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Everything posted by phatslappy

  1. For those of us who didn't order a dragon but have something else on order, could we get a dragon instead? Any possibility of that happening? I know that it would be really tough to do since we're having so many problems already and I don't want to complicate it any more.
  2. Besides...even when they give you a tracking number...the information may not be immediately available for a couple of days for you to start tracking and see the item is in shipment (at the very least)...at least that is what my experience has been anyways.
  3. way to kid proof?....don't have any
  4. people do sour. It's happened in the past. Mylene, RTH among others. They had good dealings with others....and then in the end...screwed people over. So while having dealt with someone in the past is good for reference, it sure isn't bulletproof. Apparently, he's already lied about sending out a package that was due to arrive a month ago. Then he mysteriously disappears and reappears out of state? I'm not so sure about that one...maybe buying some time...but at this point, I wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt.
  5. hell yeah! I'd so wear that if I had a motorcycle. hehe, maybe if that day were to come where we can where these helmets we can start up a motorcycle MW crew. What, like the Star Wars "Road Squadron" guys?? Scary man, scary. Road Squadron? Where they at? I have a motorcycle already! HAHAHAHA j/k I wouldn't join them. I've already got my own riding group.
  6. The ones who are bitter or yell at the newbies are the ones with no lives and spend everday and all day on here. We also call them bobepat.
  7. Ditto!
  8. Where's the VF-1D or the VF-1R? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. Haha...maybe the son did do that, and then threw the valk out the balcony to get rid of the evidence.
  10. MN, I got my valk today. Thank you! 1/48 Low viz baby! WOOHOO!!! You should feel VERY fortunate mr. nugget. At least nobody got hurt. Imagine the damage that the valk could have inflicted on someone had someone been standing down there. 10 story drop...someone could have been seriously hurt or killed.
  11. Rob, do you like the Armada too? I thought that was one of the best toys ever made. Lots of metal. great detail. breathtaking really... I don't discriminate. I love all my toys. ok ok ok...my favorite would be... my 1/55 M&M. no... my 1/55 Super VF-1S. ...no my 1/3000 Takatoku SDF-1.... no my argh... I can't decide.... actually yes I can! My favorite toy, albeit not a Macross toy, is my Daigokin Mazinger Z! That sucker is about the size of a 1/3000 SDF-1 and it is all diecast metal!!!!
  12. What did you do to your son when you got back upstairs?
  13. woah...hey where's the 1/55?
  14. Who's the biatch who's not clapping?
  15. hey WM, are you going to have a Q&A so I can ask my dumb questions? It's so awesome, the work you do....So many questions....
  16. that's awesome work! Not everyone can do work like wm cheng. You did a fabulous job. Ton better than I could have done. Congrats!
  17. Yup stupid kids putting their eyes out really screwed it up for everyone. I had transformers that were purchased from stores in Japan and transformers purchased here in the states. The ones from Japan shot missiles clear across the room. I liked those a lot better. Funny how shooting eyes out was such a big deal. Kids could choke on those little missiles, but that didn't seem to be a huge concern at the time like it is now. It also screwed us over with the Megatron reissues, since all toys that were guns had to have that plastic orange thing at the end of it cuz some lazertag idiot tried to shoot a police officer with it and got blown away.
  18. Takatoku VF-1J. Bought it from a store at South Coast Plaza called Toys International for 19.95. Busted the ears on it transforming it. I tried to fix it like crazy but it was no go. funny thing is I eventually sold the gunpod from that guy for 75 bucks! No Joke!
  19. I won't even say what I paid for mine... but I did get the poster (albeit separately) that is unfolded. The only one of its kind that I know of to be in existence!
  20. sorry to hear that. hahahaha just jokers!!!!!
  21. Why recommend the hikaru VF-1S? I chose the low viz cuz that's the one that is completely different from all others. I've already got the fast pack and am just waiting on monkey nugget for my low viz. Do you have any idea if they will make the ostrich and elint in 1/48? BTW, alex is no stranger to macrossworld, macross or collecting.
  22. nothing surprises me. I've seen a jetfire gun sell for over 100 bucks. hell, I've even sold a gunpod for 75 bucks. MWAHAHAHAHHAHA> and it looks pretty much like mynameisjohne is a fake anyways. fake accounts rule!
  23. Of course it has become somewhat "cool" to be a geek. Its because, when you add it up, almost everyone is a geek to one degree or another. Can you truly tell me there is a difference between the Star Wars fan that waits in line for tickets for days before a movie and the "dedicated" football fans who do the same things? Yes there is. the football people are usually old enough to drink. The clothes they wear are passable for everyday attire (minus the makeup)...well the clothes most of them wear anyways. Football people don't re-enact past plays while waiting in line. But there are plenty of similarities as well. Walking ten feet, they would both start to huff and puff.
  24. I don't think I can handle teases...I've not bought a single Macross toy in so long, and I see all these beautiful things coming by and going... I'm in love with the 1/48 camouflaged valk which I never bothered to buy. I guess I was a little discouraged because the 1/48s are so light weight and have so little metal. I liked that one a lot though, and I was very tempted to buy it. I haven't bought a 1/48, so if I did buy one,t hat would have been it. I'd really like a 1J with fast packs, and that GBP armored 1J 1/60 is so inviting as well. Lastly, I know everyone wants a QRau... and I am by no means an exception. So that being said, when there's still so much for me to buy and no funds since I"m remodeling my kitchen and buying a new car...I simply can't handle being shown more goodies that I can't possibly afford to buy at this time.
  25. I have no clue about aviation, so I'll ask the questions... what kind of paint are you using? What for clearcoating? Are you able to keep it from chipping when you transform?
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