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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Cannot wait to see more of Boomer.
  2. For BGC good luck youhave a better chance getting a resin model. M23 maybe especially with the release last year of the dvds. But still I wouldn't hold my breath. The best chance for all of these is SOC not with the Yammies.
  3. Not loving this one, pass.
  4. Personally I think he is overrated as a former athlete is hypocritical b/c he used the “juice” himself, but denounces others from doing the same. Uh huh, double standard bud. Sadly his doublespeak and double standards is not restricted to just his stance on “juice”, it extends to his stance on gouging the very education and the future generations by continuing to cut education. Thanks Arnold the future generations of California truly thank you. Acting wise I prefer him as a comedian it is much easier to laugh with and at him than to take him seriously in his action films. And as a action hero IMO he really isn’t a great role model for young people either. Violence seems to solve most of his characters problems.
  5. Yup price gouging that is exactly what this boils down to for the consumers of anime dvds. Some people who are 100% anti-unlicensed dvds commented on animenewsnetwork, that there are considerable costs involved in obtaining the licensing for the popular titles and these costs are passed to the consumers. The average fan probably does not care about this aspect of the business, they just want to get the series they are interested in: quickly, with nice cover art & inserts, in the format they want (mainly dub over subs, sorry I am a sub purist but dubs sell better), and most importantly priced at what they consider reasonable enough to purchase. My own collection mainly consists of OVA sets and movies as well, since they are best value IMO. Really wished companies would wise up and become more competitive with their pricing b/c bootleggers will drive them under in a protracted selling period.
  6. Greyryder I completely agree with you about the appearance and how it is harder to animate the cannon than beams. And I definitely feel that the actors are all giving the series 110% and that is another reason why the series is doing so well. The appearance of the tech aside it really comes down to what you are willing to accept, IMO I am just going along for the ride.
  7. Most of those booths are protected b/c they are on triad turf. Raids are commonplace and the stores, booth operators and people in the area get tipped off. Even if and when places get busted the merchandise is still out there b/c the production is a)fast and b)easy to recirculate mainly due to demand. All the cracking down doesn't matter in HK or China until they can change the average customers mentality that is ok to support unlicensed copies. Personally IMO companies releasing the licensed region specific versions need to get more compititive (sp) and reconsider the MSRP. Consumers want deals and that is what they are going to go for. Afterall the average person buying counterfeit dvds regardless of type: anime, porn, US movies etc, wants a bargain. If they can get the entire set of Kenshin or Fist of the North Star for about $40 why would they ever pay over 40 for just a part of the series? IMO until this changes, people will keep on buying the counterfeit versions which really do not support the anime industry at all, but hey that is consumerism, people have the right to vote with their wallets.
  8. I just wish they'd do a release of Gunnm with the correct names. Considering most GUNNM fans know about this oversight, we can manage even though they do not see the need to correct translate things. This is one reason why I keep on forcing myself to learn Chinese but the translations are much more accurate than any English versions will be.
  9. THose look interesting to me but more pics would help too.
  10. Incredible, the stand looks amazing with the Yammie.
  11. Yeah you don't see her goods.
  12. I’ve been advocating with Viz and Dark Horse for over a decade to present the panels in the original format, IMO it’s about freaking time they got it right! I wouldn’t go back and rebuy the unflipped versions… I certainly didn’t do it for Maison Ikkoku, GUNNM, Sanctuary, Crying Freeman, Blade of the Immortal, Ranma, Mai, Nausicaa, Iczer, Urusei Yatsura or any other numerous titles I’ve collected over the years. IMO it really isn’t that hard to get adjusted to reading from right to left, it takes people time and practice to read left to right, so IMO that is all it really boils down to, practice. It is just like reading English subtitles, takes practice people… read more and your reading rate will improve too.
  13. Storing them away from all light helps and avoiding moisture and heat helps too. IMO storing artbooks is like storing anime cels, away from anything remotely harmful. And if you must display it, lots of UV protection and in climate controlled areas with no pets, no kids, no smoke, no sun and no extreme shifts in temperature.
  14. Add in San Francisco, CA Lat: 37, 47 Lon:122, 26 source: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001796.html
  15. Their nice but the paper while heavier stock fades and colors bleed.
  16. Didn't know the thread alread existed, my apologies. I'd like to add this, for those of you familiar with the tv series, DYRL, M2, M+, which albums or specific BGMs or vocal songs do you enjoy the most? Post the album covers if you can too. For myself my fav is from DYRL the ending theme song. And no I ain't got the pic you know the scene... Minmei is by herself, she counts off tapping her foot... *1,2,3,4... 1,2* music starts and Minmei sings!
  17. If you cannot get both or don't want both, I'd recommend Hikaru's first then Roy's. Just my two cents.
  18. mods delete this thread. Thanks.
  19. BSG is quite good IMO and as a fan of the original series I can see the homages used. But there are certain characters who I don’t empathize with at all. The Dr. and his relationship with Six, IMO it could easily be the downfall of the entire fleet. Their relationship such as it is, destroyed Caprica (sp) and much of humanity. IMO this guy needs to do some serious soul searching to find out what side he really is on and how he will amend the errors of his ways. I don’t particularly share Apollo’s Hamletesce situations or appreciate how he just does not see clearly where his loyalty and duty lie. IMO he should not have accepted being the Presidents military advisor. His sense of justice (while naïve) and his sense of duty are conflicting and with time, IMO problems will erupt. Adama’s discussion w/the President about how there is an important separation in the roles of the military and the police are also echoed IMO with Apollo and his role in the military and as the military advisor to the President. Overall enjoying the series but I’d like to see more about eh Cylons and whatever makes them tick. This entire emphasis on theology however is something I am not vibbing with since these machines were created by man. As such, shouldn’t mankind as their creators be revered by gods? We all know this is not true b/c they rose up and destroyed their very creators. Again, theology with the Cylons especially Six looks like it might be *yawns*.
  20. Anyone here collect the OVA cels? Post links, thanks!
  21. Looks good to me, but I am still researching though.
  22. Nice info but does anyone have pics or a URL w/the specific features they are referring to? Thanks!
  23. oh ok I'll remove it, I didn't know there was a url so I added the img sig. Whoops.
  24. Are the 1/60 Roys worth getting? How about the 1/60 Max and Mirei?
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