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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Now if Viz would only get off their duffs and release a complete version of manga that includes the parts they stopped off at, it would be great.
  2. I was going to pick it up but damn it was pricy. I think I will search for a used one.
  3. Ummmmmmmmmm. Maybe b/c JTAF was VERY UNORGANIZED.......I'm glad I didn't pay any registration fee for something that should be free. 353592[/snapback] I respectfully disagree. JTAF was organized, with sufficient staff and resources. However, as I previously mentioned there were various factors beyond their control. Namely the foul weather, local hotels retracting promises, and the local merchants complaining and refusing to remotely compromise. Successfully making changes on the fly is not an easy task. Please understand this con took MANY months of preparation, research, time, effort and resources. While this specific con encountered its share of problems, generally IMO cons should not be free. When you pay for cons, not only are you are helping promote anime in general, you help increase recognition to the fanbase and local community. Fans meet the voice actor(s) and companies that create the animes we enjoy. Without cons the average fan has little to no opportunity to meet these types of people. Although I did not specific work as a staff member, I did work behind the scenes with management and I know the people who dedicated their time and efforts to this event. Despite all the work the con staff does it remains a thankless job even when things go well, so please, take a moment, reflect on this and try to empathize. Sadly, I must admit however, I was sorely disappointed in the dealers room and I apologize to all of you who were equally disappointed. I had no idea about the location of the room and/or the quality of the vendors. Lastly, hopefully the next JTAF will encounter less snags and have a few more contingency plans in place. For those of you who did manage to attend on SA, I wholeheartedly thank you, it was great meeting and spending time with you all.
  4. Oh a couple of factors some of which were completely beyond the con managements control, such as: 1) SF experiencing steady rain since the morning around 10:30am, as such even the opening ceremonies were rained out. Normally all major events are held in the Jtown Peace Plaza which is outdoors and can easily accomidate 200+ people. However due to the sudden change in the weather, EVERYTHING got turned upside down and inside. 2) Mari and the all other live performances were suppose to be outside with plenty of space and where the sound system was originally all set up! Around 11:30am it was dismantled and after finally locating a temporary location within the mall, the crew set the sound system up. By the time testing and the first set of performances by Random Ninja Group were complete, there were more setbacks from the merchants. *Gawd!* 3) Mari appears, perky as a ray of sunsine and is ready to perform. But the con management learns something very disturbing. Basically many of the merchants in the mall complained about the noise generated from the first group and the blockage in foot traffic. The result as you can guess by now, Mari was prohibited from performing. 4) Thankfully Mari was incredibly patient and willing to met with fans. She signed autographs, took pictures with fans and sold her cds, calendars and other memorabilia. We didn't stay to the end, so we don't know what happened in the end.
  5. Yup Mari is still quite the cutie. Dean, done and YGPM!
  6. The schedule for SA and SU is up! http://jtaf.project760.com/schedule.html I imagine this what most you want to know: Registration at Peace Plaza (Saturday): 10:00am - 5:00pm Events at Peace Plaza Saturday: 12:00pm - 1:00pm : Opening Ceremonies 1:30pm - 3:00pm : Random Ninja Performance 3:00pm - 3:30pm : USA Musume Performance 3:30pm - 4:15pm : Akai Sky 4:30pm - 5:15pm : Mari Iijima Autograph Sessions at Peace Plaza (Saturday): 10:00am - 5:00pm Dealers Room (Saturday): 11:00am - 6:00pm
  7. Approx. 4pm. Don't know if she'll sign first or later. The actual schedule will answer our questions.
  8. I'm coordinating w/others off of the boards as well, so hopefully by 1pm expect a call from me.
  9. goldenboy_forever, so are you the contact person now instead of Otaku_Smeghead or Solscud007? Lmk I only plan on contacting one of them since I don't have a phone, will borrow tomorrow. Pm me details. Thanks! Btw, are you guys still attending? rnurmin yellowlightman duckie81 Baldrick GDomino Mercurial Morpheus IF SO, POST! Thanks!
