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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. I recommend if you enjoy... Romance/comedy: Kimagure Orange Road, Maison Ikkoku, Urusei Yatsura, Video Girl Ai Mahoromatic Suspense/drama: Patlabor tv, ova & movies GunBuster ovas Mononoke Hime movie Laputa Castle in the Sky movie Nausicaa movie Pon Poko movie Urusei Yatsura movies Wicked City movie Arislan ova series Orguss 02 ova series Escaflowne tv series Mermaid Forest & Mermaid Scar ova series Nadia tv series GITS movies and tv series Action: Iczer-1 ovas (sci-fi, monsters, mecha) Dangaioh ovas (sci-fi, mecha) Macross Plus ovas & movie (mecha) Mazinkaiser (mecha) Guyver ovas (sci-fi, monsters) Berserk series (demons & sword fighting) Ninja Scroll movie (ninjitsu & sword fighting) SF 2 movie (hand-to-hand) Fist of the North Star (hand-to-hand) Shamanic Princess ova (shojo-fighting) City Hunter tv series (guns w/comedy) Kenshin ovas (swords) Just my two cents.
  2. so is there going to be a gathering at this con in March or no?
  3. What are the odds of having one out in the SF Bay Area, or is the location set in stone already?
  4. Looking good but I am wondering about how thick the paint application is. DId you consider airbrushing? Btw, clearer pics would be nice too. Thanks.
  5. I use to have little ones visit but I'd never permit them to touch anything. You might've been a guest but at the same time you need to respect that everything around you does not belong to you. Ask for permission first. I haven't had problems since.
  6. Happy New Year all. Anyone believe in those prediction books? Some say this year is bad for many signs, a few include: the rooster, the rabbit, the ram.
  7. This is great news!
  8. Any other stores that people recommend for these? Or how about a group MW buy, anyone interested?
  9. I was thinking Jack from Jack in the Box but hey I guess Chuck works too.
  10. What do you think might have happened if Minmei was saved by Hikaru and they were strandred and Misa instead ended up on the alien ship? Does anything think this pivotal moment changed the outcome in the term of the final pairing and resolution of the triangle? What about other pivotal moments in the tv series, what do you think might've changed the triangle among Misa, Hikaru, Minmei? Thoughts?
  11. That does not mean they cannot get more revealing like in the LowDown. So what did everyone think of the newest episode?
  12. Sorry to hear what happened but you should count yourself lucky you were not home and no one was hurt. Moving to a better place would certainly help if you can afford it. But I'd suggest insuring your collectibles if at all possible. Anyone have suggestions which companies might insure Macross collectibles?
  13. Thanks for sinking down to ad hominems guys, shows real class. Also just b/c this is in the anime forum, why can't we engage in more discussion other than the superficial? Lastly, I repeated my points purposefully. I am trying to get someone to rebuke my primary points that: a)Arnold should help end the abuse of performance enhancing, especially since he knows they are bad, b)that people generally see him not simply as a immigrant who achieved the American dream or as testiment to what one can do if they work hard, but that he his revered b/c of his physique.
  14. Well, Arnold supports the research of hormone therapy for better health and a greater level of physical fitness according to his "Modern Encyclopedia of Body Building." Anronold DOES NOT support cheating with such hormones. Cheating and health are totally different subjects. You DO realize that "steriods" were developed to treat medical conditions right? Its not like heroine or anything. What I think you have fallen victim to is the media and their super dramatic stance on the drugs... They'd have you believe that these chemicals make mild mannered high school students into 500 lb maniacs that rape women and rob banks to buy more juice. That isn't the case... At all. Actually no. I do not fall prey to the extremely slanted, unobjective media reports in general and on steroids. But I am concerned with the lack of information Arnold especially is sharing in reducing the promotion of drug enhancements in sports. He does not and that bothers me. As for the positive use for medicinal purposes, that is not at issue here b/c it is not used in the weight lifting community for that expressed benefit. Thus that benefit is irrelevent in relation to Arnold and what he used the drug for. Also I never said anything about how negative physiological changes may result from steroid or performance enhancing drugs. I would not assume that and besides I didn’t raise this issue. Furthermore, none of this changes the fact he is idolized for nothing more than his former psychical accomplishments. I still stand by what I wrote that he makes a poor role model for the youth of the world.
