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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Do we have a set date? No rush, just need to know to make plans and see if I can get away from work. Thanks.
  2. Still so purrty.
  3. Looking good! Can't wait to see more.
  4. EXO and the funnies!
  5. No one need I just need to know who the competition is and whether or not the heavy hitters will appear. That particular couple is difficult to deal with and I've had my dealings with them in the past. I won't id them publicly but suffice to say they say they have abc series if you express interest and they seem all nicely when they talk to you. But when you remind them via email to send scans they never do it, or worse they only send you some low end ones when they claimed they have high end ones. Damn used car salesmen.
  6. Happy New Years peeps!
  7. Either that or some angry woman chopped something in his sleep and threw it out of a moving vehicle!
  8. How much are these going for? Thanks.
  9. Yeah I liked the noir feel but I was disappointed with the plot and character development. Also the fight scenes, IMO should've been more vicious and brutal. Some scenes just looked too, well pretty.
  10. Ditto. Is Nick onboard with this one or is this going to be a separate event?
  11. Nice pics! Can't wait to see the stickered version!
  12. Any updates?
  13. Btw, ghiblione also wanted these stands and he posted in the WANTED section and managed to get some potential leads. CHeck out that thread!
  14. No you dope! The custom valks you showed! Thanks.
  15. Man I am surprised they actually made those. Eww.
  16. Yup still waiting for the rendered version, looks nice so far.
  17. Sounds straightforward enough, will try soon and let you know.
  18. Here is a review of the SV in case people don't know about it. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~uw7g-bwr/sfc/macross/macross.htm
  19. Whoah! More great pics! Thanks for sharing.
  20. I need to spend more time reading this thread from the beginning. Anyone discuss how some fighters that can launch from subs underwater yet? I have a video somewhere, let me dig it up, will post later.
  21. GREAT PICS! Thanks for sharing. Guys if you need translating, try Babelfish and some of the other ones that allow you to do it for free. I wish Mikimoto would return to CA! Drat.
  22. Thanks for the tips Neova and Haterist! I have to try this on my crappier valks first.
  23. Looking forward to more!
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