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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Yup that Jetfire head is pretty goofy! Do you know how many were made?
  2. Nice pics, but we really should try to keep these all in the existing GBP thread. Thanks for sharing! Looks great.
  3. Hm, the more I study the character designs they look rather bland. I am sure the series is interesting and can captivate audiences, but I for one am getting sick of the overused cookie cutter character designs. Too many series lack good character designs that were showcased in the 80s and 90s animes. Pity, all for the sake of efficiency I suppose. In any event, I will check out this anime since you recommend it so much.
  4. TwinMoons still had some a last I check. You can find a link to their url in kensei's sig or google it. Also there are bound to be some users here that have some post which ones you need, how many and your prices. Good luck!
  5. Anyone picking up the newest Gainax Noriko CM? http://www.toy-wave.com/php/detail.php?id=6689&table=88 And while we are at it, who has the older one w/the trio?
  6. The original first printings of the Turner issues aren't worth much nowadays. Sadly the demand is well, dead. Trades killed the demand too, that and Turners departure. I too have all of those issues, wish he'd return to revamp it but oh well. As for the GONZO anime version any updates to share?
  7. Who did the character designs? I am on the fence about these designs which are becoming the norm.
  8. I tend to agree. Not all storytelling, especially ones that are character driven need to handhold and/or tie up plots neatly. This practice is used much more in Western films and storytelling than in Asia. Granted not all foreign stories are created to make you think or inspire, but many are not straightforward as Western audiences are accustomed to. In fact many animes and films in general leave the viewer wondering what happens/possibilities, not everything is resolved neatly. Also this is a very Japanese practice in storytelling, one of the best mangakas Takahashi Rumiko is an excellent example. Her classic and well loved works ranging from Urusei Yatsura, Ranma, One Pound Gospel, Mermaid Saga/Forest etc, all do not neatly close the series and/or the character interactions. The Urusei Yatsura films in particular are excellent examples of this form of storytelling and I would dare say, UY set many standards for many anime practices even to this day.
  9. Quick, kill it before it breeds!
  10. Looks GREAT! Wow, can we see more pics other angles please?! Thanks! Btw, what scale was this model?
  11. Nice work! How long did it take to complete this project?
  12. Great tips and pics! Thanks for sharing.
  13. Care to share the uber photoshop methods you used? Thanks! Oh and I like the pics! That model looks so nice, no wonder I still need one! Anyone got one?
  14. Yippie!!
  15. Sweet! Can we hope for more pics Graham?
  16. Got a confirmed dealer list yet?
  17. Can you post a pic?
  18. Damn! Cleavage!!!
  19. Post all suggestions, comments, and of course grievances into this thread. http://jtaf.anime-garden.com/forums/viewto...?t=413&start=15 Thanks.
  20. I agree! I miss the old 1/55 artwork, thats actually what got me into the toys to begin with! For anyone who has seen the actual 1/48 GBP box, is it as thick as a 1/48 CF box? Comparisons please! Thanks. I need to know how much space I need to clear out.
  21. Just wear gloves when you handle it.
  22. :lol: Didn't we see one of those in some unofficial pics awhile back? Or was that just a fanmade version?
  23. http://www.panicstruckpro.com/revelations/revelations.html
  24. YGPM! And keep up the good work, it will pay off!
  25. Those are nice, man some must've been hard to make.
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