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Everything posted by phatslappy

  1. As WM Cheng's biggest fan, I just want to say I don't think this topic should be pinned. Instead, I think WM Cheng should just get his own section in the MW Forums and MW models section.
  2. phatslappy

    Part 2

    you're right you're right...he'll trade for anything...
  3. phatslappy

    Part 2

    Bobepat...he'll buy anything. you could take a piece of ice and say it's macross ice and he'll buy it thinking if you let it melt, it'll turn into macross water.
  4. Hi guys, I wanted to find out if anyone has built any of the models that a bunch of us bought from tanmen. If anyone has made any buildups, or would be able to share some of the work they've done. I'd also like to know what kinds of paints, glues, and stuff were used when you guys built your models.
  5. keep it up bro...you'll have a decent collection if you keep it up for a few more months...year tops.
  6. the 1/55 valk is the only one that has true perfect transformation!
  7. Hey Jesse, were you able to find out if any of us who were owed something that isn't going to happen would be able to get a dragon instead?
  8. can someone tell me how to apply mr. surfacer? I bought some, and it came in a glass bottle. But I don't know what to do with it.
  9. I've fallen out of the macross craze...maybe it's just cuz Yamato's stuff isn't for me. I'm still at heart a chunky monkey. that's just how it is. I only bought the low viz 1/48. I'm not even sure if I want the Q-Rau, but I figure it's something that's never been made, so I might get it, but if I don't have it, i don't think I'll be all that disappointed. But if/when the monsters come rollin out...I don't know if I will be able to go without one of those bad boys.
  10. haha sucka!!!! My first macross toy was the Takatoku VF-1J 1/55. I got it at Toys International back in the day...before Robotech came to the US. I remember buying it and thinking it was such a cool toy cuz it transformed into 3 things. I had no idea what show it was from, but I just loved the toy. Then Robotech came, and I was hooked on valks for the next couple of decades.
  11. where do the macross 2 fans go? hahahaha
  12. Hey XS, can you take some high res pics of it and post it along with dimensions? Maybe my new girlfriend can sew one for me. hahahaha. of course it won't be the same, but it'll give her something to do...and it'll give me somewhat of a replica...plus it'll mean more to me since she will have sewn it together.
  13. you don't need shawn's approval. it does say shawn AND graham. not graham subject to shawn's approval. I'm sure shawn does tons of stuff to this site without your approval. HAHAHA j/k stirring things up....hahaha I'm sure he'd say yes anyways.
  14. phatslappy

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    Do you guys think they'll eventually make the Q-Rau in 1/48?
  15. Man...and here I thought all of those things were joke machines already. It is cute though. Nice work Nick. What? A Shawn sighting? Surely you jest!
  16. Man...those are some beautiful 1/55s you got there. Makes me feel all warm and bubbly inside.
  17. You know...it doesn't matter how long you've been a member of this board. We've seen people go sour. I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again. Look what happened to RTH? and Mylene? they were long standing members of the forums and prominent ones as well. Haha I think Mylene would think she was the charity considering the crap she pulled and then tried to qualify as being acceptable.
  18. what a pretty valk for a bootleg!
  19. Now is just as good a time as any to get into buying Bandai reissues too. The prices are at all time lows.
  20. hahahahah the 1/55? delicate? That's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's called the chunky monkey for a reason. It's solid as brick. 1/55 forever!!!!!!
  21. I've only got the low viz 1/48 and I think that'll probably be the only one I'll buy...unless they come out with a GBP-1S set. The 1/48 simply isn't my favorite. I will always be a 1/55 through and through. I think, and I probably may be speeking for others, in that after going through buying all the 1/55s and the 1/55 reissues, and the 1/60s...it's just getting old having to keep forking out money for what is essentially the same thing. If I hadn't bought all those 1/60s...I probably buy more 1/48s. Besides, I want the Q-Rau and the Monster. From an economics point of view, the marginal utility of purchasing another 1/48 valk has simply reached 0.
  22. I sure hope not. I just paid up the wazzoo to get the one I got. But knowing my luck, they would do it just to screw me over.
  23. I'm not asking what you guys did this past weekend. I'm asking, in general...what does one do when this board goes down. I find myself clicking refresh expecting the boards to instantly come back. It's like waiting for friendster to load a page. HAHHAHAA. When this board goes down...I don't know where else to go online anymore. So I'm asking you guys what other websites do you all frequent, so that I can get some new places to go.
  24. I always keep checking back to see when it comes back online. I wasn't sure where to post this topic, so I thought here would be most appropriate.
  25. Somebody here needs a time out... I love my chunky monkey cuz it's diecast!
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