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Everything posted by F360

  1. the condition of the item box seems to be of concern for some . When you order from Calibre directly , it gets shipped directly to you, 1 item /shipping box over internationally and a few have got their packaging pretty banned up. (higher chance of getting a beat up box) When you order from BBTS or from another domestic store. Their Calibre items will get bulk ship internationally to the store. then sort it out and repack for shipping. (higher chance of getting a good condition box)
  2. probably that's the default UPS route to your location... Delay in china? probably not the flood but instead the flights full and bumped for next flight.
  3. I'm pretty sure they mess up the 1st batch of the Strike parts. (which they should have recovered from the 2nd batch) But, then the pandemic happened which mess up their special inbound routes from their supplier. I'm working under the impression that N-Y have some kind of backdoor deals or special deals for TWE items from their suppliers. But the pandemic made it impossible for their special supplier to make it happen. ..
  4. sure, if and when it gets release for less expensive. my price perception for a display stand is not the same as a Valk. maybe when it gets on sale.
  5. that's pretty pricey for a stand
  6. those are just extra insulation to keep the house warm in the winter and cooler in the summer. probably use as sound damping too many people use R-15 for insulation but @tekering used VF-1, VF-1, YF-19 instead,. ..............
  7. and it will not be your last. ..
  8. since these ko have pre tampo markings and super/strike packs. they are suppose to be compare to the pricing of vf-1s roy premium finish ver
  9. yeah, the auto system for those 1-800 number really need to be reworked. But I was assuming that his was from DHL. With DHL if they are holding it , you should be able to find out where, it's probably at the closest DHL warehouse.
  10. if you know where they are holding it, and you need it today, you can call them to check if you can do a pickup.
  11. nice, those nXedge figures are pretty fun. I have a bunch of the gundam ones. The turn around time for these MB from blue seems quicker too I like how the will toss a product promo book or 2 in there too.
  12. not bad for a KO of a premium finish vf-1s roy with strike/super parts.
  13. is anyone planing to get this 1/12 weapon for their 1/12 Riobot ride armor? LITTLE ARMORY (LA065) FIM92 STINGER TYPE https://www.hlj.com/1-12-scale-little-armory-la065-fim92-stinger-type-tmt31383
  14. does not look like anytime soon.
  15. shipping box that is about the same size is not the same size. Also shipping box even at same size sometimes the weight is different due to thicker cardboard and packaging materials. If they put a extra sheet of cardboard on the bottom, that alone will add at least 100g or around 3.5 ounces (in order to get under a certain total weight some shops will modified the shipping box to get it weight less by cutting out certain parts or making a custom shipping box all together) For me the magic total shipping weight going out of japan have always been not to exceed 2000g. If you only compare the weight of of the actual item 1762g - 1218g = 544g in difference. But once you add in the weight of the shipping box and everything else , then the VF-1A one can be just under 2000g while the heavy VF-1J will be over 2000g for sure , which can increase the cost quite a bit. The estimate that you see from mandarake is it from this page? https://earth.mandarake.co.jp/help/shipping_options-en.html#dhl Notice how they have pictures of 2 boxes with a huge difference in shipping price even if their total weight is the same? That is because the weight is not the only factor. Size matter too and it can change the cost by alot. The example of cost on their charts seems to reflect more on their smallest box. I'm not trying to push you into buying more from mandarake. I'm just trying to show you that the price that they charged you is very fair. By the way, the price that they are charging you is already discounted .. If you were to ship this yourself with your individual DHL account, you could be paying double that.
  16. The vf-1J first release includes the flight display stand . That added weight and size to the item which will increase shipping cost. There's brackets on weight, depending on how it's packed or the shipping box used. once it's over the amount it jumps to the next price bracket. example: once it's over 2000g it's will cost much more. .. even if it goes over by 1g. example: box size measurement can affect the price too since it's by Dem weight.
  17. click on total estimate on the upper left select your country enter a total weight of what you think the items and it's shipping boxes will weight total. you can use the previous release for reference for weight. The vf-1a is about 2000 g and the super is around 1000 g. so the estimate is around 3000g it will then show the service fee and payment fee along with item and shipping This is just the estimate , if the shipping box or packaging is use can make it heavier or the size the box , both can increase DHL shipping cost. Or you can just do surface mail (ferry)
  18. not sure on how many are waiting, but I do recall at least one already received theirs from N-Y.
  19. lol. someones gonna try to mount this on a valk. this is from the SEED MSV (mobile suit variations). Seed is like CASH for bandai , so many variations .
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