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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. All I care about is the epic lightsaber battles that we can expect. Palpatine v. Mace, Anakin v. Ben, Yoda v. Dooku (I hope), and others. The story is already predetermined so there isn't a whole lot of surprises Lucas can use. And could he still f it up? Sure, but I honestly do not care anymore, I just want to see the Jedi Counsel destroyed, the Sith rise to terrifying power, Natalie naked, whoops oh well , and the rebirth of Anakin as Vader. For myself if I just saw those scenes done well in the film I'd be content. And yes I will watch the film in theatres but only a month later, damn I hate those annoying brats.
  2. I prefer the open matted images that shows the entire cel and background. Sure I might see some cropped areas that were never meant to be filmed. But as a fellow animator I find it interesting to learn more about the shots, framing and the beauty of the cels in its entirety. Showing the open matted images IMO gives you a behind the scenes look at what the talented creators, animators of this classic OVA series saw many years ago. I think it is safe to assume, as a consumer if the dvd ever comes stateside it will most likely be in letterbox format and not open matted. So enjoy the open matted images how often do you ever even have the opportunity to see them in any anime series? Lastly, as for adding all the text onto the image, I say reduce it to just an icon or shortened url and make it a watermark that's semi-transparent. All the extra text not only is an eyesore it detracts from studying the shot itself.
  3. Typical wonderful AX service for yas, better get use to it it only gets worse. I'd email and ask if serious interested about attending both. How many peeps here are going? Roll Call!
  4. Nice paintjob. Thanks for sharing Graham.
  5. The OVA DVDs were done on single layer discs. Presumably, they could fit all four episodes on one dual layerd disc without changing the AV compression. Yeah, but it's manga, they screw stuff up on purpose. Hell, they've actually chosen not to put Gunbuster on DVD! They lost the license to Gaint Robo! They're insane. Yup and that's typical Manga Entertainment for you, either releasing good (Ninja Scroll movie) or incredibly GOD AWFUL dvd versions of various animes (Dangaioh OVAs). I am glad they are not doing the Gunbuster OVAs b/c I would not put it past the company to royally f'up one of the best OVA series.
  6. Um no. Mathematically, I own 0.4% or 0.004 where 10/2500. Now those who own 1 have 0.04% or 0.0004. G you are certifiably insane.
  7. That is a perfect post. And, I hope it's not too ignorant of me to say that it's posts like this that have made me steer clear of M7 and spared me the horror of it. After all, if I didn't like MII, and M7 is supposedly worse according to nearly everyone, how much will I hate M7!?! Now, if everyone will permit me a bit of fun-poking: If you take A1's point #2 above and replace M7 with "Episode 1" and Macross with "Star Wars". . . you basically get what I've been saying about Star Wars for years. I so agree... with H and A1.
  8. Sidenote, I completely agree with 1/LVLurkers analysis about nature, adaption and the evolution of both Shins ability and what is to come with the Zentradi. You used some excellent comparisons and connections that are easily overlooked. Thanks for sharing.
  9. okay.. let's say they did meet up.. would it go something like this: Shin: so uhm, where are we? Sara: (babbles something about kadun and look at shin with her mad face) they wait for years and year and year and years.. and then they wait some more. Hikaru and the Megaroad show up: Hey... uhm... where did you guys come from? Shin: From EARTH! Hikaru: Really? Sara: That's a big sky bird you came in on. Hikaru: Uhm... I guess. Shin: never mind her. they wait for years and years and years... and then a pod of space whales comes along with gamlin and basara all out of breath.... Hikaru and Shin: Hi... Basara: LISTEN TO MY SONG! the end. Yeah, yeah, just like that! But Basara needs to sing with Minmay. Minmei would bitch slap him and then kick his arse! I can hear her shouting, "Listen you untalented American Idol reject, no one but no ONE crowds in one me when I alone sing! I stopped an entire war with MY singing! WTF did you do that puts you in my league?!"
  10. Well he still has some SIN CITY stories up his sleeve, the question is when he will get around to them. Also DH is rereleasing the trades of his early SIN CITY stories too, worth checking out!
  11. Damn straight! Frank reinvented those characters and so many new fanboys are missing out. Not everything that is old is bad dudes! Check it out NOW!
  12. Oh as for Quentin's contribution, it was mainly with the car scene between Dwight and Jackie Boy. There will be 16 minutes of extended footage showing impromptu performances on the dvd that was not included in the film. Should be worth watching what was left on the cutting room floor. Personally I didn't find Alba's dancing quite as seductive of entertaining as I hoped. I think the costume did not help. Don't get me wrong I didn't need to see he nude or topless, but the cowboy pants really concealed far too much of her movements and the flow of her dance. Just my two cents and relatively speaking her character Nancy really played a small role. Lastly, something I just remembered the film did not touch upon or establish was the fact Dwight and Marv were tight. Those two made an awesome team, reference A DAME TO KILL FOR and this adventure happened before Dwights surgery and appearance in Old Town shown in the movie.
