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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    It's probably "Silver week" below is from amiami "AmiAmi will be closed from Sunday, Sep 20 through Wednesday, Sep 23 2015 for a succession of Japanese national holidays known collectively as Silver Week.
  2. It was a awesome deal , I was so tempted to get it and I don't even own 1 Gao---gar stuff.
  3. That looks like a expensive meal , with some ghost as sides . Over $250 per plate , lol .
  4. Wow those look very nice , do you have some pic of them next to a macros valkyrie?
  5. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    I kinda like the grayish white, enjoying the old school coloring.
  6. like other have said, the quality of the plastic use on those triangles just means it's a matter of when it's going to crack.
  7. Do you mean something like this ? It's from 2chan awhile back. Looks pretty good
  8. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    Close one there , but there was plenty on release date , which was September 19 Japan time , ( which was yesterday). There were tons on cdjapan and many at Hlj . Just keep track of the release date on the tamashii website and check back here often or close to release date incase you missed another preorder . Just remember Japan time , Japan time ,
  9. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    True , but it will also mean higher price too . Woohoo .! Cdjapan just shipped my Hi metal Vf-1j armored,
  10. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    Hlj will probably do their limit 1 per customer Amiami, hobby search , cdjapan , anime export will probably be limit 3 per customer Nippon-Japan maybe no limit. Bandai better not make this a Web exclusive since that will mean even less stores will carry them .
  11. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    might need to plan some army building ...
  12. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    Well any thing with "R" is suppose to be better. gtR. Type R, etc , can't think well today but should be tons more .
  13. same here, maybe SH figuarts for male and Figma for female. ackl.. . it wont matter, if either of those company start making Macross characters, it'll look good either way.
  14. Even though the anime has their up and downs you should check it out if you have time. I love that it have pretty much all the weapons and include a display stand. The mecha design is not bad, and the price is much cheaper than the Orange one (KG-6) Your wife knows her stuff. The Orange one (Kg-6) is pretty pricey. It should look good guarding the 1/100 hi-metal fighters at the hanger bay.
  15. Got me some little Mecha Grunts from CDjapan. Variable Action "Aldnoah Zero" KG-7 Areion hopefully it will fit right in with the Bandai Hi-Metal line, should be about the same height.
  16. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJapan just open some more preorders for Hi-metal R VF-1J armor 9310 yen ,, go go go if you still looking for one. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-139741
  17. Woohoo ,,got my VF-0As from BiginJapan today too. They didn't use the Arcadia Box either but instead use a bigger box for better protection. Tissue paper, then bubble wrap, then paper cushion around bottom, corners top, etc. The Valks were well protected. The only minor issue was that they put "commercial collectible figures" as the description if goods instead of the normal "Reduced-Scale models or toys".
  18. That photo look so good that I'm probably going to be disappointed when I see my VF-27b in real life.
  19. Wow, that's some excellent repair work ChaoticYeti, you really didn't stop until it was FIXED, If only Arcadia were like some of the 3rd Party Transformer company (example: Maketoys) They will post the issues on their own website, along with replacement parts to fix the issue, and all you had to do was contact the store that you purchase from and they will mail out the replacement parts for FREE. Sometime their next release will also include FIX parts for the previous release, maybe ARCADIA can start doing that.. since this is like design FLAW in their new Macross Zero line. When Arcadia release their VF-0S, they should include a bag with 6 replacement ball sockets to cover their Current QC issues with VF-0D , VF-0a and possible VF-0S,
  20. Biginjapan is also cheaper on express shipping at 3000 compare to 4000 at Nippon yasan .
  21. How can you guys forget Biginjapan .. 29,580 yen , fedex shipping 3000 http://biginjap.com/en/completed-models/12590-macross-zero-160-vf-0s-phoenix.html
  22. got Shipping notification from BiginJapan. now the waiting begins again.
  23. For CDJ , if you pay with CreditCard, you will not need to pay immediately. They will do a pending charge on your card just to make sure it's good., then once they ship out your item, they'll then charge you.
  24. nope, just like their other pre-orders they wont really charge you until it's ready to ship. But they will do a pending charge to check if you have money on your CC, it'll go away in a couple of days.
  25. Hasbro masterpiece starscream is up for preorder at toysrus CANADA for $90 CAD = 68.10958 USD no limit http://t.toysrus.ca/skava/static/product.html?type=TRU_product_non_us&url=%2Fproduct%2Findex.jsp%3FproductId%3D63638836&domain=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toysrus.ca&productId=63638836
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