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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Too bad in Japan there are guys with hair like that.
  2. Depends on which collection you are referring to G. They'd probably appreciate the collection in your savings more.
  3. Someone got a pic?
  4. I remember seeing a pic in that thread it looked good IMO.
  5. Trying to do the same as KingNor and Godzilla with savings, but... the biggest holes in my income go to: 1. TAXES 2. Savings. Need to buy a house soon or fund moving to a place where money is worth more. 3. Savings for retirement. 4. Savings for health, insurance, long term disability 5. Food 6. Saving for a real vacation for at least one month! 7. Macross cels, gengas, posters 8. Other anime things: i.e. Studio Ghibli cels & GunBuster cels, gengas & figs 9. Real women
  6. Corporate cog working on avoiding lawsuits.
  7. Not if youz be using ebonics, bro. But seriously I am with 1/1 LowViz Lurker, hopefully the details won't diminish with the 1/60 scale. Is it going to be worth it? I am skeptical but I am also waiting. I hope it is worth getting b/c I do want one; I really like the design of the zero.
  8. You cannot fault people for being protective about their information. If you really want to get to know people try attending the MWCon.
  9. It is always so entertaining reading this thread.
  10. Why don't you just post it in the selling section and see what happens? Also do some research on ebay on the completed items, that should help give you an idea on what to price it at.
  11. The fact that there's so much Macross stuff available for fans like me makes me angry. 360300[/snapback] I am not angry, just my wallet that regularly cries out in pain.
  12. IMO yes I concur the price IS insulting. We all know Yamato is milking the corefan base... sadly, most of us accept it and just purchase the toys anyways. As such, one thing to consider is whether or not you have excess income/funds available now to spend on one 1/48 GBP. If you do AND you are willing to spend them, after researching which places offer the best deal, place your order. Will the GBP become expensive in the foreseeable future, possibly, but I would not base my decision to purchase it on this. IMO Yamato will certainly reissue this in the future, the question is when. I would recommend waiting if you do not have the funds available now. Good luck!
  13. Ain't that the truth. I kid you not, I used to literally dream about being able to buy Robotech (that's all I knew at the time) toys. I had a good sized amount of Transformers but I always wanted Robotech stuff. I beat the living crap out of my Jetfire toy since it was the closest thing I had... other transformers collected dust while Jetfire was used until both his arms fell off. Now I know a lot more and actually have access to the kind of toys I used to dream about being able to get... it's super sweet I just love toys... I try not to let the name on the box affect my opinion of what's inside. That's why I pay so much for my 1/48s... but I never pay retail for anything. 360146[/snapback] Dude you and I love toys, as do most people on MW! I wish I had a Jetfire growing up to beat the "living crap out of". Lucky you! And why would anyone WANT To pay retail? IMO it is nuts!
  14. Good gawd men, stop this madness!!! Too many funnays!
  15. That site VH looks great! Gives me some mean ideas! Some of the pages don't work though. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Cannot speak for others but I certainly am "compensating for [my]deprived childhood"!
  17. When I am MW time has no meaning. Seriously though the clock is off for me as well.
  18. Interesting... this is what Yamato needs a machine that will allow us to custom create the paintjob for the 1/48 or 1/55 we purchase! In our dreams...
  19. Looking good! Are you going to try to do transformation sequences?
  20. Hey now... if the online store ships internationally, we still might be interested right?
  21. I agree w/jenius about the price increases, not that I think it is a good thing for buyers like us but that is one of the realities of currency. As for 1/1 LowViz Lurker, dude just a friendly suggestion, please learn to write concise lucid statements. I realize you want to share until it hurts, but, your posts contain excessive verbiage. It is no wonder some people do not even bother reading your posts.
  22. I would disagree with the statement, "...I believe since they can afford to 'take thier time' due to lack of competition" mainly b/c this series is not getting any popular as time progresses. Reducing the pricing point from the beginning is a much more effective way of enticing ALL potentially interested buyers. However, since I for one am not privvy to the production and investment costs needed for the 1/48s and/or the 1/60s, I cannot state with certainty that Yamato could actually afford to do this. In the end, regardless of the marketing strategy they use... we either buy it or wait and possibly pay the price in the secondary market.
  23. Is a 1/60 larger than a 1/48?
  24. I agree about the questionable price for the new zero, I don't even have it yet and I feel like Yamato is gouging me already. And why wasn't it made in the 1/48 scale anyways? Cheap valks from zero, in both of our dreams. Back on topic though, I agree with Graham and many others Yamato has a monopoly on this niche toy. I don't care what others call it, IT IS damn impressive TOY. It's like calling comics graphic novels... pfff... it IS a comic, accept it. As such, yes we are all paying for toys and when others see it it is only natural that they question our how shall we put this, sanity. Are the Yamato 1/48s and 1/60s worth it? IMO that is ENTIRELY subjective and the 'worth' is in the eyes of the beholder. No collectors that I know outside of the Macross community think these toys are remotely worth it. The same is said however about production cels and bear in mind, the average price of a high end cel is $700+ and there is no end to the people who will pay a premium for Ghibli cels which easily exceed $3K! Those people are nuts, right? Or are they? Public opinion would say we are equally nuts. So... it just boils down to one thing, "is the price that YOU are paying for YOUR toys worthwhile to YOU?" IMO anyone elses opinions regarding this should not mean poo. If you are seeking validation from others some of whom will consist of the average public, YOU WILL NOT GET IT. For the average 1/48 collector they have anywhere from six to twelve of these, not counting the FPs and GBPs. Do the math and even using conservative pricing the average collector has spent around $780 preshipping. Realistically most of us have spent well over the 1.5K mark for these. That IS quite a few shares of stocks and a crapload of lowerend toys and electronic gadgets. Will Yamato reduce the prices, I somehow doubt it. They are milking the fans for all they are worth and most despite the protests and moaning, we will continue to support them. Personally I do however have a price point where I will simply stop and Yamato is rapidly approaching it. A word of advice to Yamato, do not milk the cows that feed you to death!
  25. 1/1 LowViz Lurker, are you addressing your last comments to a Yamato rep?
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