I’ve always collected things every since I was little. The thing is my interests shifted from one or two series, or type of collectible at a time. However, I’ve been interested for over 30 years stuff ranging from: anime, comics, manga, peanuts, sci-fi, SW and others things. I guess it’s like investing for me, I don’t concentrate just with one type or series, mainly b/c I like some variety and I don’t want to awaken one day bored b/c I became a hoarder. As such, my Yamato collection is smaller than some, but it’s grown considerably in less than six months. However, my collections from other collectibles vary, b/c over time I’ve changed interests and sold quite a few and moved into new series. I guess I enjoy the old collectibles and series as much as the next person, but I also like to watch for new series and collectibles too.