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Everything posted by F360

  1. please take a look that the "Description" look for "Complete Model" or (Metal Build Style) all of them shows complete model so it's not a kit.
  2. moshow stuff is good. I also love their Strike and Buster. The lighting system with the remote shown on the preview would most liklely be a add-on purchase.
  3. Bandai made it auto direct to the 2nd batch, so it's hard to see the release date for the 1st batch. But most if not all of the TWE items in december have a release date of 12-23-19. So I would day it's on the 23rd too.
  4. here's more detail on it. METAL STRUCTURE Demolition Master RX-93 Nu Gundam Option Parts Fin Funnel preorder starts December 20, 2019, 16:00 JST 27,500 yen Up to 2 per person p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000138917
  5. I think the main reason the kid picked Yamato is due to the weight . The Bandai might be too heavy to move or play with .
  6. well, it's a TWE, so you might get some photos of the brown shipping box too.
  7. isn't the release date near the 23rd? you might want to double check .
  8. https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-ms-06c-zaku-ii-type-c
  9. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/110737 green zaku $209
  10. Green zaku is up at hlj again GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE MS-06C ZAKU II TYPE C https://www.hlj.com/gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-ms-06c-zaku-ii-type-c-bans59081
  11. Perhaps you should slow down and think about your purchase more before making them from now on. You were buying left and right along with asking about should you buy 5-6 , etc. maybe you should slow down a bit and get to know the stores/sites that you are preordering from along with proxies and their policy. Most pre orders are around 6 months away, so you should plan for possible delay and which store you trust with your money. If you feel any doubt , then just don't preorder from them. I do not see Fromjapan doing anything wrong here, do you expect them to ask Arcadia, "hey ,your preorder is delayed , can you refund all my preorder so I can preorder again?" Are you thinking they will screw you over just because it's over 6 months? or maybe Fromjapan is thinking the same thing " now that it's over 180 day, we don't have to worry about SQIDD trying to do a paypal charge back after receiving the item or possible other false claims. . kinda works both ways. Perhaps its also time for you to look at other preorders that you placed that will be reaching 6 month on their planned release date Example: dx vf-1 missile set reissue (June release) dx-vf-1 Strike / Super Parts Set (April release) maybe the METAL COMPOSITE Wing Gundam Snow White Prelude too since it's 2nd batch release is in June. I have no issue with fromJapan and their services. But if you are uncomfortable then just do what you have to do.
  12. Of course they had to wait til the month of release to tell us . A 3 month delay. well I hope they use these 3 month for better QC.
  13. If only 1 person is willing to pay of it then it’s a exception, but if there’s many people willing to pay for multiple bananas duct taped to a wall around the world then it’s something else. who knows maybe those bananas has the cure for cancer, baldness, or even other body enlargement or enhancements
  14. Pickup my MyKombini package today . Pretty fast for slow Sal small packet since it arrived on Tuesday . The vf-1s was bubble wrapped, then paper wrapped and then placed in a shipping box with extra packaging on the left and right. opened it up , every looks good like it should be , nothing seems to be broken or installed incorrectly.
  15. with the CAL sales tax, it would be close to the same price as getting it from a proxy in japan. . But if you get more the flat rate $6 will help you save more. $274 + $10 (Proxy fee and domestic shipping) from proxy + international shipping $280 from blue-fin +$23.80 TAX and $6 flat rate shipping . $309.80
  16. The for sure way to find out is request to ship it ASAP .
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