I never seen Hentai because of an overwhelming fear of the clerk looking at me like I'm some sort of freak that gets his jollies of watchig anime babes getting raped or just plain having sex. There were times I was tempted to by this one hentai, but decided against it. this was a fact that if I did, my nephew who was once living with me at the time would go into my room and watch my video's with out my permission and I get yelled at by my sister for owning it.
Then you can rent it online and have them delivered to you directly. Also who cares what some clerk thinks, it's your money that you are spending NOT theirs, so screw that they think. And as for having guests over and your sister yelling at you, your place your rules. If anything you should be yelling at them for not observing them and respecting your privacy. I certainly wouldn't give a frag if my sister yelled at me. And on that same otken I wouldn't tell her all of her clothing, jewelry, accessories, beauty stuff and the like is stupid and/or a waste of money either. It's your life live it the way you want without concern of others unimportant opinions.