  13. Ok fellow MWers, let me set the record straight about SIN CITY by Frank Miller. For those of you not familar with Frank Miller's work specifically with SIN CITY, Frank wanted to create a world turned upside down. Where goodness found within humans is hidden deep and evil clearly visible for all to see. I watched the film last night and I must write some my impressions down. Don't watch the film passively b/c the viewer is lulled by deceiving appearances and then throttled into the hard boiled world of SIN CITY. Shocks lurk around every corner and the heroes tales are simply put, highly entertaining. SIN CITY is rated R for very specific reasons some of which include the mature content, graphic violence/gore, nudity/sexual situations, and extremely dark characters/stories depicted. This is not your typical fanboy/fangirl film and if you are on the fence about this film, do yourself a favor READ the trades first. Also SIN CITY is not representative of the comic genre nor should it be considered as such. This series had an extremely niche readership when it first started and it is very stylized in the storytelling and illustrations. To understand the film and series better, read THE BIG FAT KILL, A DAME TO KILL FOR, THAT YELLOW BASTARD, and the one that started it all in DHP, THE HARD GOODBYE. If you don't have the time or the monies, at least read this review instead. After reading the stories make an informed decision about the contents and scenes depicted. I implore you do NOT judge the film based solely on what you hear. Don't watch the film IF you think you might be offended and/or cannot stomach seeing a live action version of various important situations (you'll know which ones if you've read the books). SIN CITY is not for the the faint of heart and especially young children. However, contrary to public option, the graphic violence and gore used within the film is not over the top nor was it a gimmick (that would be the Matrix). Specifically, each scene depicting violence/gore serves a purpose to illustrate not only the resolution of situations in this harsh world, but also the mental state of the characters. Sure the average view won't think what IS the perspective of Marv/Hartigan/Dwight character, however it really helps if you are mindful of it as it is revealed. IMO the gore was very tastefully done, it was sprinkled lightly and used only in certain key situations. These situations are depicted with considerable accuracy from the four stories, they were not exaggerated at all. This film brings to life with great accuracy, the hard boiled world Frank Miller created. It shows with absolutely visually stunning cinematography, the rich details used in the creation of first trilogy of SIN CITY stories. The film weaves three interlocking stories that are not typical linear narratives, nor do they follow a circular narrative either. It interestingly enough uses both of these types of narrative from three primary perspectives. Gentle viewers are introduced to the innermost thoughts, lifestyle, and the dark tales of three of the main protagonists in the film from the three original SIN CITY stories respectively. Here we are introduced to our "heroes": John Hartigan (Bruce Willis) from THAT YELLOW BASTARD, Dwight (Clive Owen) from A DAME TO KILL FOR & THE BIG FAT KILL, and lastly Marv (Mickey Rourke) from A DAME TO KILL FOR & THE HARD GOODBYE. I won't discuss the specific stories or break them down b/c they follow the three stories with slight editing, take the time to read them and you'll appreciate the film more. I certainly do not want to ruin this film for anyone. I had my reservations about the film mainly b/c I've read the books when they first came out and they were not popular. The comics initially did not gain a large following, despite Franks reputation. As such, I was worried that by using three stories not only would they not mesh nicely, I was concerned they would be hard for the average viewer to follow. I am proud to say that my worries were relieved and IMO the flow of the entire film was excellent! I applaud the efforts of everyone who worked on the film. The entire casting for this film was superb. The acting/voices all around were great! So was the makeup, stunts, and the visual effects that paid homage to film noir. I wish to add, Hartigan, then Marv and then Dwights' tales in that order were my favorites. Dwights tale would've been better but they edited out the a good portion out of A DAME TO KILL FOR. Marv was well MARV! And Hartigans tale is heartwretching, impressively inspirational and proper. Lastly, and perhaps the most important IMO was the screenplay of the film by someone other than Frank. Thankfully the film remained extremely faithful to Frank's work and simply put, IMO this is the BEST film adaption of any comic to date! A MUST SEE FOR ALL MATURE FANBOYS AND FANGIRLS! PS to all... take the time to read Frank's classic reinvention of Daredevil in the Visionaries trades and his reinvention of the old retired Batman in the classic THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS!! You can thank me later.
  14. Well still it makes a nice display piece or custom project if you aren't a MISB collector. However that price is unreasonable.
  15. Also Mikimoto was completely against it but the executives strong armed him into it. Mikimoto has voiced his opinion on this and other Macross matters before.
  16. You should post how much you are willing to PAY for with shipping in the WANTED section and perhaps some kind soul will sell or trade one with you.
  17. I can wait for the animated series, prefer an OVA b/c of the higher budget but I'll take what I can get provided the character designs remain true to the original OVA series. Also does anyone else wish that lazy ass Viz would finish the English translations of the manga?! Man those jerks, discontinued the series, WTF?! They could easily release them in a perfect collection trade, so what is the hold up?
  18. Yeah the prices are unreasonable, but who cares, they won't sell and that is what matters.
  19. Suuure, you can ask... but you won't get anyone stupid enough to pay it. But then again maybe you would, hm....
  20. toybotman you really should post this in the WANTED section. As for the price range you are willing to purchase it at, it isn't likely to happen especially considering what these are going for now. However, if you have somethings to trade that might help those who have more than three to consider your offer. Good luck.
  21. Looks pretty nice, when will they be officially released? Thanks!
  22. I'd be amazed if this sold. evilbay auction whoah!
  23. CdnShockwave please refer to the MW review for the VF IIB FP which shows pictures and Graham discusses the differences. Just in case if you do not know how to use the MW site, here is the precise link to Graham's VF-IIB FP review. Also here is another VF IIB review. Lastly, please use the MW SEARCH feature in the forums, it will help you avoid repeating questions that have already been asked and answered. Thank you!
  24. Just get whichever you can afford. I recommend the Roy Strike Valk personally but he is getting pricer it seems.
  25. That sounds pretty promising. Yes I also go to RS quite often but I don’t maintain the gallery as much as I’d like. I got a DYRL cel if you are interested, image link available in the trade or sale sections. Thanks for sharing, btw, do you have a RS gallery?
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