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Everything posted by phatslappy

  1. I hope you can get to finish it one day. I think it's awesome when people make customs that are directly related to the show but has never been produced. I think it's awesome even when people make customs that are totally original, but I prefer ones that I can relate to. Major eye surgery? LasiK? haha. j/k. I"m sure it must not have been that. I got lasik done a couple years ago, and it wouldn't be considered major surgery by today's standards I'm sure...but if you're unemployed...aside from the eye thing...I would think it would give you plenty of time to work on customs
  2. that armored valk looks mighty tasty... at any scale. I've been trying to tear myself away from Macross and stop buying anymore...but that armored valk sure has got me drooling.
  3. I think what makes a geek a geek has changed over the years. It's like being geek has become somewhat sheik. But when I was looking at the questionnaire, it reminded me of Triumph The Dog at the opening of Star Wars Attack of the Clones where all these people were dressed up. Did you guys all see it? It was HILARIOUS. If you guys have not seen it, I've actually got it on my system and can make it available to you all somehow... (at least I'll try to find a way to make it public).
  4. No ones forcing you to take the test
  5. Hey Steve, If you ever make it real big, can I go to the premiere? I've always wanted to walk down the red carpet. HAHAHA! BTW, I saw you driving on the freeway a couple months ago... you looked kinda agitated and just sped off...maybe it was the traffic gettin to ya. haha Congrats on the film!
  6. Here's the test. I scored a 13.8%. One of my friends scored 8% while another scored 45%.... where do you stand? It's a rather lengthy questionnaire, and while it covers a lot of bases, it leaves Macross/Robotech out in the cold. Let's see what kind of geeks we have here on MW! Geek Test
  7. Bandai Super Valk RULES ALL!!!!! BTW, happy festivus everybody!
  8. man that sucks. for the price it costs for a 1/48...that sucker better be pristine. I'd be really upset, but I haven't bought a 1/48
  9. Have you even bother on checking their web site? They are pros...top notch No I didn't even bother to look at their website. I just look at the pictures and say wow...I wish I could do that.
  10. that looks great! almost like wm cheng himself did it...well...not really...but hell of alot better than I could do.
  11. phatslappy

    HLJ sale

    I could use a couple more supers. other than that, I'd love to get that dancougar too. patience and it will one day go on sale right?
  12. dump em. If I could go back in time, I would never have gotten immersed in the crazy world of collecting toys.
  13. Isn't this off topic? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I crack myself up! MODS!!! Happy Turkey Day everyone. Too bad none of your guys' turkey day is as good as mine.
  14. maybe I could meet up with monkey nugget and go with him to Tanmens!
  15. As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with Grayson on this one. HAHA. just jokers man! But seriously, whatever the group decides, the group does. It's not worth it. Hey Jessie, when Monkey Nugget goes over there, you think he could grab me a Dragon too?
  16. Patience is one thing but if you aren't ever gonna get the thing that's not patience that's being a sucker. Wanna buy some cheap acreage in Florida? I'll be amazed if we ever see any money from this guy either. Well, I always just figured we'd keep hounding him and eventually, we'd get the rest of our stuff. I guess cuz all I had left was the SD strike, I wasn't all that concerned. But I'd really like to get a Dragon. I still held hope that things end ok.
  17. My sentiments exactly!
  18. Thanks Monkey Nugget and Myers Jesse for all you have done on our behalf. I know this must really suck. I guess I"m in the lone boat of being willing to wait. I've got patience up the wazoo.
  19. no, I don't collect Air Jordans. But I do have four pairs of the retros. (2 retro III, 1 retro IV, and 1 retro II). I wear all of them, so it's not like they just sit there. But I most definitely am not a collector of Jordans. I have three pairs of the retro uptempos as well though. THey are my favorite all time basketball shoes, and they were onsale at finishline.com so I just bought a bunch. FIgure that would be enough to last me the rest of my life.
  20. Cool! I bought it a couple years ago when my friend was working at Samsung. Got the TV for a real good price. I doubt it's one of the best TVs out there though. It only does 420p. I just ordered a 50 in. plasma XBR sony; I can't wait for that to arrive! Can't see this tv being better than that, although I could buy like 6 of them for the price it cost for that plasma. HAHA! Well, here you go...a pic of the Bioman... taken just for you. Enjoy.
  21. I've seen deadzone's work first hand, and I have to say...it is absolutely as clean as the pictures show. GREAT stuff. I gotta get him to help me with some of my customs!
  22. It would have been awesome if they had also sold the Supers with max and milia like they did in the commercial. They just a bunch of teasers!
  23. I have quite a bit that's not shown. All the original Bandai/Takatoku 1/55 valks, Taka SDF1, and a bunch of TFs. nowhere practical to display them (including my 4 Jetfires), so I just opted to leave them out. I don't know if it's a DLP tv, but it is one of the samsungs. It's a Tantus Digital 40 inch and it's about a foot deep.
  24. I paid like 30 bucks for it. For some odd reason, I managed to get it outside of the gold book, AND the poster has absolutely no folds in it at all! I bought it like 5 or 6 years ago. I don't remember where I got it, but it's the only one I know of that has no folds.
  25. Thanks for all the kind words. Each of the display cabinets are 31 1/2 inches wide by 79 inches high. The height extensions (which I'm quite sure were also purchased from Ikea) add an extra 14 inches to the height. The glass shelves, I'm also quite sure they sell those at Ikea. They are really neat because they have rubber caps that cover the pegs in the shelf wall. I've seen Ikea sell glass shelves, so I don't see why this would be any different for them. My other two shelves are missing a couple of shelves, so I'm thinking of getting glass ones for those. But no toys on there. Just crap (a.k.a. books). Nope, I don't collect air jordans. I just have a few pairs is all that I wear around. I know people who will spend a couple hundred on a pair; not me though. I used to have all the 1/60s. I liquidated most of them and I've only decided to keep the ones with fast packs. I am going to get the ostrich and elint in 1/60 though. And yes...no 1/48 yet. I am leaning towards purchasing a low viz if i ever can find one. I'm not too keen on the 1/48 (although I do like it very much), it's too much plastic for the price IMO. So I will probably only purchase one or two 1/48 at the most. I am planning to get the 1/48 Hikaru with the fast packs as long as it comes in a single package. ahh the Transformers at the bottom, yes my collection of MISB G1 TFs. and the MPCs...the 1 is missing Rick's fighter. Solscud and I bought it together cuz I just wanted the box. Let's face it, the toys are crap. I think it would be awesome to have a pinned thread on display cabinets! Actually, there's one company that makes these killer display cabinets. Of course each cabinet is like 3 grand. Kevin from Valkyrie-exchange has the link to it. He kept on giving it to me and then I'd lose it like the dumbass that I am. But I'm planning on getting some from them in the near future...next time I move, I'm dumping these suckers and moving up. Either that, or I'm gonna have them custom made. BTW, Jonwayne, that is an awesome display cabinet you got there. With the lights and all that. VERY COOL. Somebody likes gundam
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