  15. The fact that he is not dissuading aspiring youths is partly what bothers me. Another thing that bothers me is how he is so revered merely for his physical assets/accomplishments. People idolize this man and literally put him up on pedestal. But what is this based on really? His contributions to society as a whole? Perhaps he encouraged the promotion of physical education in the public school systems? Nope, he had many chances to do that but did not. Maybe he used his Hollywood clout to raise funding for research or improving education or health in other countries? Nope, what he is generally known for is his films and his former weight lifting accomplishments, that is what defines him. IMO as a role model and hero in the eyes of so many youths internationally, he should be held to a higher standard. After all, if this man is idolized based primarily on his physical achievements, we are the doing the same thing that is happening with pro athletes and sending the wrong message to the youth of this world. What kind of message are we sending to the youth of the world? It is ok to take drugs to enhance your physique or to improve your academic abilities, so long as you become the best? As for the excuse he was young and it a)did not know better and b)they were not illegal then; ignorance is not bliss and it is b/c he was young and did not know any better, that he should in fact be warning people NOW not to engage in the use of any performance enhancing drugs. He should know better. Think about it, what kind of qualities do you think a REAL HERO should have? IMO, some qualities a hero and a positive role model should have is: service for the greater good of the public, the selfless dedication to sharing knowledge and experience with others, and leaving a positive legacy for others. Real heroes are often unsung and exist everyday around us, larger ignored. People like educators, nurses, firemen, soldiers in the military, veterans, policemen, and loving/nuturing parents, just to name a few. All of these people helped make the world a better place and they left a lasting legacy. Just my two cents.
  16. Perhaps but these domestic companies aren't attempting to reduce their prices either. Instead of getting into dvd price wars which happens for other titles but rarely anime, we have preorders which at best shave off a discount for the early birds. But for the average anime viewer dvds are just too damn pricey. Until this changes, bootleggers will remain laughing all the way to the bank.
  17. I dissagree with the other stuff you said but politics is not allowed on MW so you better can it before a mod cans you. I am not a lefty and if I was I wouldn't even be offended. Also I am much older than a teenager. And your canning comment was curt and uncalled for. The quote you shared is ironic, considering his current "position". Also even if supports drug enhancements in sports like weight lifting, personally I am against it. We are seeing across the board in all pro sports how enhancements drastically improve athletes performance. IMO is it really the athlete that achieved all those improvements and maximized their physical prowess, or does it have to do more with the drug enhancements? Arnold is a funny actor but I don't take him seriously as an entertainer or a role model. He seems like his is amicable and down to earth, but I personally do not look up to someone strictly b/c they achieve subjective standards of physical perfection. Don't get me wrong in his day, he was impressive but was his body due more to his dedication and hardwork OR was it physically attributed more to the juice he took? I doubt even he knows b/c there was limited to almost no testing done back then. Some people might perceive all I am doing is split hairs but in reality I am raising questions most people do not even wish to acknowledge.
  18. Again these people who need flipping to read translated manga need to learn how to read from right to left, it is NOT that hard. Practice is all it takes and by doing so the companies maintain the original layout and content of the artwork without disturbing it too much. Some people are just plain lazy.
  19. Agreed do Kanuka proud. You can also try to color it the scheme used in the second movie. Or you can use military colors too. Either way show whatever you do. *shouts Kannuukkka!*
  20. Ever consider selling some?
  21. Anyone care to share pics of theirs and the problems encountered? Thanks!
  22. Whatever, now lets see her in more revealing clothing, right guys?
  23. The costs for producing these bootlegs especially for anime is relatively low in comparison to the licensed domestic R2 versions. As I mentioned earlier the domestic versions have to go through proper legal work and pay for the licensing and distribution rights, etc. There are quite a few costs involved, the problem is partly due to this and the fact the domestic companies are trying to maximize profits, as such they charge as much as possible while releasing the dvds in a format that will appeal to general audiences, not necessarily the diehard otakus/anime fans. With all these factors involved you need to see that the Asian underground companies/stores simply copy, burn and distribute without any regard to the legal issues involved. Sure consumers win b/c there is a huge demand in Asia alone, but many of these pirated versions are specifically shipped to the USA too. IMO the bootleggers won't stop until the mainland and HK seriously crackdown on IP violations. Doubt it will happen so you will find bootlegs conveniently located in most Chinatowns and/or Asian anime, manga related stores.
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