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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Thanks EXO we needed our drugs removed.
  2. Yes the people who first signed on early for the Macross dvd set carried the burden of the costs for that... so others afterwards reaped the benefits. I know it was needed, but IMO it still stinks. If AnimEigo kept the prices reasonably close it'd be fair but it never happened. I don't know about other people but I certainly feel like I footed the bill for someone else. As for the four eps/disc instead of companies that STILL produce three/disc... those are companies I personally BOYCOTT! Three/disc WTF is wrong w/those companies?! Greedy corporate bastards, for tv series there definitely should be more than a measily three eps (more like five plus). For the OVAs like GunBuster that can fit on one bloody disc but aren't, the only reason why they aren't doing it is b/c they companies are greedy and gouging the buyers! Iczer-1 OVAs and Dangaioh OVAs all fit on one disc per title. Gee... wonder why?
  3. Anyone got the second the last to song from M2? It came right before the ending song Yakusoku and Ishtar is suppose to sing it. But, in the horrific English dub the singing was not the original Japanese dialogue so I have NO idea what the song sounds like. Some help, please? Thanks!
  4. Who ISN'T?!
  5. Hell yes it is! This is IMO the BEST MACROSS cd collection.
  6. Gawd I hope NOT! Most of us are poor enough as it is, I say hold off until 2006!
  7. Wow some of these are quite nice. How long did it take you guys to make these?
  8. Interesting, got some examples Solscud007?
  9. I completely agree the discs were EXPENSIVE and should've been double-layered. WTF can we do now, huh?
  10. Ditto! Besides I was one of the early people who paid A LOT for the set so it could be produced, for that price now I could get two fracking sets. So pass!
  11. This is such a good cd set everyone should buy it now if they don't have it already!
  12. Great pics, love the 1/55s and the JMs... more please!
  13. I know that BBP, this offer is for everyone else.
  14. Sidenote, for those who will want Mari to autograph something I've added near mint DYRL posters to the sale thread. Thanks!
  15. Back on topic, how many of you purchased the CM figure set? IMO it is pretty nice.
  16. Damn it is pitiful how Manga Entertainment royally FRACKED up the DANGAIOH OVA series! They butchered half of the footage and made the three OVAs into what they believed was the "ultimate transformer" movie! Bastards!
  17. I will second that, I can verify that from contacts in the industry. The question now is WHEN will we ever get the DAMN dvd released in the USA with the bloody science lessons?!!
  18. I'll still remain hopefully for the Hiky reissue.
  19. Great album! I hope you keep on adding more of the 1/48s and possibly the YF19 soon. Thanks again for sharing!
  20. Just would like to see some of the decals like the nosecone and others from the rear, Myss Molly etc. Anything else that you'd like to share'd be nice too. Thanks!
  21. Great pics and angles! Thanks for sharing! Btw, got anymore to share? Would love to see the Supers, LV, and YF19 and 21 too. Thanks!
  22. Cool, please attend. Can I add your name to the list?
  23. All I know is that its suppose to be, "...a special edition Toynami Robotech figure provided by YesAnime". What the figure is exactly of or of whom, I do not know. I will ask though and let you guys know what I discover.
  24. Btw for those of you that prereg'd you will be getting a free gift from YesAnime. PRE-REG FREE GIFT: JTAF 3 will be providing its pre-registrants with a special edition Toynami Robotech figure provided by YesAnime. There's still time left to pre-register and get a chance to obtain this one of a kind figure. Offer good while supplies last, Limit one per attendee.
  25. These are the MW people who will be attending: BoBe-Patt goldenboy_forever Fortress_Maximus eternal D EXO Solscud007 GDomino Mercurial Morpheus Otaku-Smeghead UN_Spacy Am I missing anyone? Pm and lmk so I can update the list.
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