Something to bear in mind when viewing DYRL for the first time verses the tv series, is that as a movie the general gist of the Macross plot was reinterpreted. Now the target audience of the film wasn’t necessarily viewers familiar with the tv series, one reason why anime films are made is the wide exposure it achieves. As such, while the tv series did reach a large viewer market, the movie received IMO greater exposure and in many different languages. I know when I saw DYRL I was in HK and I had previously seen many episodes of the tv series; however I felt I still enjoyed the animation, character designs, character development, mecha, and of course the music. In fact, as a final product DYRL was the primary reason why I decided to become an animator.
Moreover, in DYRL a considerable portion had to be reduced and as a result we do not see intricate character development and the depth of characters. However this does not make DYRL a bad film, it flows smoothly IF one views the film with fresh eyes and does not bear expectations based on the tv series. This same concept can be applied to more modern anime films like Escaflowne A Girl In Gaea when compared to the Escaflowne tv series. While some fans and otakus alike might clamor for more character development and greater attention to the plot transitions, for the most part DYRL succeeds as a stand alone reinterpretation and introduction to the Macross tv series for new viewers. Furthermore, considering many talented individuals such as Mikimoto, Kawamori and the highly memorable voice actors that helped make the film, IMO they all successfully contributed their mark on one of the greatest anime space epic films ever. View DYRL with fresh eyes and you may find your inner child loving everyone moment of this classic film.