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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Don't recall the manga is over four years old and I wasn't that interested in it.
  2. If Jung is in the NG manga storylines, where is Noriko?
  3. can a mod move this to the wanted section or auction section?
  4. I'm all for reducing the size, provided the interior packaging can secure the contents arrived unharmed.
  5. I for one don't care, just glad to finally get them! And as for the English translated versions by Viz, the BASTARDS never finished and have NO interest for releasing collected volumes. Viz sucks!
  6. You bought both at decent prices IMO. But, dude the only opinion that matters it yours. If we all say it is crap you got ripped off, are you really going to take our word for it? Come on. Both are nice toys, if you actually take them out of the box you'd be amazed by the work that went into their creation.
  7. Perhaps it's b/c he keeps tabs on fellow collectors/competition?
  8. In the Bay Area Targets it is reported that Target has stopped ordering Alts. Don't know if this is true for other places but dang. Even if they are waiting for GF they can still restock the Alts.
  9. looking forward to the battles ...
  10. it is such a shame he goes out like that i was hoping for so much more. chris I think most of us felt the sameway about Maul. As fast as that guy was he couldn't block and attack Obi's attack? Lame!
  11. Everyone EXCEPT the Clone Commander, FRACK!
  12. search the FAQs and the forums this has already been discussed.
  13. Thanks for sharing guys and for all the hardwork!
  14. Welcome to MW, enjoy your stay and read up on the previous threads and familiarize yourself here. We got plenty of fans here.
  15. Welcome! Please learn how to use the search feature and read the FAQ section created first before creating new topics. Odds are if you thought of it, the questions has already been asked and answered. The VF19 has been experiencing a price increase but don't get the 1st edition it has too many errors. As for the price, it is whatever people are willing to pay, you can't look at the toy and say oh b/c it's the first edition it's going to be worth more. That is simply not true and especially with the YF19s. Some people are just completionists so they will get all the variations created and extras too. Just look around in the 1/48 collection thread you will easily get an idea who buys multiples and who is a completionist. Also, new collectors start late all the time, most are uninformed b/c they fail to research/read, they driving up the prices and evilbay one of the worst places to shop for them. Sure you might find a rare item, but if you shop internationally instead of just on evilbay, you'd be surprised by the prices. If you are on a tight budget you might want to stay away collecting Yamato 1/48, 1/60 and 1/72s altogether, or at least from the older ones. Try and save and get a newer one for the 1/48, the later releases for the VF-1S for example have less errors and are comparatively cheaper. Lastly, please READ the OLDER posts and FAQs, odds are your questions have already been answered. Please do not post until you do research first. Thank you, everyone on the board will appreciate your cooperation.
  16. Great for the seller,but the sap buying it... do your research next time. Baka!
  17. Hmm that version of fire convoy is super rare now, but 185 is nuts, I wouldn't say it is super rare I just saw one recently for much less than that MISB too. Honestly unless it is the Limited Super Black Fire Convoy from RID I don't see the point in getting the Takara version when the Hasbro version is a)cheaper, b)just as good, and c)readily available. ah yes but does your scream out "supa faiya conboy!!!!!!!"" in japanese? Do I care? Nope.
  18. Hmm that version of fire convoy is super rare now, but 185 is nuts, I wouldn't say it is super rare I just saw one recently for much less than that MISB too. Honestly unless it is the Limited Super Black Fire Convoy from RID I don't see the point in getting the Takara version when the Hasbro version is a)cheaper, b)just as good, and c)readily available. Hmm not so much the toy, but the box. Most super fire convoys were released in the regular non-windowed box. The ones that were released in the G1 Style windowed box are much harder to come by even though its essentially the same toy as the other super fire convoy. And if you can find a black super fire convoy for that price thats a steal compared to how much they usually go for and how rare they are. I'd lay down 185 in a heartbeat for one heh More power to you bud, but man, that much for a fracking box?
  19. welcome aboard. no one knows anything when it comes to Yamato, just play it cool and read the updates/rumors as we post them. In the meantime, please read the FAQs and older posts to bone up. Thanks.
  20. Actually the LV has been going higher, 300+ internationally.
  21. I loved GB, the anime was toned down considerably but all the same hilarious and highly imaginative. One thing people should be aware of was the fact K in the manga wasn’t quite as altruistic, so… **Spoiler** Well in the manga series K ends up meeting a bunch of other beauties from his past and after a series of events, gets stuck in a virtual world. Some of the ladies care about him, but his goes up against some new characters that do not care for him at all. As you can imagine the scenes and situations are quite sexually graphic and in the end, there is no clear resolution for K. GB the anime series has some merchandising but it depends on what you like to collect. Cels seem the most popular among hardcore fans. If you are interested, there was a spin off series created by the same team that worked on the original GB manga.
  22. if only one the one on the left but realistically I'd get both and the HUMMER version too.
  23. very nice. add the skull on the heat shield1
  24. Great work wm! Post more if you've done anything new.
  25. Awesome! Do you have a site with pics for more of your works? If so, please share. Thanks!
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