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Everything posted by F360

  1. Otakumode have some more MB f91 , its $214 and theres $35 in tom points . you can use my invite for extra 10% off. https://otakumode.com/invite/5f4bff link to mb f91 https://otakumode.com/shop/58199bcde3327acd1d54c714/Metal-Build-Gundam-F91?utm_source=tom&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=zine_restock_mail&utm_content=button&continual_m=pc
  2. A nice review with tons of photos and comparisons. In in chinese but you can translate it by website or browser http://www.dachong.gz.cn/read.php?tid-88508.html
  3. So for the Moshow 1/100 OOQ, I ended up ordering 1 on ebay. The seller is bababobo00712 (have tons of good feedback, and the members of TFW2005 seem to vouch for him) The price is US $148.88 shipped. But they have a auto coupon that will subtract $5 for very $120 purchase so the real TOTAL will be $143.88 then whatever ebay buxx. http://www.ebay.com/itm/152524404746?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Looks like he have 1 left now.
  4. That iron man looks very happy too , the pose kinda makes it look like spiderman. Those re edits are all awesome.
  5. another review of the Moshow ooQ is up, This one shows more detail of the actual figure , more close up, new hidden details on the back of the leg. be careful when removing head, But it's not a full review because he already review the early sample.
  6. F360

    Hi-Metal R

    its almost seems like N-Y have your account on their List to bill extra invoice whenever they need extra money for beer or something.
  7. That strike is a 1/72 scale by moshow. Its the best 3rd party gundam that i know. Theres some nice photo on the frist couple of pages on this thread and some video reviews on youtube. The power core was redone to be more hidden from the sample review. Its like a smaller perfectgrade.
  8. If you get 2 more itll be 1 for each sword?
  9. These ko will definitely satisfy your craving . They are not model kits http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-metal-build
  10. Yeah , its still in the works , they only really shown some parts on sprues and some pieces here and there .
  11. Yeah it sold out faster than macross . But near release you should see more opening, especially from usa stores.
  12. Theres a couple out , made by metal club in their metal gear line. Their quality is very good for ko. Theres many pics and reviews a couple of pages back. Currently out: seven sword blue seven sword red 00 raiser coming soon: seven sword/d blue seven sword/d trans am ver seven sword weapsons pack You can get them all from the website below.probably the lowest price shipped. Many ordered from them without issues. http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-metal-build
  13. The ko of those metal build is supposely in the works but the 3rd party model kit is already out. They are like master grade kits Daban make a mb strikefreedom kit http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-daban-model/gundam-central-daban-strike-freedom-model-kit dragon momo made both. http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-dragon-momoko?product_id=216 http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/gundam-central-dragon-momoko/dragon-momoko-mb-ver-strike-freedom-gundam
  14. This is the only legit store that I know currently selling them. $169.95 https://www.tf-direct.com/moshow-metal-build-pro-ms-00q-1-100_p1345.html The others 3 party store don't seem to have it at all yet. There's some on ebay too for cheaper but I'm not sure about them.
  15. yes, they should be. unless the site decides to split the item number, but then you should be able to tell from the pricing.
  16. the little throw away robot should match pretty well with those SH figuart Dragonball figures.
  17. F360

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think it means, the actual physical valk is more purple , but when taken with a camera is looks more red, or something along those lines.
  18. from the box art of the review it seems they use 2 separate companies , 1 for each box. There's no instruction on how to assemble (pretty easy) , it just happen by chance that they can switch and match. wink,wink. This is there way of getting around any copyright issues. I can see them trying to importing these to USA webstores. One store sells BoxA and another store sells BoxB. Or even both at the same store too. The joints looks real tight and I'm glad they removed the Fake logos, (I can now put real decals on them instead). And some of the color changes like removing the silver metal grill from the center of the gundam to a more matching blue color.
  19. na, no extra, or bonuses.
  20. I would prefer the light blue VF-19A instead. So I can finally replace my old 1/72 Yamato ver. (which I bought many years ago from a listing on craigslist at a safeway parking lot late at night.) It was safer back then.
  21. Formania EX - Nu review and video are showing up. http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/52003448.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuBik4KBJ2s The box is pretty big.
  22. There's no custom fee for TOYS in the USA. if you get hit up with custom fee then that mean the shipper declared wrong . HLJ declares most of their items as reduce scale model/toys. If you get a call from fedex asking what's inside. Tell them it's TOYs, action figure, Transformers, etc.
  23. Its more like $33 per monthly shipment . So you can add all the items that releases on the same month for the same cost. And with the $20 off right now its pretty damn good. Metal build + Option parts+ option parts for $13 shipped by fedex. when it was announced, I actually went to look up the website and its located in HK. With the same web info as their p-bandai HK. all the items are going to be shipped from hong kong too.
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