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Everything posted by phatslappy

  1. Well, I paid 250 total for those three shelves (with 2 broken glass doors) and two more shelves that are a little less wide but are also Billy style. They don't have doors but do have the height extension and lights. But no, no wifey here...
  2. I got a great deal on some Billy display cabinets from Ikea from some dude, so I bought em. But two of the doors have busted glass. anyways, I've filled them up with about 90% of my toys. It's really cool. It has height extensions that almost take it to the ceiling. Then the top shelves are glass, and all three shelves have a light. Fortress Maximus caused a lot of space to go unused unfortunately because of its height. I got several of them acrylic leg display stands from deadzone although I could probably use a few more. But all in all, it's coming along quite nicely I think.
  3. Jason, that is unbelievable work!
  4. I think you could just attach lights to your display case. THey have these ones that look just like the kinds you find on ikea display cases. you might look into those. I don't know where you'd find them though. Can't be too difficult...
  5. Pray. HAHAHAHA
  6. Anyone interested in giving up their Dragon?
  7. Indigo, we could do without the lion king and pocohontas. HAHAHAHA just jokers man!
  8. I love your cabinets! I think the perfect cabinet would be the two of those made into one.
  9. I just got a deal I couldn't pass up. Some of the glass is broken on the doors, but I got 3 sets of BILLY cases with doors and 2 other BILLY shelves without doors. All have height extensions. All for 250 bucks. I also got a sofa bed with it for another 250. Have to pick them up this week. Can't wait! I'm gonna start displaying a ton of my stuff.
  10. Like any valk wishes it could look as good as jetfire. j/k That looks mighty sweet though in the jetfire scheme.
  11. In other words, it's bait to get more cash out of the target audience(horny teenagers going "D00d, it has boobies!1111"). ... Which is pretty much what I suspected when they slapped hte unrated label on it. What? You mean there aren't any boobies? I am so taking my copy back to Best Buy. Now there's a brave soul who bought it for the wrong reasons. ROFL LMAO. sorry dude...I'd have to say that's about the only right reason someone would even think about buying that crap
  12. phatslappy

    eBay Scam alert

    it's not like anyone in their right mind would pay 50 bucks for it anyways. You can get a Bandai Reish VF-1A for 45 bucks at HLJ right now. And that's a high price. And at least that's sorta authentic. At least it's better quality.
  13. you think I"d be able to get a valk for christmas from this?
  14. it looks like the real deal to me. Stickers have been applied.
  15. I'll be picking upt he extended versions individually cuz I already bought the first one. I'd wait for the uber box set, but I don't think the uber box set is gonna have all the useless DVDs that came with the extended version box set for each individual movie. And you know, we're all buying the extended versions for those extra features. Why it's those extra features that make the box set so valuable! Why, I really need to have those bookstands!
  16. What do you guys think? Good? Yes? No? My take: I hope it has a box as good as the MPC Veritech fighters! As for the toys...it'll probably be just as junky as the Yammies. AKAK. J/K as the MPC Veritech fighters!
  17. THat is not fort max, but a reissue that was called BRAVE MAXIMUS! HAHAHAHAHA and no it is not a boot
  18. would love to see pics! Sure thing. I will do it in a couple of weeks or something.
  19. I'm the biggest fan of the chunky monkey. I have all the originals, plus one of each of the reissues. The canon fodder...I've got like 10 of them because I wanted to build a complete fleet of valks. I also have a custom VF-1D. Other than that, I've got 2 MISB jetfires, 1 MIB jetfire, and 1 MIB Matsushiro. I've also got three jetfires that are in pieces waiting for customization that probably will never occur.
  20. What makes you think she's not Vostok 7 Let's just say, that in 1999 when no alien ship arrived, I figured all of it was all fiction.
  21. OK... back to the valk...does it transform? Does paint chip when you transform it?
  22. I can take care of the boyfriend.
  23. wow, you have a sister who likes macross toys!!! Nice. Now that's a dream girl! Is she cute? yeah! is she cute? got pic? I call dibs on her IF she's cute. HAHAHA
  24. wow, you have a sister who likes macross toys!!! Nice. Now that's a dream girl! Is she cute?
  25. My first valk was a VF-1J takatoku. At that time, Robotech hadn't come out in the US yet. I bought it from Toys International in South Coast Plaza for like 20 bucks. I thought it was the coolest toy ever. My love for Macross started with the toy before I even knew there was a show. I remember breaking the ears off my VF-1J while transforming it. I tried desperately to fix it with superglue to no avail. I even tried to drill little hole and stick a piece of paperclip inside to hold it but that didn't work. Man...I played the crap out of that toy. My second valk was a VF-1S Strike Valk. And my third was the Takatoku Super Valk. My lil cousin broke off the tab from the leg armor, and I remember coming home from school and bawling like a little biatch. Man I LOVED VALKS or as I knew them as VERITECH FIGHTERS! at the time.
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