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Everything posted by F360

  1. Play-asia had them too, http://www.play-asia.com/macross-do-you-remember-love-160-perfect-trance-vf-1s-strike-val/13/70avwv I don't recall too many stores carrying them because it was originally planned as a Arcadia webstore exclusive and the stores that do carry them is asking the same if not higher than Arcadia, similar to those P-Bandai wes exclusives. And out of nowhere HLJ had some , and even have a discount,
  2. the cut off time as 2017/2/8 , so you will probably have to wait til closer to release date for any extra openings. These were the stores that had them https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/19852-macross-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom-premium-finish-ver.html http://www.anime-export.com/product/34709 http://hlj.com/product/acagk-01/Act
  3. hmm,I wonder what product will this be. also pics from thttp://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12264383036.html hmm, the white look kinda pinkish?
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    More will open up eventually so no worries. but if you see amiami preorders reopening for the vf-31c , it will most likely be priced at msrp.
  5. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah , they only got 3 . Its worth grabbing because after their reward points and extra points the cost would be around 19000 yen. Payment in paypal = now payment in creditcard = authorizations now and real charge when shipped. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/guide/help/payment/credit_card
  6. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Vf-31c at cdjapan http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-230584
  7. F360

    Macross figures

    So that's how big Freyja would be if she's "Meltran" sized
  8. I got it from "Archer" in our FST forum., it was Reactive-Armor and VF-0D for $450 shipped.
  9. Got a couple of Explosion effects along with some backlog items and a extra. no I'm not making a Michael bay movie, will still need a lazy susan/ turn table for that.
  10. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    It's Saturday so it's most likely a Part-timer that got stuck working on the weekends so their effort is somewhat lacking. Also if it's not your normal courier that means they will not be the person to redeliver that package so they don't have to worry about any scheduling . The reason for the lack of notices is probably due to the courier forgetting to carry some with him/her and is too lazy to do a double trip. Of course they could've went to the wrong address and left the notice there. When you were there did you ask them to check for the tracking number of the Notice that you never got? They should be able to pull it up from their system if the courier actually scans it. No record of it , normally means he/she was never there. I live in a area with hills and stairs and more stairs. depending on where you mail box is located it, that's where most postman are going to leave a slip unless they know you are home. Also your mailbox should be clearly marked with your address , so they won't place it in the wrong mail box. My advice for the future would be to leave a noticeable NOTE for the courier so that they will know that you are home waiting for the package that they are delivering. Maybe in front of you mail box, next to your door bell, on your gate. etc. Works most of the time. hope everything works out next week.
  11. KO fold boosters attaches fine on Yamato and Arcadia valks.
  12. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    there's also nin-nin-game too. It's 8790 yen over there. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/by-series/23001-macross-delta-lill-draken-missile-pod-sv-262hs-draken-iii-keith-aero-windermere-custom-limited-edition-dx-chogokin-.html
  13. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    my bad, I should've said 3 instead, what was I thinking. this
  14. There's also a new anime that just started too.
  15. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    maybe you just need to buy 2 to save on shipping so it will look cheaper?
  16. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    you should probably wait it out. I preordered stuff from Bandaionline before and there was no issue, it does take a couple of days for them to package your item before shipping.
  17. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    would be better to wait it out for amiami, HLJ, Hobby Search, or even Nippon-yasan
  18. found my ultra low cost display stands today. $1.50 before taxes/ each. below is not my pic but that's what these stands will be use for. perhaps stack it sideways so it'll be more like the promo pics with some SH figuarts in the front.
  19. Im sure there will be video reviews up on youku/ youtube / bilibili before anyone here recieved theres. Unfortunately it wont be in English. But im sure itll be easily understandable given we pretty much know the inside out of a vf-1.
  20. Premium finish M & M. Maybe the regular too just incase
  21. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027032 vf-31f messer
  22. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    yike, I didn't even notice you got 2 Reactive armor, those mofo takes alot of space. Yeah, I just checked my Pw too and sure enough everything seems to be priced a bit higher.
  23. F360

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    nice, looks like a 5000 yen Fedex shipment.
  24. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    "This is the item requested through our Proxy Shopping Service, and Service Fee will be added."
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