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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Simple questions, why hasn't Yamato made a 1/48 Ostrich and Elintseeker?
  2. Most of the time, I try not to get involved in the personality glitches that happen on this board. But I certainly don't see the admin or moderator stripes on your account that gives you the pull to tell me how to voice my opinion. That just means you are a regular guy here just like me. And all you can do if I don't turn off my TV is bang your keyboard a little harder, play with your nipple hair and lactate a little more. And I definitely don't tell strangers on the Internet what they 'should' or 'should not' do. I'm admittedly blunt and coarse, but even I'm not that arrogant. I'm definitely don't have the plus sized ego to speak for all of 'us'. 360527[/snapback] DH I completely agree with you on this and your comments about the need for fast and furious action once in awhile in the series. Personally some of the characters are grating on my nerves and their actions are boardering on the absurd. Rosalyn, what a nutjob.
  3. WTF is that thing on the plane?
  4. That Hummer Megs custom looks nice!
  5. We need more pics in this thread.
  6. Definitely did not enjoy: Kung Foo Dandy - sick of Kaifun and his antimilitary agenda Global Report - damn recaps Virgin Road - craptacular animation and I honestly could care less about them getting married. Phantasm - honestly I didn't dislike as much as others possibly b/c Hikaru had was becoming aware subconsciously of Misa.
  7. Wondering how developed the story and characters are. Hm, not loving the character designs at all.
  8. Of course it didn't look too bad, but its looks kind of bad when you have 5 minutes of superior animation followed by 15 minutes of 20 year old animation lol 298829[/snapback] Actually, I prefer the original character designs and animation. The newer films might be cleaner but the characters lack the attention to details the originals had.
  9. I do agree about the need for a 1/48 VT1 two seater, ah it would be so nice! Would be nice to get an Elint Seeker or Ostrich too!
  10. We already have a lengthy thread about this that Kevin posted himself.
  11. G has his cake and eats it too!
  12. Agreed, just get the CPM dvds. Is there a particular reason why you want to get the English dubbed version? The first movie IMO was the best.
  13. And which agency might that be hmmm...?
  14. AMEN!!!! I could not agree more!
  15. I am just about ready to give up on the entire Alt/BT series. Does anyone else feel the same?
  16. so... what are you going to do with 88 1/48 scale Valks? you should make a stop motion movie or something. you could have bought a new car with that money. 361005[/snapback] Partial down payment on a house once combined with savings is more like it! But a stop motion short of the 1/48s would be awesome!
  17. IIRC, there are 2 tanks and each holds 150 gallons. Back then gas was about $1.25 and I was paying over $300 to fill up. So you figure its double that now, so about $600 a fill up. OUCH! 360986[/snapback] In fracking sane! I enjoy Prime as much as the next TF nut but, the cost of operating it alone, would deter me from ever seriously buying a that truck.
  18. Beejezzuz!
  19. Can you imagine the horror paying for the gas and parking for that thing?!
  20. Indeed. But you don't need to go that far you already have yourself a beauty, right?
  21. Totally agree! Ugh, those musicals really grate the nerves.
  22. I completely agree, so... utterly sick of these recolors.
  23. Too damn funnay!
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