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Everything posted by phatslappy

  1. Someone's gotta do it. you bought jerry's? i didn't know the macross game doesn't have sound. that's too bad. The macross plus board is cool cuz it's a double board. I don't have that one though. i ahve the macross one but I don't have a machine to play it on.
  2. but if they make the beta, I'm screwed cuz even if it's a crap hole I'm gonna have to get me one.
  3. this doesn't look like a review. hehe. sorry to hear you guys are having problems with them. And to think that I was considering buying the whole set! Thank god I haven't bought any of them.
  4. Hey, I had a friend in highschool named Luis Venegas.
  5. then what's the destiny? oh and which war are we talking about.
  6. Tell that to the number of people who have been screwed by paypal.
  7. if you want anymore 1/60s, let me know. I've got a couple I'm looking to get rid of.
  8. I started collecting. bought a whole bunch of overpriced toys. Got tired of it. stopped.
  9. and who are the three people and two loves? max/milia and roy/whatever her name is always get screwed!
  10. Now this pic I would LOVE to have as a poster hanging on my wall once the lines are cleaned up I thought those lines were in there on purpose.
  11. I can't see how number of tickets sold is supposed to be more of an indication than inflation or anything else. There are a lot more movie theater seats now than there were back in the day of the first one. There are also more people on this planet by far. How many people were on the earth back at Star Wars IV? 1 billion? More people = more people to fill seats with. More seats = higher potential for people to watch the movie. Also, back then, I don't think they had midnight showings. So more showings also = more possible seats. So I really don't think there's really a way to capture everything unless you can tie in everything together. Number of possible views, number of seats, number theaters, number of people on the earth, etc. and even then that brings out the whole problem of oversaturation of the market because there were too many seats and the elasticity of demand for seats based on these different market conditions. Someone please shoot me before I keep going on... In the end, who really cares? George Lucas is still making a killing on this. Right?
  12. If the past few relationships I have had are any indication, I think all women are crazy. Someone told me that men like crazy women, and the ones that aren't crazy are the ones men don't like. I said it was because the ones that aren't crazy are the butches lesbians. So I've decided...well, if they're gonna be crazy, they're gonna be crazy. But if they're gonna be crazy, they better be freakin HOT!
  13. Ya know, this (in bold above) was my biggest gripe with Lucas ever since Jedi, and it had gotten progressively worse in each film since. But I think one of the reasons I enjoyed Sith so much was because this is dialed way back in both quanity and degree. . . almost to pre-Jedi levels. I felt that way too. Liked this one much much better than the previous 2. But it wasn't just that. This movie was much more serious, and with all the good fight scenes and the whole betrayal of the jedis, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I only knew the idea of what was supposed to happen, and it didn't happen the way I had envisioned. I think because the PG-13 rating it got helped because it was more focused on telling the story (and there was a lot to tell) instead of entertaining some kids.
  14. It's ok, mine sucked too after Bobepatt dropped and kicked the camera down the convention floor.
  15. Who is Leia the reincarnation of?
  16. The greatest problem for me it's just that he looks young while Obi wan is still old. This site has some screenshot of the changes: Digital Bits Maybe he wanted Anakin when he was young, because that's when he hadn't turned to the dark side yet.
  17. Hey, the bird really is an international gesture. Of course I think in sweden they use 2 fingers instead.
  18. what do you do in the poll if you have both?
  19. where'd you get an elint recast? I need one!
  20. a better use for a pepsi can is to make the pepsi can stove!
  21. Let me know. I'll come over and take care of the problem.
  22. phatslappy

    Chromed JM?

    Wow 2 bucks?!?! I wonder if they still have any available. I'd buy it for two bucks. The tin itself is worth that.
  23. I suppose the chances of having something like this are impossible, but how difficult do you think it'd be to make a custom GBP so that it looks like this? I think this GBP looks 100x more menacing than the original. I guess other people have posted this pic already too. I didn't realize it was the thunder hammer/hummer... Is it just me, or does the GBP make it look really fat?
  24. Nick, just make a custom strike. ain't so tuff to do with your skills.
  25. of course any MWer can come, that's why it's MW con!! I don't think there is a limit as to how many things you wanna bring. Just bring em! We'll find a place to display them! by finding a place for them, boobie patt means he'll find a place to stash them in his backpack. hahahahahaha j/k!
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