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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. Perhaps you can ask the artists permission who have art already posted on MW? Also ask EXO he did some art awhile back.
  2. Phren, I like the one w/o the template. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Time to sell one peeps if you got them!
  4. This sounds promising, looking forward to the pics.
  5. Byebye world. I thought it was sort of like a mind meld. Sara was in there, but her mind was mixed in with the guardian's. Hence, something that would've seemed abhorent and perhaps even evil to Sara(not necessarily evil, since they WERE violent muderous technophiles) was perfectly rational to GuardianSara, as the Guardian was strongly of the opinion that if we'd made it that far and were still shooting the crap out of each other then we needed to be blasted back to the stone age to try again. As I see it, the MacZero guardian was a lot like the tower in the NES game Crystalis(a game I strongly recommend playing). It was an artifact from a civilzation that was destroyed by warfare, and programmed by it's creators to make sure the new society doesn't go down teh same route by brute-forcing any screw-ups out of existence before they can kill everyone, and essentially rebooting the civilization for another chance. And like the tower, it had a safety mechanism built-in because a human involved in the decision could over-ride the initial activation and shut it down(the activator in MacZero, the artifact's creators in Crystalis). 359193[/snapback] That makes sense about the guardian artifact and how it was programmed to mindmeld with the priestress. I suppose that is why the guardian asked Sara if mankind has stopped all wars. This makes much more sense now.
  6. Pretty interesting. I wonder if we will ever see these licensed for sale in the USA. One can hope.
  7. Blaine23, I like the way you think my friend!
  8. Dude, I completely agree with you! But I am hoping... b/c before I really appreciated those two models I too could care less! Anyone else want to take a stab at it?
  9. KITE a movie? IMO it better be a XXX rated film b/c that is what made KITE great. Hey it IS hentai, dark and filled with loss get over it Hollywood and come up with something new! Also IMO toning it down just makes its dull. Yawns, I definitely will be passing on this one the uncensored anime is so much better.
  10. Interesting, does anyone have more pics? Also were stills of the video game in the Complete GB bk?
  11. That guy has some wicked skills! Thanks for sharing!
  12. I'll save you time -- the full version was unreleased. The mp3 everyone is talking about was created by capturing the audio of the FB2012 DVD version. 363602[/snapback] Thanks for clarifying.
  13. The crooked skulls don't increase the value of the 1/48 to my knowledge, but, as a collector I too wouldn't want a product w/qc issues either. Glad I am picking another one up just in case!
  14. Absolutely lovely! Thanks for sharing the pics!
  15. Really? Hm, I must recheck my cds then.
  16. LOL...........poor 1/1 Lowviz Lurker, does anybody actually read all the way through his super-long posts Graham 363220[/snapback] I tried to in the past, but he just does not keep his comments to the point. No offense, some are insightful but far too time consuming to read. dafunguy, thanks for the summary.
  17. This thread needs to be locked, please.
  18. Can't speak for others but I obtained mine when I purchased the actual cds, i.e. Macross Complete Collection. You should consider doing the same instead of getting some crappy download.
  19. BASTARDS! So does this happen often?
  20. Damn hate the flash site, what a pain! As for the character designs pretty nice, but the seriyuus are missing Kamiya Akira!!! WTF??!! Just not the same, the replacement (Mr. Former Kujuku) lacks the pitch IMO. Seems like the same old story with Raoh, Toki, and Nanto fighters. Hm, wondering why they didn't bother to do the FIST OF THE BLUE SKY instead.
  21. Well that is a good deal pity I don't like the series.
  22. that would be nice along with the ELintseeker and Ostrich!
  23. I vote for Roy's drunken fist! Great pics! Can the valks go any kicking poses w/the GBP?
  24. You got a good situation there S, better than most I'd say.
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