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Everything posted by Fortress_Maximus

  1. But sadly at R2 prices as well, it seems. I get the feeling they aren't going to last if they don't get a clue about the US market really quick. 365035[/snapback] I'll pay the price for a top line Gunbuster DVD release. Its easily my favorite anime. 365038[/snapback] Ditto!
  2. That is pretty well said IMO 365712[/snapback] Hikaru can't girls because that's how the writers portrayed him....As for Scott Baio/Charles in Charge, at least he got to spank Pamela Anderson when she was a fresh young thing... 365760[/snapback] Baio porked Pam? Serious? Whoah! Way to go Scotty!
  3. IMO Hikaru was not pathetic, he just wasn't experienced as Roy and he certainly lacked the confidence. But in spite of these shortcomings, he was an average teen who was forced to quickly mature into an adult. I honestly doubt any one of us would have done any different or better than he if we were in his situation with either Minmay or Misa. More importantly as we all know, Minmay was his first true female love, second only to his love for flying. Think back to all the boneheaded things we all did when we were young just in the pursuit for love. Ah the memories... When you view Hikaru in a balanced perspective, he really was not pathetic or a wuss. Just my two cents.
  4. Good point! Anyone here know about the manufacturing processes? And which of the molds were used and/or whether or not they can degrade?
  5. Might take you up on that info, but IMO for the amount we pay, we the consumer should not have to FIX a damn thing. Am I the only one who feels this way?
  6. But the VF1S Hiky's aren't so perhaps the molds can and do degrade?
  7. OUCH so much for a reissue then. Damn.
  8. Someone brought up an interesting thought... when can the molds start to show signs of degrading?
  9. Agreed. Aw man that is a nasty thought. Nasty nasty thought! Bleugh! 365490[/snapback] And that is why the excessively weird and/or boarderline unbelievable live action hentai are better off animated! Not everything has to be live action. Though I wouldn't mind it for Shalon and Mews scenes!
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Man Yamato is just getting fracking LAZY! They are not even bothering to make an effort to fix the well known problems! IMO incredibly LAME! When things like this continue to happen I don't blame people for feeling like they are getting squeezed.
  11. I will wait for confirmed pics, I am not loving the recent Alts most are meh. Megs IMO should be a Hummer. Sigh and I use to love TFs, damn the limits for using only licensed molds!
  12. I am hoping for this too! Still waiting after all these years since it first came out on vhs and ld!
  13. Excellent! DOWN WITH MANGA ENTERTAINMENT! Those butchering BASTARDS! Although I have the Patlabor movie dvds I am happy they gotten another great title taken away from them! Here is hoping Ninja Scroll, GITS and M+ will follow suit VERY shortly!
  14. Any updates on this? I pm'd you about this a few months ago.
  15. Hm, that might work but why can't they just reissue the 1/55s? Are the molds broken?
  16. Since it was brought up, what ARE the production runs when Yamato reissues the 1/48s? I.e. Roy reissue#5? FPs, VF1A Hiky, upcoming Hiky VF1S? etc.
  17. Looking good, looking forward to the finalized pics w/colors. Thanks Graham!
  18. What makes you think they sold out? 364686[/snapback] I don't know about the 1/48s but some orders on the FPs were reduced to suppliers. So I would take that as support for the FPs selling out. 364828[/snapback] Hm, still not remotely convinced that suppliers sold out of their previous supply of the reissued Roy. Not that it matters, but it would be nice if Yamato did lower the price for this.
  19. Got an 1/55s Elints or Ostrichs? How about JMs?
  20. Excellent work!
  21. What makes you think they sold out?
  22. Iam totally fine with depictions of graphic sex with girls who are "drawn" and appear physically mature but are in fact underage. :eyerolling: However this does not mean I wish to see children who cannot even physically pass upon visual inspection as adults in adult situations. You are using extremes instead of seeing things in perspective. Perhaps I am fortunate b/c I can remember that animes such as KITE and MEZZO are not real. Dude learn to distinguish reality (living beings) from animation! Just b/c someone is not against the graphic and abuse situations depicted in anime does NOT mean the individual supports the same in reality to living humans. Sheesh.
  23. Ditto. Since they are reissuing this one yet again, I am surprised they do not reduce the price slightly. As E_D stated, did they even sell all of the last reissues?
  24. Not to sound like a jerk but those rape scenes aren't that disturbing... KITE is merely animated and not live action. IMO it helps to keep that in mind if and when you decide to watch any hentai.
  25. Pretty much. And the Canadians would hate it because it would be like child porn for them. 363969[/snapback] You probably haven't watched La Blue Girl live action. And i kid u not that it exists. 364012[/snapback] It exists and so does so many other LA hentai animes, problem is they aren't as good as the animes IMO and that isn't saying much.
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