
  3. I use them from time to time for already released items because they do have nice sales here and there, and they always tempt me with a "1000 yen off coupon" . I've only ever had 1 issues with them and that was on the TWE VF-31A. They were not able to fulfil that preorder. But that seems more like a special case than the norm.
  4. the original preorder page. https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097/
  5. With the first batch selling out in less than 15minutes , some good news for those that could not get in on the preorder. "Regarding “GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE Wing Gundam Snow White Prelude”, when the number of preparations is reached, we will make a pre-sale with a different shipping month. Details will be announced on this page. The previous Wing gundam had to make 3 batches to cover demand and that was even with all the other p-bandai selling it, including the Usa one.
  6. Thanks for emailing Bluefin , since they are part of Bandai now it’s very possible that they can distribute this TWE item in the USA . Besides they should know that Gundam wing is huge in the USA. The recent MB strike freedom Blue soul is a glimpse of light after what happens to the USA/Canada P-Bandai store . It’s also possible that we will see the MB designer blue OO raiser sometime in the future in USA too . (Perhaps bluefin is only making specials exceptions for items with blue in them ?) The best solution is for Bandai to Just reopen their USA/Canada p-Bandai back to a toy store instead of a expensive kid clothing store , lol. .
  7. http://www.anime-export.com/product/45882 35800 Yen
  8. Sentinel preorders can open for a long time and for them if they need more time , they will just delay the release date , 1 month ? , 3 months , 6months .
  9. It’s the same since it’s the designers blu ver. The ones that’s out right now were preordered from p-Bandai and sold at the tamashii nation 2019 event which if you were trying to get it at the time would require you to paid a proxy to go to the event to get it (not cheap) Bandai opened another batch for preorder after the event but the ones for Japan will only be by lottery. P-Bandai in other countries like Hong Kong , Singapore, Taiwan , China does not allow a lottery preorder system so they were open up like normal tamashii preorders and were sold out just as fast.
  10. Yes , but it’s for a lottery sale later on. you can get the ones that’s already out https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07X58PLWH/ref=pd_gwm_cr_simh_1?pf_rd_s=grid-2&pf_rd_t=Gateway&pf_rd_i=mobile&pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pd_rd_wg=CbCf7&pd_rd_r=RXFGKZC0GDRG33KQRQEK&pd_rd_w=5Si3B&pf_rd_r=RXFGKZC0GDRG33KQRQEK&pf_rd_p=b201683f-cf5d-4298-b560-6a09548a6902&pd_rd_i=B07X58PLWH or use a proxy to get it for you from yahoo Japan auctions . There’s buy it now prices around 31000 yen .
  11. Preorder November 21, 2019, 16:00 JST 29,700 yen https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097
  12. Preorder November 21, 2019, 16:00 JST 29,700 yen https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097
  13. Preorder November 21, 2019, 16:00 JST 29,700 yen https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097
  14. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B081D3DZP8/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=1%2F48+RIOBOT&qid=1574053226&s=hobby&sr=1-1
  15. Too bad they started charging tax now
  16. https://www.hlj.com/search/go?ts=custom&w=4571335880408
  17. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10656569
  18. The prebuilt metal frame is nice, but after putting the outer amor on,parts can fall off easily when you move them. They do look very good after you pose them. They also lack in markings ,decals, and tampo. .
  19. yeah. those gundams are definitely eye catchers. But like @Kuma Style said, the Wing Gundam EW and Char's Zaku II are really the only 2 current ones. All the rest including the 40th anniversary are reissues with different coloring/markings. you can take a look at their release here https://tamashii.jp/item_brand/gugundam_fix_figuration_metal/ https://tamashii.jp/item_brand/metal_build/
  20. The official street date from Bandai is 11-23-19.
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