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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    may be you havent uses that card for a while and they want it updated, Also cdjapan is still running their holiday bonus points which only require you to make the order by 12-15-16 , does not really matter if it shipps next year. you will get back 2000 bonus points and 660 normal points from this order when they ship the item on 03/17 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/campaign/10000_holiday_points161125
  2. No problem , glad to help. What makes this even better is their current holiday extra bonus points promotion. You will get 2000 bonus points and 690 normal points . Thats 2690 points /yen to use for your future orders once it shipped. It works on preorders that wont release until next year too. You just need to make the order before 12-15-16. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/campaign/10000_holiday_points161125 I used it on the DX sv-262hs draken too so thats another 2660 points /yen saving .
  3. Yeah I recieved my items today too , they do ship it out fast, their shipping box looks pretty sturdy too.
  4. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-208937 If you are still looking for one
  5. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-201584Just now
  6. Blue Frame release in 6 more days. 12-10-16.
  7. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    With the release date coming up 12-17-16 , I just checked my HLJ private warehouse and not all my stuff is gonna make it, 1 item is already at day 51. I might just ship that out by itself first. (hi-metal r Hikaru)
  8. are they getting it earlier this time? since the JP release date is December 10, 2016 I would assume a extra 1 month or 2 wait to arrive at BBTS.
  9. not sure why nippon-yasan hasn't post it yet, but perhaps it's because they changed the rules on this to limit 1 per address or something. But if you don't what to wait ,you can use a proxy service to get it for you. I did some quote and shipping estimate pics from the proxy I used for the metal build destiny full package. It'll be around $95 for the SDF-1 and about $24 for ems shipping or cheaper if you do sal register. If you want $5 off your first purchase , you can use my refer link https://my.whiterabbitexpress.com/?ref_id=LAtmfKw5digGgG6fu it's very easy to use, I even make some step by step pics , lol add link for quote http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000110238/ quote results shipping estimate base on the previous release size and weight plus brownbox
  10. The joints are the same but i have no issue on my exia. The seven sword is the only one with semi loose joints. My Rasier have tight joints too.
  11. FORMANIA EX Nu Gundam preorder start hlj.com/product/BANN12888/Gun 19000 yen >_<
  12. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    All the Max come with stands, it's all packed in the normal hi-metal R box. It's the clear blue pieces.
  13. I would say the RX-178 GP01 is better than the Zeta gundam in 1/60 scale, but both of them are pretty old kits. 1/60 is pretty big too. But if you are into the Zeta gundam I think the MG 1/100 ver 2.0 is better at the transformation. http://hlj.com/product/BAN939597/Gun There's also the RG 1/144 which are pretty good for their size. http://hlj.com/product/BAN978539/Gun http://hlj.com/product/BAN982654/Gun http://hlj.com/product/BAN982655/Gun There's a korean website that shows all the kits straight built so you can see what they looks like along with their articulation. good reference material http://dalong.net/ just click on the grade levels at the top. PG , RG MG , etc.
  14. HLJ , the 28th looks like it's gundam day. pretty much all their model kits are on sale, some more than others https://hlj.com/2016-nov-28 the see all link, just filter master grade, rg ,etc on the left https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=WINTERSALE2016NOV28
  15. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    like any scaling toys, when you zoom in on a 1/100 and make it a much bigger scale size (similar to 1/42) then obviously it will show more faults. you should be able to fix most of it by aligning it here and there, but the chest and the back does have a small gap, but it's not as big in real life as the zoom in pic. for #3, you can get it a bit closer, and in normal cases you will not see it because there's a WING just above it. It will block it from most of the angles, you will only see it if you really look for it. #4 and 5 are together, raise the leg into the tabs more, so it will not pull down on the backpack. below are some of the other side pics for comparison. And since you have a CF VF-1A coming in, it'll be gappy like your vf-1J max too j/k , moving the knee/ leg a bit back should fix that.
  16. no up date on the preorders for the nu gundam formania ex yet. maybe sometime december. incase anyone want some to buy something on ebay ebay flash sale, $15 off $75 coupon code CYBERFLASH16 Pay for your item with PayPal by 6PM Pacific Time on November 27, 2016 http://pages.ebay.com/promo/2016/1127/Holiday.html?&_trkparms=%26clkid%3D757116470315361267
  17. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    incase you want some hi-metal r on ebay ebay flash sale, $15 off $75 coupon code CYBERFLASH16 Pay for your item with PayPal by 6PM Pacific Time on November 27, 2016 http://pages.ebay.com/promo/2016/1127/Holiday.html?&_trkparms=%26clkid%3D757116470315361267
  18. F360

    Macross figures

    or maybe he's a genius. Freyja now and Mirage later, you can't have it the other way.
  19. It's very similar. You will still have to use a middle man site to order, but with Metal Build they will sometimes get sold out on day one for high demand items, but normally when that happens they will open another preorder batch later on. the Metal build hiene custom had like 3 batches, and the Metal build destiny full package had 2. For any web exclusive, payment will be upfront not matter which store you use, some will let you do 50%. I normally preorder when it opens.
  20. Hmm dont see any new sales yet , iare they going to do this random?
  21. Its possible, sale starts 5pm jst daly . Anyone see good deals please post.
  22. EX-s is back up for 15800 yen https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/17785-metal-robot-damashii-ka-signature-side-ms-ex-s-gundam.html
  23. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    ah, you missed out on the HI-METAL R VF-1S Strike Valkyrie Roy Focker Special (Premium Bandai). http://hlj.com/product/BANN04113/Act at 7920 yen This is the kick off of their winter sale , so each day they will have another listing up. This one is actually pretty special, it's the first time HLJ have (Premium Bandai) web exclusive items for sale and with discount too and you will also get a certain amount of HLJ credit once the item ships. Some of those Premium Bandai items have been long sold out too.
  24. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    by the way just a heads up Paypals currency conversion seems to be set to "ON" now, even if you previously have it set to "bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice like before"
  25. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    not a glitch , it's part of their winter2016 sale, the one that starts at 10am jst. you also get some HLJ credit when your item ships. It's a special which is why they have Bandai Web exclusive stuff too. so if you want some Bandai web exclusive deals. here's is the whole sale link http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=WINTERSALE2016NOV25 I picked up the roy and the Star gaogaigar option set. http://hlj.com/product/BANN03833/Sci
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