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Everything posted by F360

  1. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    probably not, I really think was done on purpose to avoid as much moveable joints as possible. But what's going to happen on this other one?
  2. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    to give them credit they were very forward about the "upside down SMS tampo issue", had announcements, postings and even replacement shoulders and instructions. Some of them even have the shoulders already replaced for you .
  3. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, paypal play it pretty hidden. There's also another way that you can switch it to alway do that by default but sometimes they CHANGE it for YOU, suppose glitch. money make bug. lol Main page (My account - Overview) Click on the Settings Icon (upper right) to view your Profile Go to "Payments" tab Under My Preapproved Payments (bottom left), click "Manage Pre-Approved Payments" Click on Set Available Funding Sources Next to your credit card there should be a link for "Conversion Options". Click on that. Select Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice. Submit and Save changes This is suppose to save it as your Default, which you will not have to change or switch every time you need to pay in Yen. BUT it Glitches here and there
  4. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It seems HLJ is trying out a different company too. GOInterpay so maybe that would be better. https://support.hlj.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005446448-GoInterpay-Payment-Processing-Provider I remember last time when paypal had the glitch I was having similar issues,. I ended up setup 1 Creditcard for all my international payments, and another for all USA payments. This way kinda prevented that from happening often but still happen from time to time and I had to do like my pic guide above to fix it. They might have try to default to the currency that you last used you creditcard for. After that, I did not change anything on my paypal account anymore. I'm still at 1 Creditcard for all my international payments, and another for all USA payments
  5. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    damn, looks like paypal missed you and is trying get you back in a sneaky way. hope they fix this for you soon.
  6. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    made a quick guide on how to change on the fly. With paypal's conversion it's $152.90 (with their conversion rate, wink ,wink) with own Visa Credit Card (zero foreign transaction fee) it's $148.16 $4.74 differences. which is around 3.2% extra that you could save by using a Credit Card (zero foreign transaction fee) The saving add up quick.
  7. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Bank dont normaly block paypal payments even if its overseas . So you can try to pay from the email later tonight or tomorrow.
  8. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They were like this at Christmas time. Are you using the visa now? If so when you see their conversation rate at the payment screen , stop , click on the rate thats in blue and it should allow you to switch using your credits card rate . Then you will not see the rate chart and then finalizd payment.
  9. Not sure why. But it works on my phone https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=538750097880&spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.REi7tZ#detail Heres is another link from search https://world.taobao.com/search/search.htm?_ksTS=1492810548830_315&spm=a21bp.7806943.20151106.1&_input_charset=utf-8&navigator=all&json=on&q=Fan racer&callback=__jsonp_cb&cna=UMtZERusDngCAaaJ8nUvMDTT&abtest=_AB-LR517-LR854-LR895-PR517-PR854-PR895
  10. Ok , so its the currency conversion fee that hes talking about ? Which paypal will only add if you need to use their conversion. If you use a creditcard with no foreign transaction fee ( visa/ mastercard/ amx/ ) to pay for your paypal invoice, and tell them to use the creditcards own conversion, there will be no fee. Save some extra money and dont use paypals conversion rate , use a zero foreign transaction fee creditcard instead.
  11. What fee are you taking about , paypal dont just add a fee . If your payment is in yen , you will pay that ammount in yen.
  12. Heres a link for the fan racers and options https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?spm=a1z5f.7632060.0.0&id=538750097880
  13. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Theres tracking for sal register .
  14. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    HLJ does not sent out payment request until release date which is 04-22-17 Japan standard time. So the earliest you will get a payment request from them would be 14 hours from now.
  15. here's the link if you want to check it out https://world.taobao.com/item/548472820591.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.2014080708.5.7PUTXo
  16. looks like some KO of Bandai items are popping up too.
  17. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    At AE they will not ship your item until you request it. But if you leave it there too long like a couple of months, there's always a chance it might get resold/Damaged in storage, lost, etc
  18. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The release date is 04-22-2017 JST. So you will get a shipped email from Cdjapan tomorrow if everything is already paid or CC approved. The current status of your VF-31F order should show: "In Shipping Process" right now. Cdjapan normally always ship the items out on release date and email you the tracking.
  19. They have one for 16000 also. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1063335727
  20. It's been kinda quiet here for a long while. Too many official release But finally the Seven Sword Weapon Kit is almost ready, complete the KO before the official? no release date yet, but very soon http://www.dachong.gz.cn/read.php?tid-88403.html
  21. No release date , new seller will 0 feedback, . Name with many numbers at the end . Thats looks like a no no for me.
  22. Option 1: Preorder Premium Finish only. Option 2: Preorder Premium Finish and Regular Option 3: Preorder Regular only, (later on,saw all the nice Premium Finish photos and reviews. Now wants Premium Finish too, check the price, OMg .. Go on hunting mode, finds it, and PAYs Premium Price., will still regret not preorder it) Knowing my bad habits, Option 1 will be the Cheapest way for me.
  23. but what if the KO are all Ko-Premium too.
  24. If they are going to do a premium finish M&M they would most likely announced/open on the same day, similar to their recent VF-1s Hikaru. I'm thinking they might just go all Premium Finish and maybe release the normal version if the premium preorders are lower than expected. More Premium Finish units, lower cost, lower msrp. ,etc. sounds right to me.
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