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Everything posted by F360

  1. did you contact them to cancel or just ignore the payment invoice? Thanks for the link, will try my luck with AA.
  2. now i can finally get the correct valk for super parts that one of my ordered mixed up on. well only if i can get it in those couple of secs before it's sold out.
  3. Waited years for this, going to get it no matter the coloring
  4. I think the standalone is coming, but later, they are going to release this first so for the people that can't wait for set of GBP armor for their already VF-1J will be tempted to get the set, and then they will release just the armor for the people that was waiting.. but the people that brought the set will most likey buy the standalone GBP too since they probably still have many Valks without armor..
  5. I think it's also due to the surface of the material too. The bandai ones are mostly glossy surface , is more smooth so less traction for dust to grab on to, but the Yamato ones are more flat/ rough , so it's easier for the dust to stick. Kind of like wax on cars,
  6. This is excellent news for me, 1 less valk to rebuy, lol. Also looking at the trend, with the new releaseed valks coming with Armor/ fastpack. I wouldn't be surprise if Arcadia release a VF-1J with fast pack , and VF-1s with strikepack, before the stand alone Fastpack armor set.
  7. While waiting for the YF-30 to get posted on nippon-yasan , I ended up ordering their MP-22. It seem to have to best straight forward pricing out of the bunch and you don't have to pay up front or worry about not knowing your shipping and handling price. Its total will most likely be cheaper than HLJ or A-E.
  8. http://www.nippon-yasan.com/
  9. BiginJapan, great packaging, no issues
  10. After hearing some issues with Amiami orders, I was kinda worry about my order from BiginJapan since it was my first order from them. But everything came perfect, it was bubble wrapped, then paper wrapped and place inside a box not too big and not too small. Not dents or crush corners. Opened up the box and did a quick inspection in fighter mode and all seem good. Got the brand new paint smell too. I really like the way Arcadia pack all those stuff in a smaller box compare to the old Yamato YF-19 box. Didn't do any transformation yet, still waiting for a video
  11. Sigh.... Hope BigInJapan starts shipping out there's soon too...
  12. Well, guessing I can get one more of this VF-25 mode just for the new color and head.
  13. I really like the look of the vf-0 , it's doesn't look that futurelistic compare to the newer vf. I got my vf-0s when it first came out and it actually held up pretty well , nothing out of the norm, nothing broke yet , Transforms and posts just fine. I also got the blue camo ghost booster pack for it . I'm pretty sure Arcadia will release it again someday but looking at their speed probably in 2-3years I'm still hoping they will release a vf-1D when that time comes
  14. F360

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Their SOP is pretty much this: Anything that doesn't require a signature- If the area is consider safe for a drop, they will ring the bell, drop the package and go to their next delivery. They do not need to wait for you since there's no signature required. If the area is not safe for a drop, they will write up a slip, in the 1 minute time frame from the time they ring the bell or knock, then slap the missed you note, and go to their next delivery. Anything that requires a signature- They will ring the bell/knock, will start writing up the miss you slip, in the 1 minute time frame from the time they ring the bell or knock, depending on if they notice you was coming down, or you gave them a sign that you are coming down they will then wait for you or bring it up to you as long as you buzz them in to your building. If not, once the 1 minute is up,they will slap the missed you note, and go to their next delivery. Depending on the area, they are suppose to deliver at a rate higher than 12 stops per hour. The delivery guy that delivers to your area are normally the same guy/gal. USPS/FEDEX/UPS/ONTRACK, ETC. So if you can talk to them and request them to drop it at a certain drop point or leave you a notice , they will normally do it. as long as it don't slow them down. since you normally leave from your garage door, you can ask if they can leave you a note on the garage door, whenever they drop off a package at your front door. I was able to ask my USPS guy to give me a call or txt whenever theirs a package for me..
  15. F360

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Of course this happens after I paid the higher price , T_T
  16. F360

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Yeah , is pretty pricy .. I really need to take a better look at the Tenso service for my future valks purchases .
  17. F360

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    NY just got some more vf-27 super , and since I missed all the other previous sales , I ended up paying the NY price . Got distracted by the hasbro masterpiece Soundwave ..
  18. wow it lasted pretty long this time
  19. thanks finally got one,, still more left
  20. Missed again sigh ..... This is worse than Black Friday sale. This is like the hp touchpad fire sale only at higher than retail price and still sold out..>_<
  21. What is this PM that everyone's taking about , can a kind person PM me this secret too? I got no luck with this vf-25f at all. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  22. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN964807/Sci they used the old and just updated.. it was all gone after like 1 refresh. lol
  23. Maybe he's having it shipped (by boat) , sharing container space to save on shipping cost
  24. actually it's less than 1%
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