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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Anyone got updates to share about a VF-1J bundle?
  2. but... it's so... shiny All the better for target practice.
  3. Nice pics. How many pages are in color? And how much of the book is dedicated to Minmei?
  4. very nice! How much time did this project take you?
  5. A1 uses telekinesis dude. He possesses a god-like body and a powerful brain to boot. We should all be so fortunate.
  6. I find it interesting that Hikaru has a girl for each arm! Ha, even Roy didn't have that!
  7. I'll gladly sacrifice storing your 1-J on your behalf Haterist. Oh and I'd prefer it being released w/just the armor but hell I'd still get it even with a valk regardless of what it is.
  8. Priceless but you know Lucas is going to try to appeal to mass audiences, he won't torture the beloved JarJar.
  9. Yup, the majority of anime production is done now with digipainting and digimation. GONZO is a great example with FMP aka Full Metal Panic and the next TF series Galaxy Force. If you are lucky you can purchase the dougas aka pencil sketches initially used in the creation of the anime. If you are really lucky you might find the gengas and/or the setteis used as well. Man I miss the glory days of cels.
  10. Dang that looks good, painful to hear about what happened... indeed a labor of love.
  11. You still need MORE? Unbelievably amazing, but true.
  12. oh you KNOW there will be still be Mac fans who will not be disuaded.
  13. DOn't know but to my knowledge nothing is inside, no roller. But this is probably as good as it is going to get for the trailer.
  14. sweet, do we have an ISBN for this book?
  15. looks nice to me.
  16. I am with Mechamaniac. I want a 1/48 version. Ditto!
  17. Holey shiser!!! *performs hand bowing* Greatness! Now you wouldn't happen to be have any completed versions that are painted for sale would you?
  18. OMG! That is a work of ART! I would love to see a completed one that is painted with the care shown with the Zero model. Got pics?
  19. The photoshop job by Chris is intense! Thank you! Also that Thunder Hummer oh boy...
  20. Don't forget about the Lum tv cel from the manga classic by Rumiko Takahashi URUSEI YATSURA! Great stuff!
  21. Hmm that version of fire convoy is super rare now, but 185 is nuts, I wouldn't say it is super rare I just saw one recently for much less than that MISB too. Honestly unless it is the Limited Super Black Fire Convoy from RID I don't see the point in getting the Takara version when the Hasbro version is a)cheaper, b)just as good, and c)readily available.
  22. For that much I'd want the original watercolor art that Mikimoto used for the single! But I know that would NEVER happen since original Mikimoto art from Macross is quite expensive.
  23. Yes and I'd like to see the other OVA episodes in the same fashion too. I mean unless you have access to the vast majority of the original backgrounds, gengas, and cels (and believe me I know the guy that has them), you will never have a chance to examine the details and efforts placed into the cels and the backgrounds used. This is especially true for the climatic moments, i.e. when Noriko is reborn and KICKS ASS! High end cels from GB OVAs are really expensive and rare and it isn't just b/c Gainax make GB, it is also b/c the character designs and story is still well loved to this day.
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