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Everything posted by F360

  1. Back then I only used on my Yamato’s at the time and did not notice the rubber tip effecting anything. But Yamato doesn’t have much paint and tampos so I would not know how it will effect the Bandai stuff. Since the Bandai stuff comes with their own stands I just used that. I got a Swiss Army knife because of MacGyver. 🙂 . Have duct tapes at home for whenever I might need it . and have tons of paper clips from staples from price fillers . .
  2. lol. I just donated a whole bunch of them out early this year.. . .,. but since you are just using it for a base it can be anything.. just drill a hole in it. I did it will some cup coaster before and even drill a hole in my old harddrive when I was messing around. But if you have some extra acrylic lying around it would be best. The tri-pod I used before were from Daiso.. .. its about $1.50 each and each of the leg is retraceable so if you mount it upside down it will be like a flight pose stand that have extendable legs https://www.daisojapan.com/p-31580-camera-tripod-3-assort-12pks.aspx
  3. not sure about TWE items. but N-Y did shipped out my preorder of the METAL BUILD GUNDAM DYNAMES REPAIR III and Soul of Chogokin - GX-71 Beast King GoLion.
  4. The official release date for the 1st batch is September 17, 2021 No set date for the 2nd batch in October yet..
  5. The first batch sold out very fast so its very lightly that its will be from the 2nd batch
  6. yup. I love that Perfect Grade look. Any Mecha that can do this pose is a automatically WIN in my book.
  7. Thank you for the comparisons pics . I think the Moshow looks better (shorter skirts ) This newer one seems to be a hybird between the PG and the Metal build.
  8. True , definitely more waiting time . And right now those photos could just be from the original 1/72 MoShow Strike Gundam and not a actual sample . but here’s something positive to think about . from all the 3rd party /KO company that I heard of , None of them ever used another 3rd party / KO company’s name on their own product. They may copy your item and rip you off but will still slap their own logo on it . 😛
  9. With the news of this 1/72 Strike Gundam coming from a store in Singapore first before anywhere else, its more likely that this is a real Moshow Reissue
  10. I like the Shrink-Wrapped way too. but then Fromjapan sometimes shrink-wrap your item in a much bigger box which makes the shipping much more expressive
  11. updated with photo by @Saburo
  12. AmiAmi is my top packaging
  13. Ems is available for some countries , but not all of them
  14. .. yeah. it not the safest choice... might get accidentally stabbed too 😣 ok. maybe tape a red or orange triangle at the tip like those over extended lumber on truck beds.
  15. @LUNA PARK thank you for coming here and addressing some of the shipping concerns
  16. put the sword at the edge opening gap of your display case so it will look like it cut through your glass cover? also this .. MB. lol Where's my blade Bandai!?
  17. Iirc you preordered at HLJ with the 20% off coupon. 🤑. …. I looked at your post and ended up preordering it too.
  18. at $19.99 it was a good price back then .. until the Cup crack on their own and the valk falls to their death from their display stand to the floor. yes, I brought couple of them back then....
  19. above msrp is not shelf warming. Also if you recall the VF-1A TV max. That was around MSRP for a long while before jump over 30000 yen.
  20. So... I preordered GX-71 Golion Voltron from Nippon-Yasan in March. and the result is................................. everything seems normal , just like before the pandemic .... I can't say for TWE items or all the stuff that happen before in 2020 But the stuff preordered in 2021 do looks like normal processing now... I preorder the METAL BUILD GUNDAM DYNAMES REPAIR III and it was also shipped out in July
  21. The official schedule release date is September for the 1st batch and October for the 2nd batch
  22. looking good.
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