  10. Yes it should qualify for the dealer's room, at least that is my understanding based on reading the site. Feel free to review it as the site is updated regularly. And remember if you have any specific questions, email them directly to the staff. They are busy but hopefully they will respond to you in a timely manner. Thank you.
  11. UPDATES! These are the dealers who will attend JTAF! YesAnime (www.yesanime.com) Tao Toys (www.taotoys.biz) Anime V (www.animev.com) Broccoli International USA (www.animegamersusa.com) Animeish (www.animeish.com) Japanimation.com (www.japanimation.com) Cartoon Passion (www.cartoonpassion.com) Digital Discs, LLC (www.animeaudio.com) J-Rock Connection (www.j-rock.info) Nikaku Japanese Arts (www.nikaku.com) Angry Guy Art Studios (www.agartstudios.com) Queen of Caps (www.queenofcaps.com) The Dealer's Room is Located at the Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC), located at 1840 Sutter Street next door to the Best Western Miyako Inn. Trust me it is very close, since Jtown is so small it's just a hop skip and a jump! Operating Hours are from 10:00AM to 6:00PM on Saturday and 10:00AM to 3:00PM on Sunday. Admission into the dealer's room is free to JTAF badgeholders. Non JTAF attendees will be charged a $10 admission fee for access to the Exhibit Hall only. Remember at-Con Registration Rates are as follows: Single Day (Saturday / Sunday ) $18 Weekend (Saturday & Sunday) $35 Dealer's Room Only (Single Day) $10 Lines will form earlier, so plan accordingly.
  12. DAAAAMMMN! That is amazing Kurt! How long did it take you from start to finish? Thanks for sharing! Great work!
  13. GOOD LORD! Geez, Kamiya Akira was there?! I missed more of the cool stuff and people! Although I met him already I simply cannot get enough of his KENSHIRO "AA-TA!" battle cries. That and his "MOKKORI!" glee as Saeba Ryo. And who could forget his role as the badass Ashram from Lodoss Wars OVAs? I feel your pain SR! Drat, I also so desperately want to meet TSUKASA HOJO too! *sigh*
  14. Ditto! And BBP is right I was a bit lazy, but I completely forgot about it b/c I was working overseas at the time.
  15. Sadly it's too late for the pre-reg tix had to be postmarked by 11/30th. You can do the sameday one, I will do the same. Opening ceremonies is at 11:30am. I recommend getting parked and on the streets of Jtown by 10am and line up to buy tix(s) and get programming info, but that's just moi.
  16. I don't have official confirmation on this but generally she does sign for free. I don't know when and where she will be doing this. Typically people buy her cd which she will be promoting herself. But I don't foresee her refusing signing other items. If you have any questions or wish to verify this, you can email them at: jtaf@project760.com , hopefully they will be answered in time. I am sure the staff is swamped making preparations.
  17. Double confirmed she'll attend... see her official English site. http://www.marimusic.com/index2.html She will be promoting her cd as well, so pick one up if you can. Oh and here are some older pics of her during the production days of Macross. Ah the memories. http://www.marimusic.com/path2.htm
  18. Nice! And DB, try it sometime... you might get caught up in the moment and finish it!
  19. Guys I just learned Mari is scheduled to appear only on SA. Concert is at 4pm. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you.
  20. Cool BBP! I haven't gotten confirmation on mine, drat.
  21. Yeah right. Bring back a limited release? I would be pissed since I own 10 of those babies. 351151[/snapback] I know what you mean, even though I don't own 10 I can relate. IMO limited release means just that, once the company sells out that's it.
  22. I haven't the faintest idea when the guys are going. I just compiled a list of who is going but not sure what day(s) or time(s). Best if they could post something.
  23. This is the at CON prices: Single Day (Saturday / Sunday ) $18 Weekend (Saturday & Sunday) $35 Dealer's Room Only (Single Day) $10 Artist Alley (additional) $25
  24. So puuurty! Kind of makes you want to go on a shopping spree.
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