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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Sounds like a possible shill bidder.
  2. I'm waiting for one, it doesn't make any sense for Yamato not to reissue him!
  3. If we use the original purchase prices do we need to keep the physical hardcopies of the receipts? Or are we allowed to scan them and convert them to pfds and burn them onto a cd for easier storage?
  4. Greedy bastards not all of us can afford these prices just for parts.
  5. WTF? Why does HLJ state, "It requires both cement and painting to complete or use." for the GBP?
  6. It is nice, but that price is not beautiful! For that much it better include a 1/48!
  7. I agree about the airing the item out, give it time and if all else fails you can always make it smell like cigs!
  8. Found it but I was hoping of interior pics.
  9. I never seen Hentai because of an overwhelming fear of the clerk looking at me like I'm some sort of freak that gets his jollies of watchig anime babes getting raped or just plain having sex. There were times I was tempted to by this one hentai, but decided against it. this was a fact that if I did, my nephew who was once living with me at the time would go into my room and watch my video's with out my permission and I get yelled at by my sister for owning it. 325584[/snapback] Then you can rent it online and have them delivered to you directly. Also who cares what some clerk thinks, it's your money that you are spending NOT theirs, so screw that they think. And as for having guests over and your sister yelling at you, your place your rules. If anything you should be yelling at them for not observing them and respecting your privacy. I certainly wouldn't give a frag if my sister yelled at me. And on that same otken I wouldn't tell her all of her clothing, jewelry, accessories, beauty stuff and the like is stupid and/or a waste of money either. It's your life live it the way you want without concern of others unimportant opinions.
  10. Suggestions on other places? Thanks!
  11. Thanks but they raised their prices to $125 now + shipping. Damn it.
  12. Still considering picking one up. Suggestions on where?
  13. Can anyone post pics of the improvements w/the reissues vs. the original one? Thanks!
  14. I truly sympathize with you and the difficult situation you and the remaining people in that area are facing, but, help IS on the way in the form of the National Guard, Red Cross and Salvation Army. If you need funds, perhaps you could create a sale page for some items to generate funds? This honestly is not the correct venue to solicit donations. Thanks for understanding and good luck.
  15. Anyone got sample scans to share?
  16. any updates?
  17. Have these been reissued w/the problems corrected? Don't see many places selling them now.
  18. No harm in watching hentai either, provided you are of legal age and fully understand exactly what it is you are watching.
  19. Sure mainstream anime is aimed for the kids that is the target audience no surprise there. But that is not to say there aren't other animes mainstream or not, that cannot entertain adults and mature audiences. Besides I don't "shop" for anime at Walmart, Target or other family stores.
  20. Doesn't matter if someone is older or younger than you my friend, you are in good company w/people who appreciate anime and won't judge you b/c of it.
  21. I'm really warming up to the zero, looks very promising!
  22. All the fracking time and I continue to ignore these people who share so openly their unsolicited comments. Anime is not accepted anymoreso than comics into the mainstream culture as mature entertainment. I honestly doubt it ever will, people and society in general is too quick to judge. If I based my actions on the approval of others then I never would've studied film and majored in animation. *tsk shame shame cried onlookers* But if you enjoy anime, then shouldn't that be enough? Few of us watch for others approval and enjoyment, so why enable the comments of others to ruin something that is a relatively harmless hobby. I am assuming you watch and purchase anime and the memorabilia in moderation and within your budget. Bottomline, it is your time and money, spend it however you see fit and screw the noise those well intentioned fools make.
  23. I know what you mean, I'm eager to see more pics of the zero!
  24. Uhm, any updates about those pics? Especially the cels? Thanks!
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