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Everything posted by F360

  1. awesome job there
  2. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    It’s not
  3. Had to drive over to DHL to pickup my amazon package today . Looks like they are slammed with package for delivery and is about 2 days behind in some zip codes in my area . take a look at your status if there’s no delivery yet
  4. Even if the address label is unreadable , their internal system will still show who delivered and to where along with the time of the delivery. The station can ask the courier who did the delivery if he recall where he might have mis delivered. if they say the signature is waived it’s very possible that when he was delivering to a business bulk stop , he accidentally scan and delivered your package to them .
  5. The real shipping rate base on the previous red Zaku was: 3830-4230 yen for EMS 2220-2420 yen for sal small packet register
  6. yeah. instead of increasing the item price, they increased the shipping price. But just add up the total. if its it's too high at then end, then just walk away. That what I do.. 21300 yen (195.11 USD) shipped by Ferry (registered and tracking but takes like 2 months) 24300 yen (222.59 USD) shipped by EMS . By the way. The MSRP in the USA is probably going to be $219.99 just like the red zaku. and then you might need to add sales tax I went the ferry route to save a bit
  7. also up again at N-Y for 18400 pay later not available https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29936-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-compopsite-ms-06c-zaku-ii-type-c.html
  8. No , I pretty much give up on placing preorders with them on preorder night .
  9. no problem, it went out quick from them too. I haven't shop from them for a long while and cant see to remember my user name, until I recall it not being a email. lol
  10. http://www.anime-export.com/product/46013
  11. true,. but........ it's limited to 1 per customer at hlj, I'm still trying to check out from them too.
  12. damit, got one from n-y but missed the amazon.jp
  13. https://www.hlj.com/search/go?ts=custom&w=metal composite zaku its there but can not add to cart. lol
  14. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0823ZNC6M/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3IIQ2NTCNNWFQ&keywords=メタルコンポジット+ザク&qid=1575271212&refinements=p_76%3A2227292051&rnid=2227291051&rps=1&s=hobby&sprefix=metal+comp%2Chobby%2C175&sr=1-4 will need to use proxy or tenso address
  15. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0823ZNC6M/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3IIQ2NTCNNWFQ&keywords=メタルコンポジット+ザク&qid=1575271212&refinements=p_76%3A2227292051&rnid=2227291051&rps=1&s=hobby&sprefix=metal+comp%2Chobby%2C175&sr=1-4
  16. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-373429
  17. Yup , that is the preorder for the reissue.
  18. Place holder https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-054843
  19. there's this qc too.
  20. the marking of top half and the bottom half it's not aligned
  21. From someone on 2chan.
  22. isn't the transformation pretty much the same as the previous bike?
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