Ok guys for those of you who've seen the complete tv series read on... everyone else seeking to avoid spoilers stop here.
Anyways, I got some questions bouncing in my head for sometime now.
First, in the final episode Al uses the Philosopher's Stone and resurrects the near death Ed AND restores his entire body. Ok, cool as I understand it he is able to do so BECAUSE he possesses the stone, correct? Since he WAS the stone did it actually require the entire amount to do the deed?
Second, after Ed awakens and see Rozu and is congratulated by her, he realizes Al is gone. This is what stumps me, although both Al and Ed are smart enough work the seven seal/circle thingies, when Ed finally does it he does NOT possess the Philosopher's Stone... how is able to resurrect Al without his body mind you AND restore the soul AND erase Al's memories AND reverse his age ALL WITHOUT the stone?
Third, why didn't Ed die? Surely Ed didn't think he'd survive the process that is why he even asked his father in the final episode, how was it possible he survived. Sure he made it to the other side of the gate, but according to his father Ed exchanged his life experiences in the process.
I am not sure I buy that since the father did not believe in "toku teaku (sp)", but Ed did. As such, was there a compromise in this situation in what really happened?
Fifth, in the film can Wrath still do alchemy? Does this loose end get resolved?
Thoughts? Thanks.