Yes the people who first signed on early for the Macross dvd set carried the burden of the costs for that... so others afterwards reaped the benefits. I know it was needed, but IMO it still stinks. If AnimEigo kept the prices reasonably close it'd be fair but it never happened. I don't know about other people but I certainly feel like I footed the bill for someone else.
As for the four eps/disc instead of companies that STILL produce three/disc... those are companies I personally BOYCOTT! Three/disc WTF is wrong w/those companies?! Greedy corporate bastards, for tv series there definitely should be more than a measily three eps (more like five plus). For the OVAs like GunBuster that can fit on one bloody disc but aren't, the only reason why they aren't doing it is b/c they companies are greedy and gouging the buyers! Iczer-1 OVAs and Dangaioh OVAs all fit on one disc per title. Gee... wonder why?