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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. He is actively working on a project in HK. Check out the HK film tabloids and you will find him mentioned.
  2. Evilbay prices only quote current market demand, this might change before Xmas.
  3. So purrty!
  4. For now, just one. I don't need much to make me happy.
  5. You NEED to show pics dude! And congrats on getting married. Btw any cels?
  6. I also prefer the black hs, but I can appreciate the red version too.
  7. Listen to the podcasts from Moore on that...the prophet thing is going to come back and bite her in the ass he says. 320081[/snapback] Good! I am getting extremely sick of listen to her religious babble. She isn't even erring on the side of caution. Oh and Major Johnathan, I agree w/you about the martial law issue. WTF? If not now, when? DeathHammer, almost completely in agreement w/you on most of your arguments, especially the consolidation and training aspects. Keep on posting! justvinnie, good reasons why you aren't impressed w/the series, I also share some of your concerns especially about Rosalin. WTF? It isn't about living life as usual! Get with the program you are at WAR, fighting for the very survival of your race!
  8. That would've been a beautiful cel to own. Oh and mine also didn't have a strip. It's ok I prefer to collect the actual cels.
  9. Here are some recommendations for older animes: Iczer1 OVAs, GunBuster OVAs (not the crap 2nd series), Maison Ikkoku tv series, Ghost in the Shell 1-2 movie & Stand Alone Complex tv series, Most Studio Ghilbi films: Laputa, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, Whisper of the Heart, I Can Hear the Sea Urusei Yatsura tv series, OVAs & movies 1-5, Video Girl Ai OVA series, Ah My Goddess OVAs, Kimagure Orange Road tv, ova series, movies 1-2 Bubblegum Crisis OVAs (not the tv series), Patlabor ovas, movies 1-2, Escaflowne tv series & movie, Rurouni Kenshin tv series & OVAs, MegaZone 23 OVAs, Dangaioh OVAs, Dirty Pair OVAs and movies, Arislan OVAs, Iria OVAs, Record of Lodoss Wars OVAs not tv series, Tenchi Muyo OVAs & universe, movies 1-3, City Hunter tv series, movies, specials Fist of the North Star tv series, Devil Hunter Yohko OVAs, Vampire Hunter D original & Bloodlust movie Wicked City movie, Ninja Scroll movie, Roujin-Z movie, Mazinkaiser, Street Fighter II movie, Guyver OVAs, Mahoromatic, Nadia, secret of Blue Water tv series GunSmith Cats OVAs, Mermaid Forest & Scar OVAs, One Pound Gospel OVAs, Gundam movies 1-3, Z Gundam, 0083 OVAs, Char's Counterattack movie All of this should keep you occupied for quite sometime.
  10. It's not showing up for me, suggestions?
  11. I say you take names and emails from all parties interested at cons and even try to market them to companies. But I'd imagine after awhile you'd hit a legal wall with the copyright issue. Anyways even if it's just amongst fans, take orders and see if you can expand and run with this product. Oh and it looks great! Thanks for sharing.
  12. Roslin is seriously starting to annoy me and I don't believe she is the "chosen leader". I also agree that Tigh and Adama balance each other, but man Tigh's lady should be tossed off of the airlock along w/Roslin.
  13. Nice! Keep on sharing and if you ever get a chance try the LV too!
  14. Minmei Ishtar Lucy
  15. Please refer to the pinned thread in the toys section titled, "Newbie ANSWERS thread!"
  16. Newtype formerly in SF had some great cels too. ANd while I agre J was crass, I could honestly relate with him. He had tons of people who were lookers but not serious buyers. It grates on your after a couple of years. Remember he was around before there were even stores handling models and cels in SF. One of the early dealers IMO and he had great connections before Rick.
  17. I hope it comes out sometime by Christmas.
  18. I have a few of those Mikimoto artbooks available for sale or trade. PM if interested.
  19. Actually I don't like the new attitude pose. It looks like the bad-boy-street-punk-I've-got-something-to-prove look while the old stand-up-straight-with-folded-arms says I've-got-nothing-to-prove-to-you-but-if-you-want-I-can-kick-your-ass-seven-ways-to-hell-and-back. Exactly. There is only three poses that the GB actually uses in the anime that the figure shows. GB does do the badboy pose, but at the sametime I wonder how poseable the arms, hips and legs are. Check out these moves, now can the toy be posed in those? http://www.gunbuster.net/interface_home.html http://gunbuster.areaseven.net/gunbuster.htm Still this fig is better than previous ones, but it still looks stiff IMO. Somehow I doubt it could do the SuperLightingKick.
  20. Love this one for a YF19 game edition. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5979463089 It won't sell, maroons!
  21. Welcome to Valks-a-holics! Meetings are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Great pics, add more!
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW for two opened ones? Suuure.
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