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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. I second that!
  2. Oh yeah, like BBP stated, "... if it was at an affordable price"; cannot forget how important THAT is. Again, nice job... hope to see it finished soon.
  3. He is such a crowd pleaser, despite the fact none of us asked him to share that type of pic!
  4. It looks ok but for $10 too much!
  5. Yup definitely nice! If I recall correctly last year on the Seibertron boards there were images of the possibly BT/Alt BB it looked quite similar to what you have. As for the newer molds I honestly prefer the older RID ones, especially for Prime, Magnus, Scourge and the three Autobot bros. For the Alts/BTs asides from Tracks/Battle Ravage, Grimy/Wjack and Shocky I can't say I love the molds... especially for Prime. Eventhough others think it is great, IMO it's still such a pity they are restricted to making molds based strictly on licensed vehicles.
  6. Perhaps but is she as admirable and adorable as Noriko?
  7. Ok guys for those of you who've seen the complete tv series read on... everyone else seeking to avoid spoilers stop here. Anyways, I got some questions bouncing in my head for sometime now. First, in the final episode Al uses the Philosopher's Stone and resurrects the near death Ed AND restores his entire body. Ok, cool as I understand it he is able to do so BECAUSE he possesses the stone, correct? Since he WAS the stone did it actually require the entire amount to do the deed? Second, after Ed awakens and see Rozu and is congratulated by her, he realizes Al is gone. This is what stumps me, although both Al and Ed are smart enough work the seven seal/circle thingies, when Ed finally does it he does NOT possess the Philosopher's Stone... how is able to resurrect Al without his body mind you AND restore the soul AND erase Al's memories AND reverse his age ALL WITHOUT the stone? Third, why didn't Ed die? Surely Ed didn't think he'd survive the process that is why he even asked his father in the final episode, how was it possible he survived. Sure he made it to the other side of the gate, but according to his father Ed exchanged his life experiences in the process. I am not sure I buy that since the father did not believe in "toku teaku (sp)", but Ed did. As such, was there a compromise in this situation in what really happened? Fifth, in the film can Wrath still do alchemy? Does this loose end get resolved? Thoughts? Thanks.
  8. Amazon sells them, the originals usually range for $80.
  9. Is that his real hair?! Man the hairspray!
  10. Is SDCC the San Diego Comic Con? If so, when is that? Thanks!
  11. Do we already have a set date? Just wondering. Thanks.
  12. Either a damn rich one or poor one and envied by many.
  13. Last I checked the site said it was down, but I wonder if it'll ever return I really enjoyed viewing those purrty pics.
  14. Care to post a wall of pics?
  15. Nope, I'll get it later from some friends. Have you? Thoughts?
  16. Exactly I did that with some of the 1/55s and most are still white.
  17. EXO thanks for the pic! As weird as this sounds, that is a beautiful wall of valks! I wonder how many rows deep each shelf is though. As for the value today, sure it use to be worth more but if he bought them at cost or less, he'd still make a nice mint off of them IF he ever sold them. Mechamaniac you mentioned there was an even larger collection , got pics?
  18. Well I just did a marathon view of FMA and I still enjoy it. But I still want to read the manga since it typically tends to flesh out the characters more. This is one anime I must say that the plot, character development and overall theme IMO pushed the anime genre further. IMO it is a pity they cannot get better English dubs made for these.
  19. This is a cool idea, someone had a shelf of Alphas that they posted but not the 1/55s or 1/48s. Interesting!
  20. Hell, even without THOSE legs I still would choose Minmei first and then Misa next.
  21. Oh you know you love getting another one! Its just your wallet that hates you for it!
  22. Just ordered mine. Better late than never.
  23. Again for those interested in these stands, please post in the WANTED section, others have managed to get some potential leads. Please check out THAT thread! Read this "Hi, I'm Looking For This Kind Of Display Stand" thread. Thanks.
  24. Very nice! Kawaii!
  25. Still enjoy looking at that fig! I am surprised the other one where Minmei is lying down was done as well. Another fan favorite.
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