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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. @jvmacross Agreed. This version of Minmay was Mikimoto-esce but probably was not drawn by him personally. Need to check the episode end credits to be certain. Nevertheless as you commented the other cels in this M7 cel lot would not command anything remotely close to Minmay. I personally prefer his older character designs over this modern style.
  2. Collectors only own anime cels deliberately. One needs to pay for the privilege to own one. If you want a Macross cel better pay more or collect another series. @jvmacross That cel from Macross 7 episode 11. Reference 6:47. To my knowledge this version of Minmay is not drawn by Mikimoto. Still it is a very nice cel.
  3. Could not locate any threads about this HBO show so creating a new post. I've been watching BALLERS from the beginning and must admit it is a very entertaining series. Never expected such great acting across the board. Is anyone else watching this show? Share your thoughts about it.
  4. At this point I do not care which listing is legitimate; there is no reason to trust these sellers. Creating multiple listings of the same item offered by different users to me is fraudulent. This is no different than using multiple accounts to shill bid. Both practices are deceptive and fraudulent. For this particular cel, it is illogical to have other users list and potentially sell the same item when the "owner" already is listing the item. It is unlikely the "owner" will care to provide a 'defense' to any commentary by a gaijin; you will probably get ignored or blocked just like if you attempted the same with our friend urbantreasurehunterjapan. Lastly, jvmacross you nailed it; glad you cited the ebay rule where the practice is not allowed. This is why I shared this specific cel with the group so others could be forewarned.
  5. How the heck can there be three different sellers of the same cel? Unless it is all just one seller which would be hilarious since they underpriced themselves!
  6. Stand corrected, there are three sellers! Seller yuukunz US $2,299.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-cel-Anime-Animation-cel-Vintage-Retro-Super-RARE-japan-m2/292781821984?hash=item442b281020:g:7KoAAOSw5ENbpe1E:rk:24:pf:0 Seller yuuga-ya-japan US $2,298.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Super-Dimension-Fortress-Macross-Movie-edition-Animation-Cel-Lynn-Minmay-F-S/142989042245?hash=item214acfa245:g:K4QAAOSwlelb0kKJ:rk:25:pf:0 Seller so_lar57 US $1,890.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Lynn-Minmay-Movie-ver-ART-Cel-Very-Rare-Japan-Anime/264008101865?hash=item3d781befe9:g:kZ8AAOSwz5hb00ih
  7. Anyone see on ebay two identical DYRL cels being sold by two different sellers using the same images, but listing at two different prices? Nice attempt to artificially inflate prices.
  8. It would be great to block repeat reposted items.
  9. Nice addition jvmacross!
  10. Absolutely! We should proactively encourage and promote cel education. Considering the cel communities are so fractured and hidden, if we do not share information, who will? Discussing cel preservation, storage, repairs, history, trends, and identifying questionable sellers is definitely worthy of discussion. These are some of the core practices in the cel community, giving back and educating each other through shared knowledge to help other collectors make better informed decisions. The key difference between this and what jetjockey suggests is constant lamenting about not buying cels for whatever reasons. Or showing images for cels he has never owned. This behavior amounts to mere image copying which has nothing to do with actual cel or original art collecting.
  11. I for one only care to see cels actually owned by other people. Do NOT want to see cels I can easily view by conducting internet searches.
  12. Gotcha! Very nice original artworks. In the spirit of sharing here is an oldie but goodie.
  13. @Mokman LOL. Sure. Btw, nothing is in the second section down if you are referring to "other". When you select the link it just loops back and no image is displayed. @elrdf Do not take offense when people ask legitimate questions about cels for sale posted by an unknown facebook seller with no reputation. Also, as others aptly point out you consider urbantreasurehunterjapan a scalper for his reselling practices, but you literally do the same. Is it any wonder some consider this behavior contradicting, misrepresenting, and bordering unethical? Some of us myself included do not condone this behavior by anyone. If I may offer an unsolicited piece of advice, perhaps you can change your cel listings to realistic prices instead of overly inflating? You might get more sales, even if you do not 're-coop', or cover the full cost of the expensive cel you impulsively bought. Proper financial planning, specifically savings, helps to avoid selling to cover unexpected purchases. Lastly, we all strongly encourage you to contribute to the cel community, you may discover doing so adds greater enjoyment to this hobby. Good luck.
  14. You are Mokky at least that is what Tori use to call you on AB. Can you post the direct url to the secret items? Not sure what items you are referring to. Thanks.
  15. Hey Mokky: Do you have anything in your private section? http://mokman.rubberslug.com/gallery/pass.asp
  16. @juice14 You need to join the FB RS group to join RS now. Ask a RS Mod to help you register. The RS registration email system is defunct and not maintained. But the RS Mods on FB can contact the owner to get you registered. Sounds complicated but it is not. Good luck!
  17. The cel community is small compared to other collectible communities. Since cels have stopped being used in production, the cel community and especially the anime cel community has largely gone underground. New cel collectors and outsiders have a difficult time understanding why members of the cel community share information. MW is one of a few active online cel communities. In the MW cels section we promote education, discussion, and sharing our collective knowledge about artwork preservation, analysis, forgeries, sellers (scalpers), trends, etc,, because we want others to make good informed decisions. Sometimes people join MW and particularly our cel community and they constantly ask to buy, seek information, or dump stuff on others, without contributing anything; when this happens it can easily feel like the person is trying to take advantage. Also no one advocates supporting scalpers or sellers who would effectively profit by taking advantage of others. Cel collecting is NOT for the faint of heart, financially inexperienced, or undisciplined. It is all too easy for new collectors to get into debt, make avoidable mistakes, or feel forced to sell. Anyone is free to buy and resell their possessions as they deem fit. However, in a free market economy the public (in this case MW cel community) has every right to question unknown strangers (buyers and sellers alike) and prices. Furthermore, no one should fault a Macross cel collector for exercising caution and seeking advice when a seller is not vouched for by others. Keep in mind MW has a SSL (safe sellers list) for the exact reason to warn other members so they can make informed decisions before dealing with a specific member. Caveat emptor.
  18. Looks visually nice and Amber is smoking. Can sense Director Wan is going for a lighter mood with the comedic qualities. I have a good feeling this will do very well in the box office.
  19. Understandable. Experiencing the same.
  20. Wow! Great finds JV. I never even knew the DYRL promo version even existed! Congrats!
  21. Awesomeness! Thanks!
  22. Definitely agree as a seller do not sell valuable items as lots especially cels. The rare exception I find is if you need to raise funds fast a lot is sometimes quicker.
  23. If you ever find them lmk JV. Thanks.
  24. Very nice JV! If you find anymore of the top two posters vintage Shogakukan and tv lmk, I am still looking for them too. Thanks.
  25. Nice! Thanks.
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